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Created January 12, 2018 10:08
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Komodo 10.2 Getting Started File
"keyboard_shortcut": "",
"trigger_enabled": "0",
"name": "Getting Started",
"trigger": "",
"value": [
"# Sample content, edit, delete, do whatever you like",
"Description: An introduction to Komodo IDE",
"Author: ActiveState",
"Version: 1.0",
"# Placement can be floating or docked",
"Placement: docked",
" panels:",
" Element: \"#workspace-toolbaritem1\"",
" Message: Toggle panels using the panel buttons.",
" focusMode:",
" Element: \"#sdk_button_toggleLeftPanetoggleFocusMode\"",
" Message: Press the Eye icon to enter focus mode.",
" sideToolbar:",
" Element: \"#toolbox_side\"",
" Message: \"This is the Komodo side toolbar, you can toggle it by right clicking it and hitting 'Customize'.\"",
" Fail: \"Enable the side toolbar using View > Toolbars > Show Side Toolbar\"",
" mainToolbar:",
" Element: \"#main-toolboxrow-wrapper\"",
" Message: \"This is the Komodo main toolbar, you can toggle it by right clicking it and hitting 'Show Toolbars'.\"",
" Fail: \"Enable the main toolbar using View > Toolbars > Show Toolbars\"",
" placesWidget:",
" Element: \"#placesViewbox\"",
" Message: This is the Places widget.",
" openfilesWidget:",
" Element: \"#openfilesViewbox\"",
" Message: This is the Open Files widget.",
" toolboxWidget:",
" Element: \"#toolbox2viewbox\"",
" Message: This is the Toolbox widget.",
" menuButton:",
" Element: \"#unifiedMenuButton\"",
" Message: This is the Menu button.",
" Fail: \"Enable the main toolbar using View > Toolbars > Show Toolbars\"",
" newFileButton:",
" Element: \"#newButton\"",
" Message: This is the New File button.",
" Fail: \"Enable the New File button via View > Toolbars > Customize ..\"",
" saveFileButton:",
" Element: \"#saveButton\"",
" Message: This is the Save File button.",
" Fail: \"Enable the Save File button via View > Toolbars > Customize ..\"",
" gotoAnything:",
" Element: \"#notification-widget\"",
" Message: This is the Go to Anything tool.",
" Fail: \"Enable the Notification Box via View > Toolbars > Customize ..\"",
"Steps: ",
" -",
" Title: Introduction",
" Summary: >",
" This tutorial is an introduction to the Komodo user interface. Its",
" purpose is to quickly get you comfortable using Komodo's",
" menus, tools, and functionality.",
" ",
" After finishing this tutorial you will know how to:",
" ",
" * Find your way around Komodo",
" * Customize Komodo",
" * Open files and projects",
" * Launch tools",
" ",
" Task: >",
" 1. Ensure the [main toolbar][callout:mainToolbar] is enabled. You can enable it by selecting `View > Toolbars > Show Toolbars`.",
" 2. Ensure the [side toolbar][callout:sideToolbar] is enabled. You can enable it by selecting `View > Toolbars > Show Side Toolbar`.",
" Validate: validateEnableToolbars",
" ",
" Tips:",
" - The menu can be accessed by clicking the burger icon at the top right, or by pressing ALT.",
" -",
" Title: The Toolbar",
" Summary: >",
" Komodo's [main toolbar][callout:mainToolbar] enables quick access to",
" your most commonly used actions. Komodo keeps this area clean and simple.",
" You can easily enable and disable any of the default",
" toolbar buttons, or add custom buttons to the toolbar to suit your workflow. ",
" You will learn how to customize the toolbar later in this tutorial.",
" ",
" An important part of the toolbar for new users is the set of icons for toggling panels:",
" ",
" ![element:#workspace-toolbaritem1]",
" ",
" These icons allow you to quickly show or hide Komodo's side and bottom panes. These panes hold widgets",
" that can be moved around or combined.",
" Task: >",
" Try [toggling Komodo's panels][callout:panels] and note the different \"widgets\"",
" available within these panels.",
" -",
" Title: Focus Mode",
" Summary: >",
" The [eye icon][callout:focusMode] displayed on the right side of the toolbar allows you",
" to toggle Komodo's \"focus mode\".",
" ",
" Focus mode hides all visible panels and lets you focus on your code. This is a very useful feature for times",
" when you want to focus your attention on one or two files without the distraction of having all of the Komodo",
" panels displayed.",
" Task: >",
" 1. Toggle focus mode by clicking the [eye icon][callout:focusMode].",
" 2. Untoggle focus mode either by clicking the [eye icon][callout:focusMode]",
" again, or by selecting `View > Toggle Focus Mode`. ",
" Tip:",
" - You can always access the Komodo menubar by pressing ALT.",
" -",
" Title: Customizing the Toolbar",
" Summary: >",
" You can customize the toolbar by right clicking it.",
" ",
" **NOTE** When you right click the toolbar you can also change show or hide",
" the toolbar, the side toolbar, or the editor tabs.",
" ",
" When you right click the toolbar and select \"Customize..\" Komodo will",
" enter toolbar customization mode.",
" ",
" In this mode you can toggle buttons, tweak tab appearances, and access",
" various other preferences that allow you to customize Komodo's toolbars.",
" ",
" You can also move \"widgets\" by dragging them to other panels",
" or by combining them with other widgets.",
" Task: >",
" 1. Enter [Customization Mode][callback:customizationMode] by right",
" clicking the toolbar and selecting \"Customize..\".",
" 2. Change the settings to suit your preferences.",
" 3. Try combining the <i class=\"icon icon-file\"></i>&nbsp;**[Open Files widget][callback:focusOpenfiles]**",
" with the <i class=\"icon icon-folder-open\"></i>&nbsp;**[Places widget][callback:focusPlaces]** by",
" dragging it on top.",
" 4. When you are done, click \"Done\" at the bottom of the customization view.",
" Tips:",
" - You can move widgets around by dragging their tab, or by right clicking the tab.",
" - If you get stuck in Focus mode you can return to regular mode by selecting View > Focus Mode.",
" - You can access the Komodo menubar by pressing ALT.",
" -",
" Title: Changing Preferences",
" Summary: >",
" Komodo has a large selection of preferences that you can tweak to your",
" liking. Many of these preferences are contextual and \"baked in\" to",
" the user experience. But you can also access them via the Preferences",
" window.",
" Task: >",
" <% if (require(\"sdk/system\").platform == \"darwin\") { %>",
" Open Komodo's Preferences window by selecting **Komodo > Preferences** in your menubar.",
" <% } else { %>",
" Open Komodo's Preferences window by clicking the",
" <i class=\"icon icon-bars\"></i>&nbsp;**[Menu button][callout:menuButton]**,",
" then selecting **Edit > Preferences**.",
" <% } %>",
" Tips:",
" - If you are using the default keybindings you can also access your Preferences by pressing `Ctrl + ,` (`Cmd + ,` on OS X)",
" Validate: validatePrefsOpen",
" -",
" Title: Changing Preferences",
" Summary: >",
" Komodo has a large number of preferences you can configure. Komodo",
" tries to use sensible defaults that work for most users, but you may",
" want to make changes to match your individual preferences.",
" Many of the options are covered in Komodo's startup",
" wizard, but if you want to customize more settings you can",
" explore the options in the **Preferences** dialog box by choosing a category or by",
" searching for a term in the search box.",
" ",
" In particular, you may want to look at the Appearance category,",
" which lets you personalize Komodo's appearance.",
" ",
" Task: >",
" 1. Navigate to the \"Appearance\" category.",
" 2. Modify the Appearance preferences to suit your preferences.",
" 3. Click OK to save your changes.",
" Validate: validatePrefsClosed",
" Tips:",
" - The Appearance category is at the top of the list on the left side of the Preferences dialog box.",
" -",
" Title: Creating a Project",
" Summary: >",
" A Project gives Komodo \"context\". It tells Komodo where to start",
" looking for contextual cues and where to stop. In other editors and IDEs",
" this is often referred to as a \"Workspace\".",
" ",
" To start a new Project, find the Project section in your",
" <i class=\"icon icon-folder-open\"></i>&nbsp;**[Places widget][callback:focusPlaces]**.",
" By default this is located in the panel on left side.",
" ",
" ![element:#placesSubpanelSplitter,chrome://komodo-places/content/places_panel.xul]",
" ",
" **Note** You can expand or collapse the Projects section by double clicking the",
" title or by dragging the title border to resize it.",
" ",
" Task: >",
" 1. Click the <i class=\"icon icon-cog\"></i>&nbsp;**Cog button** in the Projects section.",
" 2. Select **New Project**.",
" 3. Save the project file in the directory where you want to save your project files.",
" Tips:",
" - You can create a project either in an empty directory or in an existing directory. Komodo does not alter your files and will use them as the source files for your project.",
" - You can save the project file in one directory and then point to different directory for the source files. We will cover this option in the next step.",
" Validate: validateHasProject",
" -",
" Title: Configuring your Project",
" Summary: >",
" Once you have created a project you can then configure it by customizing the project preferences.",
" ",
" You can expand or collapse the Projects section by double clicking the section title.",
" ",
" Task: >",
" 1. Click the <i class=\"icon icon-cog\"></i>&nbsp;**Cog button** in the Projects section and select **Project Preferences**.",
" 1. If your source files are located elsewhere on your system, change the **Project base directory** to the correct location.",
" 1. Explore the available categories.",
" 1. Click OK to save your changes.",
" ",
" **NOTE** You can also access the project preferences by selecting ",
" <% if (require(\"sdk/system\").platform == \"darwin\") { %>",
" **Project > Project Preferences** from the menubar.",
" <% } else { %>",
" the <i class=\"icon icon-bars\"></i>&nbsp;**[Menu button][callout:menuButton]**",
" and then clicking **Project Preferences**, or by pressing ALT and then selecting **Project > Project Preferences**.",
" <% } %>",
" Tips:",
" - Preferences that are modified at the Project level override the global preferences for files in the project.",
" -",
" Title: Creating Files",
" Summary: >",
" You can quickly create a new, blank file, or you can select a template to base the new file on. Creating a file",
" from a template creates the required file format for the language you are coding in. ",
" ",
" Task: >",
" 1. Create a new file:",
" - Create a new, blank file: <i class=\"icon icon-file-plus2\"></i>&nbsp;**[New File button][callout:newFileButton]**,",
" or use the keyboard shortcut `<%= require(\"sdk/system\").platform == \"darwin\" ? \"Cmd\" : \"Ctrl\" %>+N`.",
" - Create a new file from a template: Select the",
" <% if (require(\"sdk/system\").platform != \"darwin\") { %>",
" <i class=\"icon icon-bars\"></i>&nbsp;**[Menu button][callout:menuButton]**, then the ",
" <% } %> **File** menu and then select **New** and then **File from Template**.",
" 1. Save the new file using `<%= require(\"sdk/system\").platform == \"darwin\" ? \"Cmd\" : \"Ctrl\" %>+S`",
" or by using the <i class=\"icon icon-save\"></i>&nbsp;**[Save File button][callout:saveFileButton]**.",
" Tips:",
" - Komodo will automatically match your file with the appropriate language when you save it.",
" - You can manually change the language of a file by using the language dropdown in your statusbar.",
" Validate: validateFileOpen",
" -",
" Title: Opening files using Go to Anything",
" Summary: >",
" You can quickly open files by double clicking them in the <i class=\"icon icon-folder-open\"></i>&nbsp;**[Places widget][callback:focusPlaces]**.",
" ",
" You also have the option to use Komodo's **[Go to Anything][callout:gotoAnything]** tool (also known as Commando) to quickly",
" access your files using your keyboard.",
" ",
" ![element:#notification-widget]",
" ",
" The **[Go to Anything][callout:gotoAnything]** tool ",
" lets you navigate Komodo with your keyboard and quite literally \"go to anything\".",
" ",
" When you search using this tool Komodo searches all its available",
" \"scopes\". A scope defines what type of result you are searching for.",
" When you open the **[Go to Anything][callout:gotoAnything]** tool you",
" can either select a specific scope to search in, or just start typing",
" to search in all scopes.",
" ",
" Task: >",
" 1. Close any open files.",
" 2. Open **[Go to Anything][callout:gotoAnything]** by clicking it or by pressing",
" `<%= require(\"sdk/system\").platform == \"darwin\" ? \"Cmd\" : \"Ctrl\" %>+Shift+O`",
" (available when you use the default key bindings).",
" 3. Search for the file you created in the previous task.",
" 4. Press Enter to open the file.",
" Tips:",
" - Go to Anything (Commando) is easy to get started with, but it is a powerful tool with lots of advanced features.",
" - Try pressing the **right arrow key** when you have a file selected.",
" - You can search for files using partial non-sequential matches. For example `bar.txt foo` would match `/path/too/foo/bar.txt`.",
" Validate: validateFileOpen",
" -",
" Title: File Preferences",
" Summary: >",
" Komodo has three levels of preferences: Global, Project, and File.",
" File preferences override Project and Global preferences, and Project",
" preferences override Global preferences.",
" ",
" Sometimes you may want to customize preferences for a specific file",
" so that it has a different configuration than either the Global or",
" Project preferences. In these cases, you can customize the File preferences.",
" ",
" Task: >",
" 1. Open the preferences of for an open file by right clicking the",
" tab for the file and then selecting **File Preferences**.",
" 2. Explore the preferences that you can customize.",
" 3. Click OK when you are done.",
" Tips:",
" - Komodo supports .EditorConfig files, which you can use to customize your preferences without using the Preferences user interface, or to share your preferences with other Komodo users.",
" -",
" Title: Your Toolbox",
" Summary: >",
" Before you complete this tutorial and start using Komodo, you should be aware of ",
" the <i class=\"icon icon-briefcase\"></i>&nbsp;**[Komodo Toolbox][callback:focusToolbox]**. It is",
" located in the right side panel by default.",
" The Komodo Toolbox holds a large selection of custom tools that you can use",
" to support your workflow. Komodo is all about facilitating you to",
" use your workflow, rather than forcing you into its own workflow.",
" ",
" By default your toolbox includes sample tools, which",
" you can use to familiarize yourself with the capabilities feature. All of these tools can be modified",
" or deleted without affecting the core stability of Komodo (with the",
" notable exception of **Userscript**, which you can use to change Komodo's",
" logic or add new logic).",
" ",
" You can use the toolbox to create new toolbar buttons or menu items. ",
" Select the **New Custom Toolbar** menu item under the <i class=\"icon icon-cog\"></i>&nbsp;**Cog button** to access this functionality.",
" ",
" Task: >",
" Explore the <i class=\"icon icon-briefcase\"></i>&nbsp;**[Komodo Toolbox][callback:focusToolbox]**.",
" Tips:",
" - The Komodo toolbox is extremely versatile and this tutorial does not cover all of the features. See the Komodo documentation for more information.",
" - You can share tools you create in the packages section on <a href=\"javascript:topWindow.ko.browse.openUrlInDefaultBrowser('')\">the Komodo website</a>",
" Success: >",
" # Have fun!",
" ",
" That's all folks! Hopefully this tutorial taught you the basic knowledge you",
" need to get started with Komodo. Above all, Komodo prides itself in",
" providing a user experience that is easy to understand. If you",
" would still like to find out more, here are some more resources for",
" you to explore:",
" ",
" ## Tutorials",
" ",
" * [Commando (Go to Anything)]()",
" * [The Toolbox]()",
" * [Open Files Widget]()",
" * [Debugging]()",
" ",
" ## Documentation",
" ",
" * [Manual](",
" * [Troubleshooting](",
" * [SDK](",
" ",
" ## Support",
" ",
" * [Forums](",
" * [Bug Tracker](",
" * [Contact Us]("
"version": "1.1.5",
"logic": "(function() {\n \n var {Cc, Ci} = require(\"chrome\");\n var $ = require(\"ko/dom\");\n var w = require(\"ko/windows\").getMain();\n var ko = w.ko;\n \n var partSvc = Cc[\";1\"].getService(Ci.koIPartService);\n\n this.start = function() {}\n this.preStep = function() {}\n this.step = function() {}\n this.preClose = function() {}\n this.close = function() {}\n \n this.enableToolbars = function()\n {\n if ( ! $(\"#main-toolboxrow-wrapper\").visible() ||\n ! $(\"#toolbox_side\").visible() ||\n ! $(\"#middle-toolboxrow\").visible())\n {\n ko.uilayout.setToolbarsVisibility(true, 'main-toolboxrow-wrapper');\n ko.uilayout.setToolbarsVisibility(true, 'toolbox_side');\n $(\"#middle-toolboxrow\", w).attr(\"kohidden\", \"false\");\n }\n \n };\n \n this.customizationMode = function()\n {\n ko.commands.doCommand('cmd_CustomizeToolbars');\n };\n \n this.focusToolbox = function()\n {\n ko.uilayout.ensureTabShown('toolbox2viewbox', true);\n w.require(\"tutorials\").logicCallout(\"toolboxWidget\");\n };\n \n this.focusPlaces = function()\n {\n ko.uilayout.ensureTabShown('placesViewbox', true);\n w.require(\"tutorials\").logicCallout(\"placesWidget\");\n };\n \n this.focusOpenfiles = function()\n {\n ko.uilayout.ensureTabShown('openfilesViewbox', true);\n w.require(\"tutorials\").logicCallout(\"openfilesWidget\");\n };\n \n this.validateEnableToolbars = function()\n {\n var result = $(\"#main-toolboxrow-wrapper\").visible() &&\n $(\"#toolbox_side\").visible() &&\n $(\"#middle-toolboxrow\").visible();\n \n if (result)\n return true;\n \n var link = \"javascript:topWindow.require('tutorials').logicCallback('enableToolbars')\";\n return \"Please <a href=\\\"\"+link+\"\\\">enable the Komodo toolbars</a> before you continue\";\n };\n \n this.validatePrefsOpen = function()\n {\n var prefWindow = require(\"ko/windows\").getWindowByUrl(\"chrome://komodo/content/pref/pref.xul\");\n if (prefWindow)\n return true;\n \n return \"You need to open the Preferences window first\";\n };\n \n this.validatePrefsClosed = function()\n {\n var prefWindow = require(\"ko/windows\").getWindowByUrl(\"chrome://komodo/content/pref/pref.xul\");\n if (prefWindow)\n return \"You need to close the Preferences window first\";\n \n return this.validateIsMainWindow();\n };\n \n this.validateIsMainWindow = function()\n {\n var focus = require(\"ko/windows\").getMostRecent() == require(\"ko/windows\").getMain();\n if (focus)\n return true;\n \n return \"Please select the main Komodo window\";\n };\n \n this.validateHasProject = function()\n {\n if (partSvc.currentProject)\n return true;\n \n return \"Please create a new Project first\";\n };\n \n this.validateFileOpen = function()\n {\n var view = require(\"ko/views\").current();\n if (view.file && view.scintilla)\n return true;\n \n return \"Please ensure you have a file open\";\n };\n \n}).apply(module.exports);",
"type": "tutorial"
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