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Created June 27, 2023 12:53
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Dataflow + BYB Gripper 2023
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Muscle SpikerShield Arduino UNO Code for Interface with Dataflow
* This sketch allows for two way communication between Concord Consortium's Dataflow Tile and
* Backyard Brains' Muscle Spiker Shield & associated hardware. The FSR and EMG sensor pins are set
* to match the 2023 Gripper/Shield combination.
* Based on original script by Backyard Brains 2015, by Marcio Amorim and Stanislav Mircic
* Adapted by Concord Consortium, 2023.
* These two resources were very helpful for writing the serial reception code:
* Tested with Muscle SpikerShield V2.31
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <Servo.h>
#define SERVO_PIN 2 //pin for servo motor
#define SENSITIVITY_BUTTON_PIN 7 //pin for button that selects sensitivity
#define NUM_LED 6 //number of LEDs in LED bar
#define GRIPPER_MINIMUM_STEP 5 //5 degree dead zone (used to avoid aiming oscillation)
#define MINIMUM_SERVO_UPDATE_TIME 100 //update servo position every 100ms
Servo Gripper; //servo for gripper
byte ledPins[] = {8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13}; //pins for LEDs in LED bar
int sensitivities[] = {200, 350, 520, 680, 840, 1000}; // will appear as approximate max to user
int lastSensitivitiesIndex = 3; //initial sensitivity index
int emgSaturationValue = 0; //selected sensitivity/EMG saturation value
int emgReading; //measured value for EMG
int fsrReading; //measured value for surface pressure sensor
byte ledbarHeight = 0; //temporary variable for led bar height
unsigned long oldTime = 0; //timestamp of last servo angle update (ms)
int oldDegrees = 0; //old value of angle for servo
int newDegree; //new value of angle for servo
String emgId = "emg"; //key for Dataflow to know what sensor this came from
String fsrId = "fsr"; //key for Dataflow to know what sensor this came from
String kvSeparator = ":"; //separator for key and value
String emgStringOut = ""; // init empty string for default output
String fsrStringOut = ""; // init empty string for default output
const int BUFFER_SIZE = 4; // Accommodate length of new angles coming in which will be `120` - `180`, plus delimiter
char buf[BUFFER_SIZE]; // a char array buffer
const unsigned int MAX_ANGLE_BYTE_LENGTH = 4; // size of incoming angle data
/* setup */
void setup(){
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_LED; i++){
pinMode(ledPins[i], OUTPUT);
emgSaturationValue = sensitivities[lastSensitivitiesIndex];
/* main loop */
void loop()
// 1 handle incoming directions for Gripper and pass to Gripper
while (Serial.available() > 0){
static char message[MAX_ANGLE_BYTE_LENGTH];
static unsigned int message_pos = 0;
char inByte =;
// building up message from byte coming in, checking for terminating char or extra length
if ( inByte != '\n' && (message_pos < MAX_ANGLE_BYTE_LENGTH - 1) ){
//Add the incoming byte to our message and advance to next slot
message[message_pos] = inByte;
// otherwise we have reached a newline or end of max length, so that's the whole message
else {
message[message_pos] = '\0';
String asString = String(message);
message_pos = 0;
// 2 handle any clicks of the sensitivity button - adjust sensitivity
for(int j = 0; j < NUM_LED; j++){
digitalWrite(ledPins[j], LOW);
//increment sensitivity index
lastSensitivitiesIndex = 0;
//light up LED at lastSensitivitiesIndex position for visual feedback
emgSaturationValue = sensitivities[lastSensitivitiesIndex];
digitalWrite(ledPins[lastSensitivitiesIndex], HIGH);
//wait user to release button
while (digitalRead(SENSITIVITY_BUTTON_PIN)){
// 3 Collect EMG and FSR readings
emgReading = analogRead(A0);
fsrReading = analogRead(A2);
// 4 Turn off LEDs, then light up 1 -6 of them to reflect sensitivity
for(int j = 0; j < NUM_LED; j++){
digitalWrite(ledPins[j], LOW);
emgReading= constrain(emgReading, 30, emgSaturationValue);
ledbarHeight = map(emgReading, 30, emgSaturationValue, 0, NUM_LED);
for(int k = 0; k < ledbarHeight; k++){
digitalWrite(ledPins[k], HIGH);
// 5 if enough time has passed, send EMG and FSR readings to serial out (where Dataflow will find it)
if (millis() - oldTime > MINIMUM_SERVO_UPDATE_TIME){
oldTime = millis();
oldDegrees = newDegree;
// assemble keyed strings so Dataflow knows what is what
emgStringOut = String(emgId + kvSeparator + emgReading);
fsrStringOut = String(fsrId + kvSeparator + fsrReading);
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bacalj commented Jun 27, 2023

The relevant change is on line 113 - FSR is hardwired to pin A2

 fsrReading = analogRead(A2);

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