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Last active December 24, 2015 07:39
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  • Save bacall213/6765303 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bacall213/6765303 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[STABLE] Ninjablock Universal Widget - Reconfigurable for upload/download/temperature/humidity just by changing a couple variables. Value display spacing and sparkline options are adjusted per the data type being displayed. [NOTE: This widget does not support two of the same device types at the same time (e.g. two temperature displays, two downl…
return {
"name": "Universal Widget (1x1)",
"deviceMap": [
{ "deviceId": 31, "vendor": 0, "minimum": 1, "maximum": 1 }, //Temperature
{ "deviceId": 30, "vendor": 0, "minimum": 1, "maximum": 1 }, //Humidity
{ "deviceId": [530,531,532,533], "minimum": 1, "maximum": 1}, //Network In
{ "deviceId": [540,541,542,543], "minimum": 1, "maximum": 1}, //Network Out
{ "deviceId": 2000, "minimum": 1, "maximum": 2} //Sandbox
"forceDeviceMapGroup": true
/* General styling */
background: white;
/* Left column styling */
.leftColumn {
width: 50%;
height: 100%;
top: 0%;
position: relative;
float: left;
background: white;
/* Right column styling */
.rightColumn {
width: 50%;
height: 100%;
top: 0%;
position: relative;
float: left;
background: white;
/* Left-side label styling (e.g. "Temperature") */
.leftLabel {
position: absolute;
top: 95px;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
color: rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
font-size: 1.1em;
font-weight: bold;
/* Left-side value styling */
.leftValue {
position: absolute;
top: 40px;
width: 100%;
text-align: left;
font-size: 35px;
font-weight: bold;
left: 18px;
color: hsl(45,100%,45%);
.leftUnits {
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: normal;
vertical-align: super;
position: relative;
top: -5px;
left: -8px;
.leftHiValText {
position: relative;
display: block;
color: hsl(20,75%,65%);
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 10px;
width: 50px;
top: 4px;
line-height: 15px;
text-align: left;
.leftLoValText {
position: relative;
display: block;
color: hsl(203,60%,56%);
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 10px;
width: 50px;
top: 0px;
line-height: 15px;
text-align: left;
/* Right-side label styling (e.g. "Humidity") */
.rightLabel {
position: absolute;
top: 95px;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
color: rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
font-size: 1.1em;
font-weight: bold;
/* Right-side value styling */
.rightValue {
position: absolute;
top: 40px;
width: 100%;
text-align: left;
font-size: 35px;
font-weight: bold;
left: 45px;
color: hsl(203,60%,56%);
.rightUnits {
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: normal;
vertical-align: super;
position: relative;
top: -5px;
left: -8px;
.rightHiValText {
position: relative;
display: block;
color: hsl(20,75%,65%);
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 10px;
width: 50px;
top: 4px;
line-height: 15px;
text-align: left;
.rightLoValText {
position: relative;
display: block;
color: hsl(203,60%,56%);
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 10px;
width: 50px;
top: 0px;
line-height: 15px;
text-align: left;
/* Left-side sparkline styling */
.leftSparkline {
position: relative;
top: 120px;
width: 90%;
height: 80px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
line-height: 30px;
border: 1px solid hsl(0,0%,90%);
background: hsl(0,0%,95%);
canvas {
width: 100%;
height: 80px;
/* Right-side sparkline styling */
.rightSparkline {
position: relative;
top: 120px;
width: 90%;
height: 80px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
line-height: 30px;
border: 1px solid hsl(0,0%,90%);
background: hsl(0,0%,95%);
canvas {
width: 100%;
height: 80px;
<div class="leftColumn">
<div class="leftLabel"></div>
<div class="leftValue">
<span class="text"></span>
<sup class="leftUnits"></sup>
<span class="leftHiValText"></span>
<span class="leftLoValText"></span>
<div class="leftSparkline"></div>
<div class="rightColumn">
<div class="rightLabel"></div>
<div class="rightValue">
<span class="text"></span>
<sup class="rightUnits"></sup>
<span class="rightHiValText"></span>
<span class="rightLoValText"></span>
<div class="rightSparkline"></div>
/* Define the sparkline sensor graphs */
var sparkRightSensor = element.find(".rightSparkline");
var sparkLeftSensor = element.find(".leftSparkline");
/* Identify key elements for various uses */
var rightSensorHiText = element.find(".rightColumn .rightValue .rightHiValText");
var rightSensorLoText = element.find(".rightColumn .rightValue .rightLoValText");
var leftSensorHiText = element.find(".leftColumn .leftValue .leftHiValText");
var leftSensorLoText = element.find(".leftColumn .leftValue .leftLoValText");
* Opentip: Options
Opentip.styles.normalToolTip = {
"extends": "standard",
stem: true,
tipJoint: "bottom",
showOn: "mouseover",
borderRadius: 0,
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: "#FFFFFF",
showEffect: "appear",
hideEffect: "appear",
showEffectDuration: 0.0,
hideEffectDuration: 0.0,
stemBase: 10,
stemLength: 5,
background: "rgba(0,0,0,0.6)",
removeElementsOnHide: true,
offset: [0, 15],
escapeContent: false
* Opentip: Creation
//var ELEMENT_NAME = element.find("#ELEMENT_NAME");
//var TIP_NAME = new Opentip(TARGET_ELEMENT_NAME, { style: "TIP_STYLE" });
var opentipRightSensorHiText = new Opentip(rightSensorHiText, { style: "normalToolTip" });
var opentipRightSensorLoText = new Opentip(rightSensorLoText, { style: "normalToolTip" });
var opentipLeftSensorHiText = new Opentip(leftSensorHiText, { style: "normalToolTip" });
var opentipLeftSensorLoText = new Opentip(leftSensorLoText, { style: "normalToolTip" });
/* Values from the sensors will be stored in these arrays */
var dataRightSensor = [];
var dataRightSensorTimestamps = [];
var dataRightSensorUnits = "";
var dataRightSensorHiLo = ({
"high": -1,
"highTime": "",
"low": 999,
"lowTime": ""
var dataLeftSensor = [];
var dataLeftSensorTimestamps = [];
var dataLeftSensorUnits = "";
var dataLeftSensorHiLo = ({
"high": -1,
"highTime": "",
"low": 999,
"lowTime": ""
/* Limit the array lengths to keep the graphs looking neat */
var maxArrayLen = 200;
/* Graph and sensor value colors */
var colorLeftSensor = "hsl(45,100%,45%)";
var colorRightSensor = "hsl(203,60%,56%)";
/* Settings for the widget title */
var customWidgetTitle = "false"; // Set this to anything but "false" to use your own title
var widgetTitleLeft = ""; // This variable will house the automatically generated title for the left widget
var widgetTitleRight = ""; // This variable will house the automatically generated title for the right widget
* Set celsius/fahrenheit -
* F = Fahrenheit
* C = Celsius
* NOTE: Used only when a sensor type is set to "Temp"
var temperatureType = "F";
* Define your sensor types -
* Allows logic in onData() to do some of the work for you
* Allowable sensor types:
* 1) "Temp" = Temperature
* NOTE: Set "temperatureType" to "F" or "C" to your preference
* 2) "Humidity" = Humidity
* 3) "NetworkIn" = Network In (Download)
* 4) "NetworkOut" = Network Out (Upload)
var sensorTypeLeft = "NetworkIn";
var sensorTypeRight = "NetworkOut";
// Convert timestamp provided by driver
function sensor_timestamp(timestamp) {
var localTime = new Date(timestamp);
var month = localTime.getMonth() + 1; // Month is 0-11, add 1 to make it 1-12
var day = localTime.getDate();
var year = localTime.getFullYear();
var hours = localTime.getHours();
var minutes = localTime.getMinutes();
var seconds = localTime.getSeconds();
// Months are 1-12, so add "0" in front of 1-9 to conform with ISO 8601
if (month < 10) {
month = "0" + month;
// Days are 1-31, so add "0" in front of 1-9 to conform with ISO 8601
if (day < 10) {
day = "0" + day;
// Seconds are returned 0-59, so add a "0" at the front if 0-9
if (seconds < 10) {
seconds = "0" + seconds;
// Minutes are returns 0-59, so add a "0" at the front if 0-9
if (minutes < 10) {
minutes = "0" + minutes;
// Hours are returned 0-23, so add a "0" at the front if 0-9
if (hours < 10) {
hours = "0" + hours;
// Put it together - type 1 = YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
var timestamp_type1 = year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;
// Put it together - type 2 = hh:mm:ss (YYY-MM-DD)
var timestamp_type2 = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds + " (" + year + "-" + month + "-" + day + ")";
// Put it together - type 3 = hh:mm:ss YYY-MM-DD
var timestamp_type3 = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds + " " + year + "-" + month + "-" + day;
// Return timestamp for whatever purpose it's needed for
return timestamp_type2;
Sparkline (graph) styling options -
chartRangeMin: Defines the min value for the Y-axis. Undefined on purpose.
chartRangeMax: Defines the max on the Y-axis. Undefined on purpose.
Humidity should be <= 100%
Fahrenheit: 0 - 150
Celsius: -17 ~ 65
Defining a min/max would require tweaking the range for celsius/fahrenheit.
Let's just not set min/max Y-axis values.
width: Width of the graph data within the "canvas" -
This should be 100% unless you're going with a different style.
height: Height of the graph data within the "canvas" -
This should match the .sparkline "height" variable in the widget CSS.
* Left sensor definitions (sensorTypeLeft) -
* Sparkline styling
* Set units
* Set labels
switch (sensorTypeLeft) {
case "Temp":
var sparklineOptionsLeftSensor = {
width: '100%',
height: '80px',
chartRangeMinX: 0, //X-axis min value = 0
chartRangeMaxX: 100, //X-axis max value = 100
drawNormalOnTop: false,
tooltipPrefix: ' Temperature: ',
tooltipSuffix: '&deg;F',
fillColor: null,
lineColor: colorLeftSensor,
tooltipFormatter: function(sparkline, options, fields) {
return '<div class="jsqfield"><span style="color: ' + fields.color + '">&#9679;</span>' + options.get('tooltipPrefix') + fields.y + options.get('tooltipSuffix') + ' @ ' + dataLeftSensorTimestamps[fields.x] + '</div>';
/* Adjust side-specific spacing */
/* Set label for left sensor */
element.find(".leftColumn .leftLabel").html("Temperature");
if (temperatureType == "F") {
/* Set units for left sensor */
dataLeftSensorUnits = "&deg;F";
element.find(".leftColumn .leftUnits").html(dataLeftSensorUnits);
/* Set Sparkline tooltip suffix */
sparklineOptionsLeftSensor.tooltipSuffix = dataLeftSensorUnits;
} else if (temperatureType == "C") {
/* Set units for left sensor */
dataLeftSensorUnits = "&deg;C";
element.find(".leftColumn .leftUnits").html(dataLeftSensorUnits);
/* Set Sparkline tooltip suffix */
sparklineOptionsLeftSensor.tooltipSuffix = dataLeftSensorUnits;
/* Set part of the widget title */
widgetTitleLeft = "Temperature";
/* END: Left sensor, case "Temp" */
case "Humidity":
var sparklineOptionsLeftSensor = {
width: '100%',
height: '80px',
chartRangeMinX: 0, //X-axis min value = 0
chartRangeMaxX: 100, //X-axis max value = 100
chartRangeMin: 0, //Y-axis min value = 0
chartRangeMax: 100, //Y-axis max value = 100 (useful for humidity)
drawNormalOnTop: false,
tooltipPrefix: ' Humidity: ',
tooltipSuffix: '%',
fillColor: null,
lineColor: colorLeftSensor,
tooltipFormatter: function(sparkline, options, fields) {
return '<div class="jsqfield"><span style="color: ' + fields.color + '">&#9679;</span>' + options.get('tooltipPrefix') + fields.y + options.get('tooltipSuffix') + ' @ ' + dataLeftSensorTimestamps[fields.x] + '</div>';
/* Adjust side-specific spacing */
/* Set label for left sensor */
element.find(".leftColumn .leftLabel").html("Humidity");
/* Set units for left sensor */
dataLeftSensorUnits = "%";
element.find(".leftColumn .leftUnits").html("%");
/* Set part of the widget title */
widgetTitleLeft = "Humidity";
/* END: Left sensor, case "Humidity" */
case "NetworkIn":
var sparklineOptionsLeftSensor = {
width: '100%',
height: '80px',
chartRangeMinX: 0, //X-axis min value = 0
chartRangeMaxX: 100, //X-axis max value = 100
chartRangeMin: 0, //Y-axis min value = 0
drawNormalOnTop: false,
tooltipPrefix: ' Download: ',
tooltipSuffix: ' Kbps',
fillColor: null,
lineColor: colorLeftSensor,
tooltipFormatter: function(sparkline, options, fields) {
return '<div class="jsqfield"><span style="color: ' + fields.color + '">&#9679;</span>' + options.get('tooltipPrefix') + fields.y + options.get('tooltipSuffix') + ' @ ' + dataLeftSensorTimestamps[fields.x] + '</div>';
/* Adjust side-specific spacing */
/* Set label for left sensor */
element.find(".leftColumn .leftLabel").html("Download");
/* Set units for left sensor */
dataLeftSensorUnits = " Kbps";
element.find(".leftColumn .leftUnits").html(dataLeftSensorUnits);
/* Determine the NIC in use from one of the ninja-netmon drivers -
* 1) Grab the short name for the first device
* Example: "Net@ninjablock (wlan0|Tx)"
* 2) Break the short name up based on a space
* Example: "Net@ninjablock (wlan0|Tx)" => "Net@ninjablock" & "(wlan|Tx)"
* 3) Now remove the extra parenthesis
* Example: "(wlan0|Tx)" => "wlan0|Tx)"
* 4) Grab just the NIC in use
* Example: "wlan0|Tx)" => "wlan0"
* 5) Set the title to the interface value parsed from the title
* Example: = "<insert title here>"
var widgetShortName = _.find(scope.Widget.devices, function(device) { return true; }).shortName;
var widgetNIC = widgetShortName.split(' ');
var widgetNIC = widgetNIC[1].split('(');
var widgetNIC = widgetNIC[1].split('|');
var widgetNIC = widgetNIC[0];
/* If the other sensor is also network, use a custom title to prevent a title like "Net (wlan0) & Net (wlan0)" */
if (sensorTypeRight == "NetworkOut") {
customWidgetTitle = "Network (" + widgetNIC + ")";
} else {
widgetTitleLeft = "Net (" + widgetNIC + ")";
/* END: Left sensor, case "NetworkIn" */
case "NetworkOut":
var sparklineOptionsLeftSensor = {
width: '100%',
height: '80px',
chartRangeMinX: 0, //X-axis min value = 0
chartRangeMaxX: 100, //X-axis max value = 100
chartRangeMin: 0, //Y-axis min value = 0
drawNormalOnTop: false,
tooltipPrefix: ' Upload: ',
tooltipSuffix: ' Kbps',
fillColor: null,
lineColor: colorLeftSensor,
tooltipFormatter: function(sparkline, options, fields) {
return '<div class="jsqfield"><span style="color: ' + fields.color + '">&#9679;</span>' + options.get('tooltipPrefix') + fields.y + options.get('tooltipSuffix') + ' @ ' + dataLeftSensorTimestamps[fields.x] + '</div>';
/* Adjust side-specific spacing */
/* Set label for left sensor */
element.find(".leftColumn .leftLabel").html("Upload");
/* Set units for left sensor */
dataLeftSensorUnits = " Kbps";
element.find(".leftColumn .leftUnits").html(dataLeftSensorUnits);
/* Determine the NIC in use from one of the ninja-netmon drivers -
* 1) Grab the short name for the first device
* Example: "Net@ninjablock (wlan0|Tx)"
* 2) Break the short name up based on a space
* Example: "Net@ninjablock (wlan0|Tx)" => "Net@ninjablock" & "(wlan|Tx)"
* 3) Now remove the extra parenthesis
* Example: "(wlan0|Tx)" => "wlan0|Tx)"
* 4) Grab just the NIC in use
* Example: "wlan0|Tx)" => "wlan0"
* 5) Set the title to the interface value parsed from the title
* Example: = "<insert title here>"
var widgetShortName = _.find(scope.Widget.devices, function(device) { return true; }).shortName;
var widgetNIC = widgetShortName.split(' ');
var widgetNIC = widgetNIC[1].split('(');
var widgetNIC = widgetNIC[1].split('|');
var widgetNIC = widgetNIC[0];
/* If the other sensor is also network, use a custom title to prevent a title like "Net (wlan0) & Net (wlan0)" */
if (sensorTypeRight == "NetworkIn") {
customWidgetTitle = "Network (" + widgetNIC + ")";
} else {
widgetTitleLeft = "Net (" + widgetNIC + ")";
/* END: Left sensor, case "NetworkOut" */
* Right sensor definitions (sensorTypeRight) -
* Sparkline styling
* Set units
* Set labels
switch (sensorTypeRight) {
case "Temp":
var sparklineOptionsRightSensor = {
width: '100%',
height: '80px',
chartRangeMinX: 0, //X-axis min value = 0
chartRangeMaxX: 100, //X-axis max value = 100
drawNormalOnTop: false,
tooltipPrefix: ' Temperature: ',
tooltipSuffix: '&deg;F',
fillColor: null,
lineColor: colorRightSensor,
tooltipFormatter: function(sparkline, options, fields) {
return '<div class="jsqfield"><span style="color: ' + fields.color + '">&#9679;</span>' + options.get('tooltipPrefix') + fields.y + options.get('tooltipSuffix') + ' @ ' + dataRightSensorTimestamps[fields.x] + '</div>';
/* Adjust side-specific spacing */
/* Set label for left sensor */
element.find(".rightColumn .rightLabel").html("Temperature");
if (temperatureType == "F") {
/* Set units for left sensor */
dataRightSensorUnits = "&deg;F";
element.find(".rightColumn .rightUnits").html(dataRightSensorUnits);
/* Set Sparkline tooltip suffix */
sparklineOptionsRightSensor.tooltipSuffix = dataRightSensorUnits;
} else if (temperatureType == "C") {
/* Set units for left sensor */
dataRightSensorUnits = "&deg;C";
element.find(".rightColumn .rightUnits").html(dataRightSensorUnits);
/* Set Sparkline tooltip suffix */
sparklineOptionsRightSensor.tooltipSuffix = dataRightSensorUnits;
/* Set part of the widget title */
widgetTitleRight = "Temperature";
/* END: Right sensor, case "Temp" */
case "Humidity":
var sparklineOptionsRightSensor = {
width: '100%',
height: '80px',
chartRangeMinX: 0, //X-axis min value = 0
chartRangeMaxX: 100, //X-axis max value = 100
chartRangeMin: 0, //Y-axis min value = 0
chartRangeMax: 100, //Y-axis max value = 100 (useful for humidity)
drawNormalOnTop: false,
tooltipPrefix: ' Humidity: ',
tooltipSuffix: '%',
fillColor: null,
lineColor: colorRightSensor,
tooltipFormatter: function(sparkline, options, fields) {
return '<div class="jsqfield"><span style="color: ' + fields.color + '">&#9679;</span>' + options.get('tooltipPrefix') + fields.y + options.get('tooltipSuffix') + ' @ ' + dataRightSensorTimestamps[fields.x] + '</div>';
/* Adjust side-specific spacing */
/* Set label for right sensor */
element.find(".rightColumn .rightLabel").html("Humidity");
/* Set units for right sensor */
dataRightSensorUnits = "%";
element.find(".rightColumn .rightUnits").html(dataRightSensorUnits);
/* Set part of the widget title */
widgetTitleRight = "Humidity";
/* END: Right sensor, case "Humidity" */
case "NetworkIn":
var sparklineOptionsRightSensor = {
width: '100%',
height: '80px',
chartRangeMinX: 0, //X-axis min value = 0
chartRangeMaxX: 100, //X-axis max value = 100
chartRangeMin: 0, //Y-axis min value = 0
drawNormalOnTop: false,
tooltipPrefix: ' Download: ',
tooltipSuffix: ' Kbps',
fillColor: null,
lineColor: colorRightSensor,
tooltipFormatter: function(sparkline, options, fields) {
return '<div class="jsqfield"><span style="color: ' + fields.color + '">&#9679;</span>' + options.get('tooltipPrefix') + fields.y + options.get('tooltipSuffix') + ' @ ' + dataRightSensorTimestamps[fields.x] + '</div>';
/* Adjust side-specific spacing */
/* Set label for right sensor */
element.find(".rightColumn .rightLabel").html("Download");
/* Set units for right sensor */
dataRightSensorUnits = " Kbps";
element.find(".rightColumn .rightUnits").html(dataRightSensorUnits);
/* Determine the NIC in use from one of the ninja-netmon drivers -
* 1) Grab the short name for the first device
* Example: "Net@ninjablock (wlan0|Tx)"
* 2) Break the short name up based on a space
* Example: "Net@ninjablock (wlan0|Tx)" => "Net@ninjablock" & "(wlan|Tx)"
* 3) Now remove the extra parenthesis
* Example: "(wlan0|Tx)" => "wlan0|Tx)"
* 4) Grab just the NIC in use
* Example: "wlan0|Tx)" => "wlan0"
* 5) Set the title to the interface value parsed from the title
* Example: = "<insert title here>"
var widgetShortName = _.find(scope.Widget.devices, function(device) { return true; }).shortName;
var widgetNIC = widgetShortName.split(' ');
var widgetNIC = widgetNIC[1].split('(');
var widgetNIC = widgetNIC[1].split('|');
var widgetNIC = widgetNIC[0];
/* If the other sensor is also network, use a custom title to prevent a title like "Net (wlan0) & Net (wlan0)" */
if (sensorTypeLeft == "NetworkOut") {
customWidgetTitle = "Network (" + widgetNIC + ")";
} else {
widgetTitleRight = "Net (" + widgetNIC + ")";
/* END: Right sensor, case "NetworkIn" */
case "NetworkOut":
var sparklineOptionsRightSensor = {
width: '100%',
height: '80px',
chartRangeMinX: 0, //X-axis min value = 0
chartRangeMaxX: 100, //X-axis max value = 100
chartRangeMin: 0, //Y-axis min value = 0
drawNormalOnTop: false,
tooltipPrefix: ' Upload: ',
tooltipSuffix: ' Kbps',
fillColor: null,
lineColor: colorRightSensor,
tooltipFormatter: function(sparkline, options, fields) {
return '<div class="jsqfield"><span style="color: ' + fields.color + '">&#9679;</span>' + options.get('tooltipPrefix') + fields.y + options.get('tooltipSuffix') + ' @ ' + dataRightSensorTimestamps[fields.x] + '</div>';
/* Adjust side-specific spacing */
/* Set label for right sensor */
element.find(".rightColumn .rightLabel").html("Upload");
/* Set units for right sensor */
dataRightSensorUnits = " Kbps";
element.find(".rightColumn .rightUnits").html(dataRightSensorUnits);
/* Determine the NIC in use from one of the ninja-netmon drivers -
* 1) Grab the short name for the first device
* Example: "Net@ninjablock (wlan0|Tx)"
* 2) Break the short name up based on a space
* Example: "Net@ninjablock (wlan0|Tx)" => "Net@ninjablock" & "(wlan|Tx)"
* 3) Now remove the extra parenthesis
* Example: "(wlan0|Tx)" => "wlan0|Tx)"
* 4) Grab just the NIC in use
* Example: "wlan0|Tx)" => "wlan0"
* 5) Set the title to the interface value parsed from the title
* Example: = "<insert title here>"
var widgetShortName = _.find(scope.Widget.devices, function(device) { return true; }).shortName;
var widgetNIC = widgetShortName.split(' ');
var widgetNIC = widgetNIC[1].split('(');
var widgetNIC = widgetNIC[1].split('|');
var widgetNIC = widgetNIC[0];
/* If the other sensor is also network, use a custom title to prevent a title like "Net (wlan0) & Net (wlan0)" */
if (sensorTypeLeft == "NetworkIn") {
customWidgetTitle = "Network (" + widgetNIC + ")";
} else {
widgetTitleRight = "Net (" + widgetNIC + ")";
/* END: Right sensor, case "NetworkOut" */
/* Push values to the right-side sensor display */
function SetRightSensor(value, timestamp) {
/* Update value */
element.find(".rightColumn .rightValue .text").html(value);
/* Update data array for graph */
/* Update timestamp array */
// Check for new high value
if ( Math.max.apply(null, dataRightSensor) > dataRightSensorHiLo.high ) {
dataRightSensorHiLo.high = Math.max.apply(null, dataRightSensor);
dataRightSensorHiLo.highTime = timestamp;
// Check for new low value
if ( Math.min.apply(null, dataRightSensor) < dataRightSensorHiLo.low ) {
dataRightSensorHiLo.low = Math.min.apply(null, dataRightSensor);
dataRightSensorHiLo.lowTime = timestamp;
/* Update high/low values */
rightSensorHiText.html("HI: " + dataRightSensorHiLo.high);
rightSensorLoText.html("LO: " + dataRightSensorHiLo.low);
/* Clean up the arrays */
if (dataRightSensor.length > maxArrayLen || dataRightSensorTimestamps.length > maxArrayLen) {
dataRightSensor = dataRightSensor.slice(dataRightSensor.length - maxArrayLen,dataRightSensor.length);
dataRightSensorTimestamps = dataRightSensorTimestamps.slice(dataRightSensorTimestamps.length - maxArrayLen,dataRightSensorTimestamps.length);
/* Push values to the left-side sensor display */
function SetLeftSensor(value, timestamp) {
/* Update value */
element.find(".leftColumn .leftValue .text").html(value);
/* Update data array for graph */
/* Update timestamp array */
// Check for new high value
if ( Math.max.apply(null, dataLeftSensor) > dataLeftSensorHiLo.high ) {
dataLeftSensorHiLo.high = Math.max.apply(null, dataLeftSensor);
dataLeftSensorHiLo.highTime = timestamp;
// Check for new low value
if ( Math.min.apply(null, dataLeftSensor) < dataLeftSensorHiLo.low ) {
dataLeftSensorHiLo.low = Math.min.apply(null, dataLeftSensor);
dataLeftSensorHiLo.lowTime = timestamp;
/* Update high/low values */
leftSensorHiText.html("HI: " + dataLeftSensorHiLo.high);
leftSensorLoText.html("LO: " + dataLeftSensorHiLo.low);
/* Clean up the arrays */
if (dataLeftSensor.length > maxArrayLen || dataLeftSensorTimestamps.length > maxArrayLen) {
dataLeftSensor = dataLeftSensor.slice(dataLeftSensor.length - maxArrayLen,dataLeftSensor.length);
dataLeftSensorTimestamps = dataLeftSensorTimestamps.slice(dataLeftSensorTimestamps.length - maxArrayLen,dataLeftSensorTimestamps.length);
/* Activate our update functions only when new data is received */
scope.onData = function(data) {
/* Device ID 30 = 433 MHz humidity sensor */
if (data.D === 30) {
if (sensorTypeLeft == "Humidity") {
SetLeftSensor(data.DA, data.timestamp);
} else if (sensorTypeRight == "Humidity") {
SetRightSensor(data.DA, data.timestamp);
/* Device ID 31 = 433 MHz temperature sensor */
if (data.D === 31) {
if (sensorTypeLeft == "Temp") {
if (temperatureType === "F") {
/* Convert to fahrenheit */
F = (data.DA * 9 / 5 + 32).toFixed(2);
SetLeftSensor(F, data.timestamp);
} else if (temperatureType === "C") {
/* Celsius */
SetLeftSensor(data.DA, data.timestamp)
} else if (sensorTypeRight == "Temp") {
if (temperatureType === "F") {
/* Convert to fahrenheit */
F = (data.DA * 9 / 5 + 32).toFixed(2);
SetRightSensor(F, data.timestamp);
} else if (temperatureType === "C") {
/* Celsius */
SetRightSensor(data.DA, data.timestamp)
/* Device ID 530-533 = Network In (Download) */
if ((data.D >=530 && data.D <= 533) || (data.G == 3 && data.D == 2000)) {
/* Group ID 3 = Download, as defined in the ninja-netmon driver */
if (sensorTypeLeft == "NetworkIn") {
SetLeftSensor(data.DA, data.timestamp);
} else if (sensorTypeRight == "NetworkIn") {
SetRightSensor(data.DA, data.timestamp);
/* Device ID 540-543 = Network Out (Upload) */
if ((data.D >=540 && data.D <= 543) || (data.G == 4 && data.D == 2000)) {
/* Group ID 4 = Upload, as defined in the ninja-netmon driver */
if (sensorTypeLeft == "NetworkOut") {
SetLeftSensor(data.DA, data.timestamp);
} else if (sensorTypeRight == "NetworkOut") {
SetRightSensor(data.DA, data.timestamp);
/* Draw both sparklines each time there's data */
sparkLeftSensor.sparkline(dataLeftSensor, sparklineOptionsLeftSensor);
sparkRightSensor.sparkline(dataRightSensor, sparklineOptionsRightSensor);
leftSensorHiText.on("mouseover", function() {
// Set the cursor to an arrow ("default")
$(this).css("cursor", "default");
* Opentip: Define contents
opentipLeftSensorHiText.setContent('<span style="color: rgb(255,255,255); font-family: arial,sans-serif; font-size: 10px">' +
'HI: ' +
dataLeftSensorHiLo.high +
dataLeftSensorUnits +
' @ ' +
sensor_timestamp(dataLeftSensorHiLo.highTime) +
leftSensorLoText.on("mouseover", function() {
// Set the cursor to an arrow ("default")
$(this).css("cursor", "default");
* Opentip: Define contents
opentipLeftSensorLoText.setContent('<span style="color: rgb(255,255,255); font-family: arial,sans-serif; font-size: 10px">' +
'LO: ' +
dataLeftSensorHiLo.low +
dataLeftSensorUnits +
' @ ' +
sensor_timestamp(dataLeftSensorHiLo.lowTime) +
rightSensorHiText.on("mouseover", function() {
// Set the cursor to an arrow ("default")
$(this).css("cursor", "default");
* Opentip: Define contents
opentipRightSensorHiText.setContent('<span style="color: rgb(255,255,255); font-family: arial,sans-serif; font-size: 10px">' +
'HI: ' +
dataRightSensorHiLo.high +
dataRightSensorUnits +
' @ ' +
sensor_timestamp(dataRightSensorHiLo.highTime) +
rightSensorLoText.on("mouseover", function() {
// Set the cursor to an arrow ("default")
$(this).css("cursor", "default");
* Opentip: Define contents
opentipRightSensorLoText.setContent('<span style="color: rgb(255,255,255); font-family: arial,sans-serif; font-size: 10px">' +
'LO: ' +
dataRightSensorHiLo.low +
dataRightSensorUnits +
' @ ' +
sensor_timestamp(dataRightSensorHiLo.lowTime) +
/* Set Widget title */
if (customWidgetTitle == "false") { = widgetTitleLeft + " & " + widgetTitleRight;
} else { = customWidgetTitle;
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