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Created December 17, 2015 05:04
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module Main where
import Control.Monad (forM_, mapM_)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap, first, second)
import Data.Array.MArray (newArray, writeArray)
import Data.Array.ST (runSTArray)
import Data.Array (Array, bounds, (!))
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
type Point = (Int, Int)
type Tree = [Point]
type CordSum = (Int -> Int -> Int)
type Canvas = Array (Int, Int) Bool
makePoint :: Int -> Int -> Point
makePoint = (,)
line :: CordSum -> CordSum -> Point -> Int -> Tree
line fX fY p height
| height > 0 = [bimap (fX h) (fY h) p | h <- [0..(height -1)]]
| otherwise = []
-- draw vertical line
verticalLine :: Point -> Int -> Tree
verticalLine = line (flip const) (+)
-- draw diagonal line to right
diagonalLineR :: Point -> Int -> Tree
diagonalLineR = line (+) (+)
-- draw diagonal line to left
diagonalLineL :: Point -> Int -> Tree
diagonalLineL = line subtract (+)
-- draw subtree
subtree :: Point -> Int -> Tree
subtree p height = verticalLine p height ++
diagonalLineL pl height ++
diagonalLineR pr height
pl = bimap (subtract 1) (+height) p
pr = bimap (+1) (+height) p
-- calc cords of next subtree
subtreeNext :: Point -> Int -> (Point, Point)
subtreeNext p h = (pel, per)
next_h = 2 * h
pel = bimap (subtract h) (+ next_h) p
per = bimap (+ h) (+ next_h) p
tree :: Point -> Int -> Int -> Tree
tree _ _ 0 = []
tree _ 0 _ = []
tree start height splits = subtree start height ++ left_tree ++ right_tree
height' = height `div` 2
splits' = splits - 1
(pl, pr) = subtreeNext start height
left_tree = tree pl height' splits'
right_tree = tree pr height' splits'
toCanvas :: Int -> Int -> Tree -> Maybe Canvas
toCanvas width height tree
| width > 0 && height > 0 = Just canvasArr
| otherwise = Nothing
pointToIndex = id
canvasArr = runSTArray $ do
arr <- newArray ((0, 0), (width - 1, height - 1)) False
forM_ tree $ \p -> writeArray arr (pointToIndex p) True
return arr
canvasToStrings :: Char -> Char -> Canvas -> [String]
canvasToStrings f t can = strLine <$> yCords
(_, (maxX, maxY)) = bounds can
xCords = enumFromThenTo maxX (maxX - 1) 0
yCords = enumFromThenTo maxY (maxY - 1) 0
toChar False = f
toChar True = t
strLine y = (\x -> toChar $ can ! (x, y)) <$> xCords
drawCanvas :: Canvas -> IO ()
drawCanvas can = mapM_ putStrLn $ canvasToStrings '_' '1' can
main :: IO ()
main = do
mSize <- readMaybe <$> getLine
case mSize of
Just sp -> case toCanvas 100 63 (tree (makePoint 50 0) 16 sp) of
Just canv -> drawCanvas canv
Nothing -> putStrLn "N is to small"
Nothing -> putStrLn "Please type integer"
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