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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Save bachwehbi/bd13e65d5518b522a22c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple remote device activity monitoring using Beebotte.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
# This code uses the Beebotte API, you must have an account.
# You can register here:
import os
import time
#Install psutil if it is not already there (example: pip install psutil)
import psutil
from beebotte import *
#import the configuration file (see for details)
import conf_server_activity as conf
bbt = BBT(conf._accesskey, conf._secretkey)
#If you don,t have already a channel, create it here
#Create Resource objects for the resources to report,
#change the channel and resource names as suits you
cpu_resource = Resource(bbt, 'bbt_raspi', 'cpu')
mem_resource = Resource(bbt, 'bbt_raspi', 'memory')
disk_resource = Resource(bbt, 'bbt_raspi', 'disk')
net_resource = Resource(bbt, 'bbt_raspi', 'eth0')
debug = False
def printData(cpu_times, mem, disk, netif):
if debug:
print cpu_times
print mem
print disk
print netif
def getNetStats(new, last, ifname):
retval = {'rx_bytes': new[ifname].bytes_recv - last[ifname].bytes_recv,
'rx_packets': new[ifname].packets_recv - last[ifname].packets_recv,
'tx_bytes': new[ifname].bytes_sent - last[ifname].bytes_sent,
'tx_packets': new[ifname].packets_sent - last[ifname].packets_sent}
return retval
def getCPUStats(new, last):
tot = new.user - last.user + new.nice - last.nice + new.system - last.system + new.idle - last.idle + new.irq - last.irq + new.iowait - last.iowait + new.softirq - last.softirq + new.steal - last.steal
retval = {
'user': (new.user - last.user)*100/tot,
'nice': (new.nice - last.nice)*100/tot,
'sys': (new.system - last.system)*100/tot,
'idle': (new.idle - last.idle)*100/tot,
'irq': (new.irq - last.irq + new.softirq - last.softirq)*100/tot
return retval
def run():
print "Starting System data reading and submission to Beebotte"
last_cpu_times = None
last_net_stats = None
while True:
cpu_times = psutil.cpu_times()
mem = psutil.virtual_memory()
disk = psutil.disk_usage(conf._mount)
netif = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)
printData(cpu_times, mem, disk, netif)
#Send CPU data to Beebotte
if last_cpu_times:
cpu_stats = getCPUStats(cpu_times, last_cpu_times)
print "Error Writing"
last_cpu_times = cpu_times
#Send Memory usage
mem_resource.write({'memtotal':, 'memfree':, 'cached': mem.cached, 'dirty': 0})
#Send Disk usage
disk_resource.write({'size':, 'used': disk.used})
#Send eth0 usage stats
if last_net_stats:
net_stats = getNetStats(netif, last_net_stats, conf._ifname)
last_net_stats = netif
print "Error Writing"
#Sleep some time
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