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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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A Pythonista script to take a URL (passed in via argv[1]), parse its title, and create an OmniFocus task from it.
# Script to scrape an HTML page's title and, along with its URL, send it to OmniFocus as a task.
# Author: Aaron Bach
# www:
import clipboard
import re
import sys
import urllib
import urllib2
import webbrowser
# Retrieve the input text from the clipboard:
cb_text = clipboard.get()
# Some apps (such as Overcast) don't just grab the URL when using
# the "Copy" share sheet action; sometimes, other text (such as a
# podcast title) is included. If this happens, I use that text
# (rather than going through the procedure of trying to grab the
# title from the HTML itself).
# Special thanks to John Gruber for the succinct, precise method
# for grabbing URLs out of a string.
GRUBER_URLINTEXT_PAT = re.compile(ur'(?i)\b((?:https?://|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:\'".,<>?\xab\xbb\u201c\u201d\u2018\u2019]))')
url = [ mgroups[0] for mgroups in GRUBER_URLINTEXT_PAT.findall(cb_text) ][0]
# Here, we deduce whether we need to get the URL title from the
# HTML itself, or if any extra info that came into the clipboard
# can be used.
if cb_text == url:
# Collect the URL's title via its
# page contents:
req = urllib2.Request(url)
# Some websites don't like bots grabbing their content;
# get around this by using a fake user agent:
req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Magic Browser')
page = urllib2.urlopen(req)
content =
title ='<title>(.*)</title>', content).group(1)
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
# Something went wrong with the request, so just use
# the URL itself as the title:
title = url
# Use the extra information to get the title.
title = cb_text.replace(url, '').strip()
# URL-encode the page's title and URL:
task_title = urllib.quote(sys.argv[1]) + ':%20' + urllib.quote(title)
task_note = urllib.quote(url)
if sys.argv[2] == 'Mail Drop':
# If the user selects "Mail Drop",
# create a note in Drafts and
# trigger the "Email to OmniFocus"
# action.
draft = task_title + '%0A' + task_note
drafts_url = ('drafts://x-callback-url/create?text='
+ draft + '&action=Email%20to%20OmniFocus'
elif sys.argv[2] == 'OmniFocus iOS':
# If the user selects "OmniFocus iOS",
# create a task directly in OmniFocus
# using its URL scheme.'omnifocus:///add?name=' + task_title + '&note=' + task_note)
print('Unknown task entry method: ' + sys.argv[2])
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