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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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require 'factory_girl'
require 'faker'
class JsonStrategy # From
def initialize
@strategy = FactoryGirl.strategy_by_name(:create).new
delegate :association, to: :@strategy
def result(evaluation)
FactoryGirl.register_strategy(:json, JsonStrategy)
FactoryGirl.define do
# Each response has this metadata so we define it as a trait
trait :metadata do
id { Faker::Base.regexify(/[0-9a-f]{24}/) }
created_at { Faker::Time.backward(rand(2..5)).to_i }
updated_at { created_at + (60 * 60 * 3) } # created_at + 3 hours
note ''
# We don't have create methods since we are creating hashes so we split out
# our building instructions into a resource trait
trait :resource do
initialize_with { attributes }
# Split out address into a trait
trait :address do
address_street1 { Faker::Address.street_address }
address_street2 do
Faker::Address.secondary_address if rand(1..2) == 1
address_city { }
address_subdivision { Faker::Address.state_abbr }
address_postal_code { Faker::Address.postcode }
address_country_code { Faker::Address.country_code }
# Split out name into a trait
trait :name do
name_first { Faker::Name.first_name }
name_middle { nil }
name_last { Faker::Name.last_name }
# make livemode and testmode traits
trait(:livemode) { livemode true }
trait(:testmode) { livemode false }
# Composed candidate factory
factory :candidate, class: Hash, traits: %i(resource metadata testmode address name) do
object 'company'
phone_number { Faker::PhoneNumber.phone_number }
ssn { Faker::Base.regexify(/\d{4}/) }
passport { nil }
>> FactoryGirl.create(:candidate) # Create a candidate hash
=> {
:address_city => "Roobchester",
:address_country_code => "LY",
:address_postal_code => "23509-8236",
:address_street1 => "29942 Will Ville",
:address_street2 => "Suite 117",
:address_subdivision => "NH",
:created_at => 1431914174,
:id => "23a0875fcee5767d8fcabe11",
:livemode => false,
:name_first => "Delaney",
:name_last => "Gutmann",
:name_middle => nil,
:note => "",
:object => "company",
:passport => nil,
:phone_number => "(393) 058-3311",
:ssn => "4795",
:updated_at => 1431924974
>> FactoryGirl.create(:candidate, :livemode) # We can specify traits after the name. Livemode will be true here
=> {
:address_city => "Sipeshaven",
:address_country_code => "ML",
:address_postal_code => "79744",
:address_street1 => "6724 Bo Prairie",
:address_street2 => nil,
:address_subdivision => "NH",
:created_at => 1431965355,
:id => "cb762bd4ffeebee88d0dd91f",
:livemode => true,
:name_first => "Bella",
:name_last => "Lesch",
:name_middle => nil,
:note => "",
:object => "company",
:passport => nil,
:phone_number => "(230) 910-7147 x913",
:ssn => "7465",
:updated_at => 1431976155
>> FactoryGirl.json(:candidate) # We can also generate the equivalent JSON
=> "{\"id\":\"fb3c5c91263be7f8b8fda77c\",\"created_at\":1431769477,\"updated_at\":1431780277,\"note\":\"\",\"livemode\":false,\"address_street1\":\"44066 Dickens Centers\",\"address_street2\":null,\"address_city\":\"East Clint\",\"address_subdivision\":\"NM\",\"address_postal_code\":\"92701-8573\",\"address_country_code\":\"ZM\",\"name_first\":\"Baron\",\"name_middle\":null,\"name_last\":\"Thiel\",\"object\":\"company\",\"phone_number\":\"993.920.8260\",\"ssn\":\"2160\",\"passport\":null}"
>> FactoryGirl.create(:candidate, name_first: "John", name_last: "Backus") # Any specific one off changes can be passed as a hash
=> {
:address_city => "Keonhaven",
:address_country_code => "IE",
:address_postal_code => "75323-4298",
:address_street1 => "258 Lubowitz Curve",
:address_street2 => nil,
:address_subdivision => "KS",
:created_at => 1431766233,
:id => "3c4b1f80dd61bea1cb23a44f",
:livemode => false,
:name_first => "John",
:name_last => "Backus",
:name_middle => nil,
:note => "",
:object => "company",
:passport => nil,
:phone_number => "(441) 898-5585",
:ssn => "0827",
:updated_at => 1431777033
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