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Created September 26, 2011 01:54
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Vim functions and AppleScript for running tests in an external Terminal using MacVim
on appIsRunning(appName)
tell application "System Events" to (name of processes) contains appName
end appIsRunning
on execInItermTab(_terminal, _session, _command)
tell application "iTerm"
set current terminal to _terminal
tell _session
select _session
write text _command
end tell
end tell
end selectTerminalTab
on execInTerminalTab(_window, _tab, _command)
tell application "Terminal"
set frontmost of _window to true
set selected of _tab to true
do script _command in _tab
end execInTerminalTab
on run argv
set _command to item 1 of argv
set _foundTab to false
-- Second argument should be the tty to look for
if length of argv is 2
if appIsRunning("iTerm") then
tell application "iTerm"
repeat with t in terminals
tell t
repeat with s in sessions
set _tty to (tty of s)
if _tty = (item 2 of argv) then
set _foundTab to true
set _session to s
set _terminal to t
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
if _foundTab then
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
if _foundTab then
execInItermTab(_terminal, _session, _command)
end if
end if
if not _foundTab and appIsRunning("Terminal") then
tell application "Terminal"
repeat with w in windows
tell w
repeat with t in tabs
set _tty to (tty of t)
if _tty = (item 2 of argv) then
set _foundTab to true
set _window to w
set _tab to t
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
if _foundTab then
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
if _foundTab then
execInTerminalTab(_window, _tab, _command)
end if
end if
end if
end run
function! RunInTerminal(file)
if match(a:file, '_spec\.rb') != -1
let l:command = 'bundle exec rspec'
elseif match(a:file, '\.feature') != -1
let l:command = 'bundle exec cucumber'
elseif match(a:file, '\.rb') != -1
let l:command = 'ruby'
if exists("l:command")
let g:last_run_in_terminal = a:file
let l:run_script = "!osascript ~/.vim/tools/run_command.applescript"
silent execute ":up"
silent execute l:run_script . " '" . l:command . " " . a:file . "' " . g:vim_terminal . " &"
silent execute ":redraw!"
echo "Couldn't figure out how to run " . a:file
function! RunFileInTerminal()
if exists("g:vim_terminal")
call RunInTerminal(expand("%"))
echo "You need to set g:vim_terminal to a valid TTY (e.g. /dev/ttys000)"
function! RunFileAtLineInTerminal()
if exists("g:vim_terminal")
call RunInTerminal(expand("%") . ":" . line("."))
echo "You need to set g:vim_terminal to a valid TTY (e.g. /dev/ttys000)"
function! ReRunLastFileCommand()
if exists("g:vim_terminal") && exists("g:last_run_in_terminal")
call RunInTerminal(g:last_run_in_terminal)
command! RunFileInTerminal call RunFileInTerminal()
command! RunFileAtLineInTerminal call RunFileAtLineInTerminal()
command! ReRunLastFileCommand call ReRunLastFileCommand()
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