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Last active October 22, 2015 13:17
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  • NoNoSQL - IDXSELECT for indices
    • based on sorted sets
    • but sorted sets have unique elements only
    • IDXSELECT myindex IFI FIELDS $3 WHERE $1 == 56 and $2 >= 10.00 AND $2 <= 30.00
  • Timeseries database
    • not possible to built upon sorted sets
    • new data structure, API
  • Multiple AOF file to avoid in-memory buffer on AOF rewrite
  • RDB-prefixed AOF to save space
  • Redis-CP
    • Redis with proxy in front for proper Raft/consensus

Redis as a Cloud native (Bill)

  • Delayed Availability
    • Start up, read RDB, set everything up
    • but wait with serving clients to have the possibility to change config beforehand
  • Config Replication / Sync
    • Sync configuration changes to slave instances
    • Only some configurations should be synced, opt-out for SAVE or similar
  • Metadata for Instances
    • Setable via API, add administrative tags
    • Limit to a few key-value pairs (~100)
    • Persist it into the config file
  • Sentinel
    • Sync sentinel options to other Sentinel nodes
    • Issue: 3 hosts with 1x Sentinel, 1x Redis
      • kill host with master → failover fails
    • Issue: Sentinel remove data lag
      • Sentinel Config state is reapplied after removing, then re-adding quickly
      • Some epoch/config changes still in flight to Sentinel node
    • Goodbye message on Sentinel removes
      • Lower seen Sentinel nodes
    • Slave remove
      • Forget this slave, don’t re-discover it
    • Let Sentinel distribute removals instead of user
      • make it blocking until it has ACKs from all other
  • Config stored in the cloud
    • backing store (etcd, consul, …) or cloud storage (AWS, …)
    • Abstract used store, e.g. similar to
    • Sync back and forth between Redis and stored config
    • antirez: Redis-CP might cover a few things already
  • Redis - Memory as a Service
    • Have a malloc-on-redis
    • Fixed-size data entries
    • fixed-size counters in contiguous memory
      • Possible: get substring (GETRANGE)
      • Next: Increment sub-part of value

Redis in Docker

  • use --net=host: Use host network directly, no ip/port remapping
  • Everything in Docker except Redis
    • Redis is foundation
    • Docker is immutable infrastructure

Microservices in Redis (Mario)

  • IP-AS Lookup using Redis, Lua scripts and some logic in the scripts
  • MONITOR: Include Lua script handle
  • Aliases for Lua scripts


Redis Source Modularity

  • libredis
    • RDB parsing
    • Protocol parsing
    • Command table
    • Generic Redis protocol server
  • tension between performance and more abstraction/modularity
    • coupling avoids indirections, fast paths
    • organisation of dependencies, circular dependencies: hiredis → sds → redis → sds

Master ←→ Master Replication (Yftach, Redis Labs)

  • No conflict resolution
  • Introduce proxy master in between two Clusters
    • Gets writes from all masters, resolves conflicts and sends back fix commands

From a Client perspective

  • Command composition
    • STORE dest SINTER keyA keyB
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