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Created June 19, 2009 19:09
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Save badboy/132797 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# example uzbl config. in a real config, we should obey the xdg spec
# all settings are optional. you can use uzbl without any config at all (but it won't do much)
# keyboard behavior is vimstyle by default (all commands -> 1 key). set
# always_insert_mode to always be in insert mode and disable going out of it.
# if you do this, make sure you've set a modkey so you can reach the commands
# from insert mode by combining them with the modkey
# TODO: ability to attach misc things (spawn <foo>, script <bar>,.. to internal events)
# You can use any command in place of spawn
set history_handler = spawn /usr/share/uzbl/examples/scripts/
set download_handler = spawn /usr/share/uzbl/examples/scripts/
set cookie_handler = spawn /usr/share/uzbl/examples/scripts/
set minimum_font_size = 6
set font_size = 11
# monospace_size defaults to font_size, but you can alter it independently
#set monospace_size = 10
# use with bind ... = sh <shell-oneliner>
set shell_cmd = sh -c
# Behaviour and appearance
set show_status = 1
# you can optionally use this setting to override the background color of the statusbar from your GTK theme.
set status_background = #303030
set status_format = <span font_family="monospace"><span background="khaki" foreground="black">MODE</span> [<span weight="bold" foreground="red">KEYCMD</span>] <span foreground="#606060"> LOAD_PROGRESSBAR </span><span foreground="#99FF66">URI</span> <span foreground="khaki">NAME</span> <span foreground="orange">MSG</span><span foreground="#606060">SELECTED_URI</span></span>
set status_top = 0
# define how your titlebar should look like. (short = statusbar is also shown, long = show everything you must see if statusbar is off)
set title_format_short = TITLE - Uzbl browser <NAME>
set title_format_long = KEYCMD MODE TITLE - Uzbl browser <NAME> > SELECTED_URI
# set the characters to use for, and the width of the progress bar
set status_pbar_done = *
set status_pbar_pending = -
set status_pbar_width = 12
set modkey = Mod1
# reset to command mode when new page is loaded
set reset_command_mode = 1
# this var has precedence over reset_command_mode
set always_insert_mode = 0
# to start a local socks server, do : ssh -fND localhost:8118 localhost
#set proxy_url =
#values 0-3
#set http_debug = 0
#set useragent = uzbl (Webkit WEBKIT_MAJOR.WEBKIT_MINOR.WEBKIT_MICRO)
# Example user agent containing everything:
#set max_conns = 0
#set max_conns_host = 0
set fifo_dir = /tmp
set socket_dir = /tmp
# Key bindings
bind j = scroll_vert 20
bind k = scroll_vert -20
bind h = scroll_horz -20
bind l = scroll_horz 20
bind << = scroll_begin
bind >> = scroll_end
bind b = back
bind m = forward
bind s = stop
bind r = reload
bind R = reload_ign_cache
bind + = zoom_in
bind - = zoom_out
bind 1 = sh "echo set zoom_level = 1.0 > $4"
bind 2 = sh "echo set zoom_level = 2.0 > $4"
bind t = toggle_status
# Hilight matches. Notice the * after the slash - it makes the command incremental, i.e. gets called
# on every character you type. You can do `bind /_ = search %s' if you want it less interactive.
bind /* = search %s
bind ?* = search_reverse %s
#jump to next
bind n = search
bind N = search_reverse
bind gh = uri
#TODO: set uri?
bind o _ = uri %s
bind :wiki _ = uri
bind gg _ = uri
bind i = toggle_insert_mode
# disable insert mode (1 to enable). note that Esc works to disable, regardless of this setting
bind I = toggle_insert_mode 0
bind B = spawn /usr/share/uzbl/examples/scripts/
bind U = spawn /usr/share/uzbl/examples/scripts/
bind u = spawn /usr/share/uzbl/examples/scripts/
# with the sample yank script, you can yank one of the arguments into clipboard/selection
bind yurl = spawn /usr/share/uzbl/examples/scripts/ 6 primary
bind ytitle = spawn /usr/share/uzbl/examples/scripts/ 7 clipboard
# does the same as yurl but without needing a script
bind y2url = sh "echo -n $6 | xclip"
# go the page from primary selection
bind p = sh "echo uri `xclip -selection primary -o` > $4"
# go to the page in clipboard
bind P = sh "echo uri `xclip -selection clipboard -o` > $4"
bind q = exit
bind S = js alert("hi");
# example showing how to use sh
# it sends a command to the fifo, whose path is told via a positional param
# if fifo_dir is not set, it'll echo to a file named (null) somewhere >:) remember to delete it
# Parameters are separated by spaces and the script body must be one parameter, so enclose it in
# quotes and escape any inner quotes using backslashes
bind XS = sh 'echo "js alert (\'This is sent by the shell via a fifo\')" > "$4"'
bind dump = sh "echo dump_config > $4"
# we ship some javascripts to do keyboard based link hinting/following. (webkit does not have C DOM bindings yet)
# this is similar to how it works in vimperator (and konqueror)
# TODO: did we resolve: "no click() event for hyperlinks so no referrer set" ?
#hit F to toggle the Hints (now in form of link numbering)
#bind F = script /usr/share/uzbl/examples/scripts/hint.js
# the most stable version:
bind fl* = script /usr/share/uzbl/examples/scripts/follow_Numbers.js %s
# using strings, not polished yet:
#bind fL* = script /usr/share/uzbl/examples/scripts/follow_Numbers_Strings.js %s
# "home" page if you will
#set uri =
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