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Created March 5, 2010 16:57
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8
# simple youtube2mplayer script
# opens mplayer with the specified youtube video
require "open-uri"
require "json"
player_command = ENV["player"] || "mplayer"
format = ENV["format"] || "18"
if ARGV.size < 1
$stderr.puts "usage: #{File.basename($0)} [youtube url]"
$stderr.puts "the following options can be given via shell variable:"
$stderr.puts "\tformat (defaults to 18)"
$stderr.puts "\tplayer (defaults to mplayer)"
exit 1
url = ARGV.shift
content = open(url).read
swf_args = content.scan(/SWF_ARGS':\s+({.+})/)
if swf_args && swf_args.first
swf_args = swf_args.first.first
j_swf_args = JSON.parse(swf_args)
video_id = j_swf_args["video_id"]
t = j_swf_args["t"]
exec player_command, YOUTUBE_BASE_URL % [video_id, t, format]
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