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Last active December 30, 2017 20:53
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Save badcc/054f0f74c9d6b4d02415 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-- Localized variables that I didn't copy over go here.
local function Solve(r0, r1, c, p)
local x,y,z,r00,r01,r02,r10,r11,r12,r20,r21,r22 = c:components()
local px,py,pz = p.x-x,p.y-y,p.z-z
local tx = r00*px+r10*py+r20*pz
local ty = r01*px+r11*py+r21*pz
local tz = r02*px+r12*py+r22*pz
local d = (tx*tx+ty*ty+tz*tz)^0.5
d = r0+r1<d and r0+r1 or d
local l = (r1*r1-r0*r0-d*d)/(2*r0*d)
local h = (1-l*l)^0.5
local a = atan(h/l)
local s = ((d-tz)*d*2)^0.5
local qx = ty/s
local qy = -tx/s
local qw = (d-tz)/s
local q0w,q0x,q0y,q0z
local trace=r00+r11+r22
if (trace>0) then
local s = (1+trace)^0.5
local r = 0.5/s
q0w,q0x,q0y,q0z = s*0.5,(r21-r12)*r,(r02-r20)*r,(r10-r01)*r
local big = r00>r11 and r00>r22 and r00 or r11>r00 and r11>r22 and r11 or r22
if (big == r00) then
local s = (1+r00-r11-r22)^0.5
local r = 0.5/s
q0w,q0x,q0y,q0z = (r21-r12)*r,0.5*s,(r10+r01)*r,(r02+r20)*r
elseif (big == r11) then
local s = (1-r00+r11-r22)^0.5
local r = 0.5/s
q0w,q0x,q0y,q0z = (r02-r20)*r,(r10+r01)*r,0.5*s,(r21+r12)*r
elseif big == r22 then
local s = (1-r00-r11+r22)^0.5
local r = 0.5/s
q0w,q0x,q0y,q0z = (r10-r01)*r,(r02+r20)*r,(r21+r12)*r,0.5*s
local ha = a*0.5
local rw = cos(ha)
local rx = sin(ha)
local q1x = qw*rx+qx*rw
local q1y = qy*rw
local q1z = -qy*rx
local q1w = qw*rw-qx*rx
local j0 = cf(x,y,z,q0w*q1x+q0x*q1w+q0y*q1z-q0z*q1y,q0w*q1y-q0x*q1z+q0y*q1w+q0z*q1x,q0w*q1z+q0x*q1y-q0y*q1x+q0z*q1w,q0w*q1w-q0x*q1x-q0y*q1y-q0z*q1z)
local j1 = j0*cf(0,0,-r0,-h,0,0,l)
return j0,j1
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