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  • Save badgerdash/2837fe57e8ca6efa0e94c80b3f864c75 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save badgerdash/2837fe57e8ca6efa0e94c80b3f864c75 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Gist (v5.0.0) lets you upload to
The content to be uploaded can be passed as a list of files, if none are
specified STDIN will be read. The default filename for STDIN is "a.rb", and all
filenames can be overridden by repeating the "-f" flag. The most useful reason
to do this is to change the syntax highlighting.
All gists must to be associated with a GitHub account, so you will need to login with
`gist --login` to obtain an Oauth2 access token. This is stored and used by gist in the future.
Private gists do not have guessable URLs and can be created with "-p", you can
also set the description at the top of the gist by passing "-d".
If you would like to shorten the resulting gist URL, use the -s flag. This will
use GitHub's URL shortener, You can also use -R to get the link to the
raw gist.
To copy the resulting URL to your clipboard you can use the -c option, or to
just open it directly in your browser, use -o. Using the -e option will copy the
embeddable URL to the clipboard. You can add `alias gist='gist -c'` to your
shell's rc file to configure this behaviour by default.
Instead of creating a new gist, you can update an existing one by passing its ID
or URL with "-u". For this to work, you must be logged in, and have created the
original gist with the same GitHub account.
If you want to skip empty files, use the --skip-empty flag. If all files are
empty no gist will be created.
Usage: gist-paste [-o|-c|-e] [-p] [-s] [-R] [-d DESC] [-u URL]
[--skip-empty] [-P] [-f NAME|-t EXT]* FILE*
gist-paste --login
gist-paste [-l|-r]
--login Authenticate gist on this computer.
-f, --filename [NAME.EXTENSION] Sets the filename and syntax type.
-t, --type [EXTENSION] Sets the file extension and syntax type.
-p, --private Makes your gist private.
-d, --description DESCRIPTION Adds a description to your gist.
-s, --shorten Shorten the gist URL using
-u, --update [ URL | ID ] Update an existing gist.
-c, --copy Copy the resulting URL to the clipboard
-e, --embed Copy the embed code for the gist to the clipboard
-o, --open Open the resulting URL in a browser
--skip-empty Skip gisting empty files
-P, --paste Paste from the clipboard to gist
-R, --raw Display raw URL of the new gist
-l, --list [USER] List all gists for user
-r, --read ID [FILENAME] Read a gist and print out the contents
--delete [ URL | ID ] Delete a gist
-h, --help Show this message.
-v, --version Print the version.
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