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Created May 5, 2019 06:38
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2019-05-05 02:00:45 [ INFO ] Log.cpp @ 115 - Starting Plex Media Player version: build date: 2019-05-05
2019-05-05 02:00:45 [ INFO ] Log.cpp @ 116 - Running on: Arch Linux [5.0.10-arch1-1-ARCH] arch x86_64
2019-05-05 02:00:45 [ INFO ] Log.cpp @ 117 - Qt Version: 5.12.3 [x86_64-little_endian-lp64]
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 928 - Audio devices removed: QSet()
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 930 - Audio device selected: "auto"
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ INFO ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 1085 - Audio Config - device: auto, channel layout: 2.0, passthrough codecs: none, ac3 transcoding: no
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ INFO ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 1222 - Codec "mpeg2video" present
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ INFO ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 1222 - Codec "vc1" present
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ INFO ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 226 - Present codecs:
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ WARN ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 598 - cplayer: Warning: option --hwdec-preload was replaced with --opengl-hwdec-interop and might be removed in the future.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ WARN ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 598 - cplayer: Warning: option --opengl-hwdec-interop was replaced with --gpu-hwdec-interop and might be removed in the future.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: mpv 0.29.1 Copyright © 2000-2018 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: built on Fri Apr 19 20:49:51 UTC 2019
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: ffmpeg library versions:
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 928 - Audio devices removed: QSet()
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 930 - Audio device selected: "auto"
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: libavutil 56.22.100
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: libavcodec 58.35.100
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: libavformat 58.20.100
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: libswscale 5.3.100
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: libavfilter 7.40.101
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: libswresample 3.3.100
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: ffmpeg version: n4.1.3
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer:
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Configuration: ./waf configure --prefix=/usr --confdir=/etc/mpv --enable-cdda --enable-dvb --enable-dvdnav --enable-libarchive --enable-libmpv-shared --enable-libsmbclient --enable-tv --enable-zsh-comp
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: List of enabled features: 52arch alsa asm atomics audio-input build-date caca cdda cplayer cplugins cuda-hwaccel debug-build drm drmprime dvbin dvdnav dvdread-common egl-drm egl-helpers egl-x11 fchmod ffmpeg ffnvcodec gbm gbm.h gl gl-wayland gl-x11 glibc-thread-name glob glob-posix gnuc gpl iconv jack jpeg lcms2 libaf libarchive libass libass-osd libav-any libavcodec libavdevice libbluray libdl libm libmpv-shared librt libsmbclient libv4l2 linux-fstatfs lua optimize oss-audio plain-gl posix posix-or-mingw posix-spawn posix-spawn-native pthreads pulse rubberband shaderc shaderc-shared stdatomic tv tv-v4l2 uchardet vaapi vaapi-drm vaapi-egl vaapi-glx vaapi-wayland vaapi-x-egl vaapi-x11 vdpau vdpau-gl-x11 videodev vt.h vulkan wayland wayland-protocols x11 xv zlib zsh-comp
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Waiting for scripts...
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ WARN ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 598 - cplayer: The old hook API is deprecated! Use the libmpv API.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ WARN ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 598 - cplayer: The old hook API is deprecated! Use the libmpv API.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - ao/pulse: Library version: 12.2.0
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - ao/pulse: Proto: 32
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - ao/pulse: Server proto: 4294967295
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - ytdl_hook: script-opts/ytdl_hook.conf not found.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - ytdl_hook: lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf not found.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - stats: script-opts/stats.conf not found.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - stats: lua-settings/stats.conf not found.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: audio-exclusive=false -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: audio-device="auto" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: af-defaults="lavrresample:normalize=yes:o=[surround_mix_level=1]" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: audio-spdif="" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: audio-channels="2.0" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ WARN ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 598 - cplayer: Option af-del: item label @ac3 not found.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ WARN ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 598 - cplayer: Warning: property 'sub-text-font-size' was replaced with 'sub-font-size' and might be removed in the future.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: sub-font-size=32.000000 -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: sub-text-font-size=32.000000 -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ WARN ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 598 - cplayer: Warning: property 'sub-text-color' was replaced with 'sub-color' and might be removed in the future.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: sub-color="#EEEEEE" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: sub-text-color="#EEEEEE" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ WARN ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 598 - cplayer: Warning: property 'sub-text-border-color' was replaced with 'sub-border-color' and might be removed in the future.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: sub-border-color="#000000" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: sub-text-border-color="#000000" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ WARN ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 598 - cplayer: Warning: property 'sub-text-align-x' was replaced with 'sub-align-x' and might be removed in the future.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: sub-align-x="center" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: sub-text-align-x="center" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ WARN ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 598 - cplayer: Warning: property 'sub-text-align-y' was replaced with 'sub-align-y' and might be removed in the future.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: sub-align-y="bottom" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: sub-text-align-y="bottom" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: video-sync="audio" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: hwdec="auto" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: videotoolbox-format="nv12" -> -3
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: deinterlace="no" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: display-fps=0.000000 -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: audio-delay=0.000000 -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: cache=512000 -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: video-unscaled=false -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: video-aspect="-1" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: keepaspect=true -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: panscan=0.000000 -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Done loading scripts.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ WARN ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 598 - cplayer: Driver 'opengl-cb' has been replaced with 'libmpv'!
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: vo="opengl-cb" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: GL_VERSION='3.0 Mesa 19.0.3'
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Detected desktop OpenGL 3.0.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: GL_VENDOR='Intel Open Source Technology Center'
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: GL_RENDERER='Mesa DRI Intel(R) Sandybridge Mobile '
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION='1.30'
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Loaded extension GL_ARB_sync.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Loaded extension GL_ARB_timer_query.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Loaded extension GL_ARB_get_program_binary.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Loaded extension GL_ARB_buffer_storage.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Loaded extension GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Loaded extension GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Loaded extension GL_ARB_debug_output.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Loaded extension GL_MP_MPGetNativeDisplay.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: GL_*_swap_control extension missing.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Testing FBO format rgba16f
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Using FBO format rgba16f.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Disabling HDR peak computation (one or more of the following is not supported: compute shaders=0, SSBO=0).
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: No advanced processing required. Enabling dumb mode.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Loading hwdec driver 'vaapi-egl'
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Loading failed.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Loading hwdec driver 'cuda-nvdec'
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render/cuda-nvdec: Failed to load CUDA symbols
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Loading failed.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Loading hwdec driver 'vdpau-glx'
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Loading failed.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Loading hwdec driver 'drmprime-drm'
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render/drmprime-drm: Failed to retrieve DRM fd from native display.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Loading failed.
2019-05-05 02:00:46 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: audio-device="auto" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: volume=100 -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: video-sync="audio" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: hwdec="auto" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: videotoolbox-format="nv12" -> -3
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 366 - Video framerate: 29.97 fps
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 370 - Not switching refresh-rate (disabled by settings).
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ INFO ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 616 - checking codecs
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ INFO ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 618 - resuming loading
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: deinterlace="no" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: display-fps=59.950550 -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: audio-delay=0.000000 -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: cache=512000 -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: video-unscaled=false -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: video-aspect="-1" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: keepaspect=true -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: panscan=0.000000 -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_load
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - ytdl_hook: ytdl:// hook
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - ytdl_hook: not a ytdl:// url
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Running hook: main/on_load
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: ad="" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: vd="" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ INFO ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 466 - Entering state: buffering
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - ffmpeg: Mime-type: 'video/x-matroska'
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cache: no backbuffer needed
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cache: Cache size set to 36526 KiB (32 KiB backbuffer)
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - demux: Trying demuxers for level=normal.
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: Found the head...
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: + a segment...
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: Parsing seek head...
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: |+ segment information...
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: | + muxing app: libebml v1.2.0 + libmatroska v1.1.0
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: | + writing app: mkvmerge v4.7.0 ('Just Like You Imagined') built on Apr 21 2011 01:13:14
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: | + timecode scale: 1000000
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: | + duration: 30.030s
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: | + segment uid be 1c 9f 64 22 ca e8 fa b0 0c 51 43 59 46 a1 ab
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: |+ segment tracks...
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: | + a track...
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: | + Track number: 1
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: | + Track type: Video
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: | + Video track
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: | + Display width: 1920
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: | + Display height: 1080
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: | + Pixel width: 1920
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: | + Pixel height: 1080
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: | + CodecPrivate, length 66
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: | + Default duration: 33.367ms ( = 29.970 fps)
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: |+ found cluster
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: Deferring reading cues.
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: All headers are parsed!
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - demux: Detected file format: Matroska
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cache: blocking for STREAM_CTRL 6
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 1341 - h264profile: "high"
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_preloaded
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Running hook: main/on_preloaded
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: sid="no" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: aid="1" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: ad="" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: vd="" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: select track 0
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ INFO ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 596 - cplayer: (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (h264 1920x1080 29.970fps)
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vo/opengl-cb: Assuming 59.950550 FPS for display sync.
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Container reported FPS: 29.970032
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Codec list:
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: h264 - H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: h264_v4l2m2m (h264) - V4L2 mem2mem H.264 decoder wrapper
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: h264_cuvid (h264) - Nvidia CUVID H264 decoder
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Looking at hwdec h264-nvdec...
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Could not create device.
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Looking at hwdec h264-vdpau...
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Could not create device.
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Looking at hwdec h264-vaapi...
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Could not create device.
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Looking at hwdec h264-nvdec-copy...
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Window size: 2560x1440
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Video source: 0x0 (0:0)
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Video display: (0, 0) 1x1 -> (0, 0) 2560x1440
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Video scale: 2560.000000/1440.000000
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: OSD borders: l=-1073740544 t=0 r=-1073740544 b=0
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Video borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ ERROR ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 600 - ffmpeg: AVHWDeviceContext: Cannot load
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ ERROR ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 600 - ffmpeg: AVHWDeviceContext: Could not dynamically load CUDA
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Could not create device.
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Looking at hwdec h264-vdpau-copy...
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Not using emulated API.
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Looking at hwdec h264-vaapi-copy...
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vaapi: libva: VA-API version 1.4.0
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vaapi: libva: va_getDriverName() returns 0
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vaapi: libva: Trying to open /usr/lib/dri/
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vaapi: libva: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_3
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vaapi: libva: va_openDriver() returns 0
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vaapi: Initialized VAAPI: version 1.4
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Trying hardware decoding via h264-vaapi-copy.
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Pixel formats supported by decoder: vdpau cuda vaapi_vld yuv420p
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Codec profile: High (0x64)
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Requesting pixfmt 'vaapi_vld' from decoder.
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Selected codec: h264 (H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10)
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vf: User filter list:
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vf: (empty)
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Starting playback...
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Pixel formats supported by decoder: vdpau cuda vaapi_vld yuv420p
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Codec profile: High (0x64)
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Requesting pixfmt 'vaapi_vld' from decoder.
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ INFO ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 596 - vd: Using hardware decoding (vaapi-copy).
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Decoder format: 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/auto CL=mpeg2/4/h264 (auto 0.000000/0.000000/0.000000)
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Using container aspect ratio.
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vf: [in] 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vf: [userdeint] 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vf: [userdeint] (disabled)
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vf: [autorotate] 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vf: [autorotate] (disabled)
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vf: [convert] 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vf: [convert] (disabled)
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vf: [out] 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ INFO ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 596 - cplayer: VO: [libmpv] 1920x1080 nv12
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: VO: Description: render API for libmpv
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vo/opengl-cb: reconfig to 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Window size: 2560x1440
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Video source: 1920x1080 (1:1)
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Video display: (0, 0) 1920x1080 -> (0, 0) 2560x1440
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Video scale: 1.333333/1.333333
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: OSD borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Video borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Texture for plane 0: 1920x1080
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Texture for plane 1: 960x540
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Testing FBO format rgba16f
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Using FBO format rgba16f.
2019-05-05 02:01:07 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: No advanced processing required. Enabling dumb mode.
2019-05-05 02:01:08 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: first video frame after restart shown
2019-05-05 02:01:08 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: playback restart complete
2019-05-05 02:01:08 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: video-unscaled=false -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:08 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: video-aspect="-1" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:08 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: keepaspect=true -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:08 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Decoder format: 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/auto CL=mpeg2/4/h264 (auto 0.000000/0.000000/0.000000)
2019-05-05 02:01:08 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Using container aspect ratio.
2019-05-05 02:01:08 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: panscan=0.000000 -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:08 [ INFO ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 462 - Entering state: playing
2019-05-05 02:01:08 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Window size: 2560x1440
2019-05-05 02:01:08 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Video source: 1920x1080 (1:1)
2019-05-05 02:01:08 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Video display: (0, 0) 1920x1080 -> (0, 0) 2560x1440
2019-05-05 02:01:08 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Video scale: 1.333333/1.333333
2019-05-05 02:01:08 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: OSD borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
2019-05-05 02:01:08 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - libmpv_render: Video borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
2019-05-05 02:01:10 [ WARN ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 598 - cplayer: Warning: property 'vo-drop-frame-count' was replaced with 'frame-drop-count' and might be removed in the future.
2019-05-05 02:01:13 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cache: EOF reached.
2019-05-05 02:01:13 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - mkv: EOF reached.
2019-05-05 02:01:37 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vf: filter input EOF
2019-05-05 02:01:37 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vf: filter output EOF
2019-05-05 02:01:37 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: video EOF reached
2019-05-05 02:01:37 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: EOF code: 1
2019-05-05 02:01:37 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - vd: Uninit decoder.
2019-05-05 02:01:37 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cache: Terminating cache...
2019-05-05 02:01:37 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cache: Cache exiting...
2019-05-05 02:01:37 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: finished playback, success (reason 0)
2019-05-05 02:01:37 [ INFO ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 596 - cplayer:
2019-05-05 02:01:37 [ INFO ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 470 - Entering state: finished
2019-05-05 02:01:38 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: video-sync="audio" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:38 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: hwdec="auto" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:38 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: videotoolbox-format="nv12" -> -3
2019-05-05 02:01:38 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: deinterlace="no" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:38 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: display-fps=59.950550 -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:38 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: audio-delay=0.000000 -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:38 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: cache=512000 -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:38 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: video-unscaled=false -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:38 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: video-aspect="-1" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:38 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: keepaspect=true -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:38 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: panscan=0.000000 -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:38 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: video-unscaled=false -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:38 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: video-aspect="-1" -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:38 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: keepaspect=true -> 1
2019-05-05 02:01:38 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 594 - cplayer: Set property: panscan=0.000000 -> 1
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