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Created December 8, 2016 00:22
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WITH calculate_diff AS (
--max(data_scraped) maxdata,
lag(num_shares) over (partition BY post_id ORDER BY data_scraped) as diff_1h,
lag(num_shares,4) over (partition BY post_id ORDER BY data_scraped) as diff_4h,
lag(num_shares,24) over (partition BY post_id ORDER BY data_scraped) as diff_1_day
FROM post_stats)
SELECT post_id, num_shares,
(num_shares - diff_1h) AS abs_change,
COALESCE(round((100 * (num_shares - diff_1h)) / NULLIF(diff_1h,0), 2),0) AS percent_change,
COALESCE(round((100 * (num_shares - diff_4h)) / NULLIF(diff_4h,0), 2),0) AS percent_change_4h,
COALESCE(round((100 * (num_shares - diff_1_day)) / NULLIF(diff_1_day,0), 2),0) AS percent_change_1_day
FROM calculate_diff
WHERE data_scraped = (SELECT MAX(data_scraped) FROM post_stats max_date WHERE calculate_diff.post_id = max_date.post_id)
--WHERE data_scraped = (select max(data_scraped) from post_stats),
ORDER BY percent_change_4h desc;
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