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Created June 17, 2014 21:59
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Updated OCaml KNN benchmark
badlogic@Marios-MacBook-Pro:~/workspace/knn$ cat src/
let read_lines name : string list =
let ic = open_in name in
let try_read () =
try Some (input_line ic) with End_of_file -> None in
let rec loop acc = match try_read () with
| Some s -> loop (s :: acc)
| None -> close_in ic; List.rev acc in
loop []
type labelPixels = { label: int; pixels: int array }
let slurp_file file = (read_lines file)
|> (fun line -> Str.split (Str.regexp ",") line )
|> (fun numline -> (fun (x:string) -> int_of_string x) numline)
|> (fun line ->
{ label= List.hd line;
pixels= Array.of_list @@ line })
|> Array.of_list
let trainingset = slurp_file "./trainingsample.csv"
let array_fold_left2 f acc a1 a2 =
let open Array in
let len = length a1 in
let rec iter acc i =
if i = len then acc
let v1 = unsafe_get a1 i in
let v2 = unsafe_get a2 i in
iter (f acc v1 v2) (i+1)
iter acc 0
let distance p1 p2 =
let sum = ref 0 in
for i = 0 to Array.length p1 - 1 do
let d = p1.(i) - p2.(i) in
sum := !sum + d * d
let classify (pixels: int array) =
fst (
Array.fold_left (fun ((min_label, min_dist) as min) (x : labelPixels) ->
let dist = distance pixels x.pixels in
if dist < min_dist then (x.label, dist) else min)
(max_int, max_int) (* a tiny hack *)
let validationsample = slurp_file "./validationsample.csv"
let num_correct =
Array.fold_left (fun sum p -> sum + if classify p.pixels = p.label then 1 else 0) 0 validationsample
let _ =
Printf.printf "Percentage correct:%f\n"
@@ float_of_int num_correct /. float_of_int (Array.length validationsample) *.100.0
badlogic@Marios-MacBook-Pro:~/workspace/knn$ ocamlopt str.cmxa -o knn-ml src/
badlogic@Marios-MacBook-Pro:~/workspace/knn$ time ./knn-ml
Percentage correct:94.400000
real 0m12.830s
user 0m12.574s
sys 0m0.244s
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