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Created September 1, 2015 20:12
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Toward an rdbms in Python...
class Heading (set):
def __init__(self, *attributes):
if len(attributes) == 1 \
and isinstance(attributes[0], (list, tuple, set)):
attributes = attributes[0]
for att in attributes:
if not isinstance(att, str):
raise TypeError("Attribute name must be string.")
if att == "":
raise ValueError("Attribute name must not be empty.")
def __repr__(self):
if len(self) == 1:
return "Heading(%s)" % repr(tuple(x for x in self)[0])
return "Heading%s" % repr(tuple(self))
def __str__(self):
return "%s" % str(tuple(self))
class Tuple (dict):
def __init__(self, values):
self.__heading = Heading(*values.keys())
raise ValueError("invalid tuple heading")
for a in values:
self[a] = values[a]
def heading(self):
return self.__heading
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return self[attr]
def __getstate__(self):
return dict(self)
def __setstate__(self, state):
for x in state:
self[x] = state[x]
self.__heading = Heading(*self.keys())
def __repr__(self):
return "Tuple(%s)" % repr({x:self[x] for x in self})
def __str__(self):
return str({x:self[x] for x in self})
def Tuples(*tuples):
return tuple(Tuple(t) for t in tuples)
class Relation:
def __init__(self, heading, tuples):
for t in tuples:
if t.heading != heading:
raise ValueError("invalid tuple: %s" % repr(t))
self.__heading = Heading(heading)
self.__tuples = tuple(t for t in tuples)
def heading(self):
return self.__heading
def tuples(self):
return self.__tuples
def union(self, other):
if other.heading != self.heading:
raise TypeError("incompatible headings")
new_tuples = list(self.tuples)
for t in other.tuples:
if t not in new_tuples:
return Relation(self.heading, tuple(new_tuples))
def intersection(self, other):
if other.heading != self.heading:
raise TypeError("incompatible headings")
new_tuples = []
for t in self.tuples:
if t in other.tuples:
return Relation(self.heading, tuple(new_tuples))
def difference(self, other):
if other.heading != self.heading:
raise TypeError("incompatible headings")
new_tuples = []
for t in self.tuples:
if t not in other.tuples:
return Relation(self.heading, tuple(new_tuples))
def projection(self, new_heading):
for att in new_heading:
if att not in self.heading:
raise TypeError("invalid heading")
new_tuples = []
for t in self.tuples:
new_t = {}
for att in new_heading:
new_t[att] = t[att]
new_t = Tuple(new_t)
if new_t not in new_tuples:
return Relation(new_heading, tuple(new_tuples))
def restriction(self, condfn):
new_tuples = []
for t in self.tuples:
if condfn(t):
return Relation(self.heading, tuple(new_tuples))
def rename(self, old_attr, new_attr):
if new_attr in self.heading:
raise ValueError("attribute name exists")
new_heading = []
for a in self.heading:
if a == old_attr:
new_heading = Heading(*new_heading)
new_tuples = []
for t in self.tuples:
new_t = {}
for a in t:
if a == old_attr:
new_t[new_attr] = t[a]
new_t[a] = t[a]
new_t = Tuple(new_t)
return Relation(new_heading, tuple(new_tuples))
def cross_join(self, other):
x = self
y = other
while len(x.heading.intersection(y.heading)) > 0:
for a in x.heading:
if a in other.heading:
x = x.rename(a, a + " 1")
y = y.rename(a, a + " 2")
new_heading = Heading(x.heading.union(y.heading))
new_tuples = []
for t in x.tuples:
for u in y.tuples:
new_t = {}
for a in t.heading:
new_t[a] = t[a]
for a in u.heading:
new_t[a] = u[a]
new_t = Tuple(new_t)
return Relation(new_heading, tuple(new_tuples))
def natural_join(self, other):
new_heading = Heading(self.heading.union(other.heading))
overlap = self.heading.intersection(other.heading)
new_tuples = []
for t in self.tuples:
for u in other.tuples:
match = True
for a in overlap:
if t[a] != u[a]:
match = False
if match:
new_t = {}
for a in self.heading:
new_t[a] = t[a]
for a in other.heading:
new_t[a] = u[a]
new_t = Tuple(new_t)
if new_t not in new_tuples:
return Relation(new_heading, tuple(new_tuples))
def join (self, other, wherefn):
x = self
y = other
while len(x.heading.intersection(y.heading)) > 0:
for a in x.heading:
if a in other.heading:
x = x.rename(a, a + " 1")
y = y.rename(a, a + " 2")
new_heading = Heading(x.heading.union(y.heading))
new_tuples = []
for i in range(len(self.tuples)):
t1 = self.tuples[i]
t2 = x.tuples[i]
for j in range(len(other.tuples)):
u1 = other.tuples[j]
u2 = y.tuples[j]
if wherefn(t1, u1):
new_t = {}
for a in x.heading:
new_t[a] = t2[a]
for a in y.heading:
new_t[a] = u2[a]
new_t = Tuple(new_t)
return Relation(new_heading, tuple(new_tuples))
def __getstate__(self):
return {"heading": self.heading, "tuples": self.tuples}
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.__heading = state["heading"]
self.__tuples = state["tuples"]
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return self.__getattribute__(attr)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.tuples)
def __repr__(self):
return "Relation(%s, %s)" % (repr(self.heading), repr(self.tuples))
def __str__(self):
return "\n".join(tuple(str(t) for t in self.tuples))
class Relvar:
def __init__(self, name, heading, tuples):
self.__relation = Relation(heading, tuples)
self.__name = name
def heading(self):
return self.__relation.heading
def name(self):
return self.__name
def relation(self):
return self.__relation
def tuples(self):
return self.__relation.tuples
def insert(self, t):
if t.heading != self.heading:
raise TypeError("incompatible headings")
self.__relation = self.relation.union(Relation(t.heading, (t,)))
def insert_many(self, tuples):
for t in tuples:
if t.heading != self.heading:
raise TypeError("incompatible headings")
self.__relation = self.relation.union(Relation(t.heading, tuples))
def remove(self, t):
if t.heading != self.heading:
raise TypeError("incompatible headings")
self.__relation = self.relation.difference(Relation(t.heading, (t,)))
def remove_where(self, wherefn):
self.__relation = self.relation.difference(
def update(self, old_tuple, new_tuple):
if old_tuple not in self.tuples:
raise ValueError("tuple does not exist in relation")
if new_tuple.heading != self.heading:
raise TypeError("incompatible headings")
self.__relation = self.relation.difference(
Relation(self.heading, (old_tuple,))).union(
Relation(self.heading, (new_tuple,)))
def update_many(self, old_tuples, new_tuples):
for old in old_tuples:
if old not in self.tuples:
raise ValueError("tuple does not exist in relation")
for new in new_tuples:
if new.heading != self.heading:
raise TypeError("incompatible headings")
self.__relation = self.relation.difference(
Relation(self.heading, old_tuples)).union(
Relation(self.heading, new_tuples))
def update_where(self, wherefn):
class Setter:
def set(self2, attr, value):
if attr not in self.heading:
raise ValueError("invalid attribute")
old_tuples = self.relation.restriction(wherefn).tuples
new_tuples = []
for t in old_tuples:
new_t = {}
for a in t.heading:
if a == attr:
new_t[a] = value
new_t[a] = t[a]
new_t = Tuple(new_t)
self.update_many(old_tuples, new_tuples)
return self2
return Setter()
def from_relation(name, rel):
return Relvar(name, rel.heading, rel.tuples)
def load(filename):
import pickle
f = open(filename, "rb")
r = pickle.load(f)
return r
def save(self, filename):
import pickle
f = open(filename, "wb")
pickle.dump(self, f)
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return self.__relation.__getattr__(attr)
def __getstate__(self):
return {"name":, "relation": self.relation}
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.__name = state["name"]
self.__relation = state["relation"]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.tuples)
def __repr__(self):
return "Relvar(%s, %s, %s)" % (repr(, repr(self.heading),
def __str__(self):
return + ":\n" + "\n".join(tuple(str(t) for t in self.tuples))
# Test data
A = Relvar("A", Heading("ID"), Tuples({"ID": 1}, {"ID": 2}))
S = Relvar("S", Heading("SNO", "SNAME", "STATUS", "CITY"), (
Tuple({"SNO": "S1", "SNAME": "Clark", "STATUS": 10, "CITY": "London"}),
Tuple({"SNO": "S2", "SNAME": "Duncan", "STATUS": 20, "CITY": "Athens"}),
Tuple({"SNO": "S3", "SNAME": "Michael", "STATUS": 30, "CITY": "London"})))
SP = Relvar("SP", Heading("SNO", "PNO", "QTY"), (
Tuple({"SNO": "S1", "PNO": "P1", "QTY": 20}),
Tuple({"SNO": "S1", "PNO": "P2", "QTY": 10}),
Tuple({"SNO": "S2", "PNO": "P1", "QTY": 5}),
Tuple({"SNO": "S3", "PNO": "P2", "QTY": 10})))
TABLE_DUM = Relation(Heading(), ())
TABLE_DEE = Relation(Heading(), (Tuple({}),))
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If the TABLE_DUM and TABLE_DEE didn't give it away, this is heavy inspired by C.J. Date's work.

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