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Created April 7, 2013 17:52
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Damerau-Levenshtein edit distance implementation in C99. Based on pseudocode from Wikipedia: <> and on my Python implementation: <>
// Damerau-Levenshtein edit distance implementation in C99
// Based on pseudocode from Wikipedia: <>
// and on my Python implementation: <>
int damerau_levenshtein_distance (const char *source, const char *target)
// Size of the strings and dimensions of the matrix
int m = 0;
if (source != NULL)
m = strlen(source);
int n = 0;
if (target != NULL)
n = strlen(target);
// If either is NULL or of zero length, there's no real work to be done: the
// cost is just the length of the other.
if (m == 0)
return n;
if (n == 0)
return m;
// Set up the table
int **matrix = (int**) malloc ((m + 2) * sizeof (int*));
if (matrix == NULL)
for (int i = 0; i < m + 2; i++)
matrix[i] = (int*) malloc ((n + 2) * sizeof (int));
if (matrix[i] == NULL)
// Initialize the table similar to Wagner-Fischer, with an extra row and
// column with higher-than-possible costs to prevent erroneous detection of
// transpositions that would go outside the bounds of the strings.
int INF = m + n;
matrix[0][0] = INF;
for (int i = 0; i <= m; i++)
matrix[i+1][1] = i;
matrix[i+1][0] = INF;
for (int j = 0; j <= n; j++)
matrix[1][j+1] = j;
matrix[0][j+1] = INF;
// This lets us store and look up the row where a given character last
// appeared in `source` -- changing this to a map type might be useful if
// GLib or a similar library is available to you.
int *last_row = (int*) malloc (256 * sizeof (int));
// Zero here denotes that the character has not be seen in `source yet,
// because zero is the "infinity" column
for (int d = 0; d < 256; d++)
last_row[d] = 0;
// Fill out the table
for (int row = 1; row <= m; row++)
// The current character in `source`; this and `ch_t` below both have to
// be unsigned so that they can be used as an index to last_row no
// matter what their values
unsigned char ch_s = source[row-1];
// The last column this row where the character in `source` matched the
// character in `target`; as with last_row, zero denotes no match yet
int last_match_col = 0;
for (int col = 1; col <= n; col++)
// The current character in `target`
unsigned char ch_t = target[col-1];
// The last place in `source` where we can find the current
// character in `target`
int last_matching_row = last_row[ch_t];
int cost = (ch_s == ch_t) ? 0 : 1;
// Calculate the distances of all possible operations
int dist_add = matrix[row][col+1] + 1;
int dist_del = matrix[row+1][col] + 1;
int dist_sub = matrix[row][col] + cost;
// This took me a while to figure out. What this calculates is the
// cost of a transposition between the current character in `target`
// and the last character found in both strings.
// All characters between these two are treated as either additions
// or deletions.
// NOTE: Damerau-Levenshtein allows for either additions OR
// deletions between the transposed characters, NOT both. This is
// not explicitly prevented, but if both additions and deletions
// would be required between transposed characters -- this is if
// neither
// `(row - last_matching_row - 1)`
// nor
// `(col - last_match_rol - 1)`
// is zero -- then adding together both addition and deletion costs
// will cause the total cost of a transposition to become higher
// than any other operation's cost.
int dist_trans = matrix[last_matching_row][last_match_col]
+ (row - last_matching_row - 1) + 1
+ (col - last_match_col - 1);
// Find the minimum of the distances
int min = dist_add;
if (dist_del < min)
min = dist_del;
if (dist_sub < min)
min = dist_sub;
if (dist_trans < min)
min = dist_trans;
// Store the minimum as the cost for this cell
matrix[row+1][col+1] = min;
// If there was a match, update the last matching column
if (cost == 0)
last_match_col = col;
// Update the entry for this row's character
last_row[ch_s] = row;
// Extract the bottom right-most cell -- that's the total distance
int result = matrix[m+1][n+1];
// Clean up
for (int i = 0; i < m + 2; i++)
free (matrix[i]);
free (matrix);
free (last_row);
return result;
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