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Last active February 27, 2024 16:29
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so i've misunderstood...the right way is for ex:
ip for xp pro _VL
ip for xp pro
and so on...??


but if the 2 vms has the same ipconfig :

2 vms running at the same time in the same network cannot have the same Ip, this will never happen unless you shutdown one vm then the second one may take the ip of the first one if you restart the second one.

and maybe i discovered why of the for win 11...cause is -bridged-....have i say a very silly thing..??.. :(

yes exactly if for ex i want to run cmd with admin rights....?? how to...??...i click right button of the mouse...execute as...admin...but it ask for a passw...and i cannot leave it blank...

in xp you are already admin, you do not need to right click button ("execute as" is used only when you want to run something using the account of another person registered in your computer), to test if you are admin or not open cmd and run this:
fltmc >nul 2>&1 && ( echo you are admin ) || ( echo you are not admin )

But is there a similar also for xp...??...i tried but it replies invalid command...:(

no, there is no SLMGR in xp

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p060477 commented Jun 24, 2023

Hi Badr and thxs so much again!
yes i run the cmd and it replies : "you are admin" ...but why if i run it it opens from:
c\docs settings\user
and not from:
as it does if i run it with admin rights in win 10 or 11...??

the bridged only config that works for me is this:
Win 11 OK! net settings bridged

the other combinations of bridged in my case do not work...and is the same for you?

considering that my pc has this mobo:
and ram 8gb and cpu intel i5 4590
which settings of the guest win 11 you suggest to be able to not have so much slowings and sometimes freezin...??
of course when i run it i obviously stop every operations and things in my win 10 host...
but apart this duly thing , which are the settings you suggest for my guest win 11?
i mean how ram hd free space and so on ...
i mean the all things that are considered in its tab "settings"

thxs so much again indeed

cheers 👍 🥇

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c\docs settings\user
and not from:
as it does if i run it with admin rights in win 10 or 11...??

ask microsoft :), changing to c\win\sys32 was one of the stupid things that microsoft decided to do.

the other combinations of bridged in my case do not work...and is the same for you?

I did not test the others

which settings of the guest win 11 you suggest to be able to not have so much slowings and sometimes freezin...??

as I told you I have no experience with win10/11, but i do not think you can do anything to improve the speed, win 11 is hungry for resources. and what works good for my pc may works bad for your pc, so you have to change the settings and see what works better with your PC. but I think the default settings in virtualbox are already the best thing you can do, I never change them.

what you can do is to disable what you do not need in win11 vm and win10 host (like antivirus, firewall, backups, telemetry, services...etc and one million other thing), this is a risked task for you and this is not a simple task but this is what you should do. if you want to take the risk and adventure then, create a vm and play with those apps/scripts and see the results, then if satisfactory you can use them in your win10 host and win11 vm but after you do a system backup of course:
all this will work in win10 and win11 by the same actual maintainer of the beloved Sandboxie

as I told you, try those apps in a VM before running it in the host, and remember: do not disable the antivirus and firewall in the host, only in the vm!.
and do a system backup before you start changing your win10 host.
and do a system backup before you start changing your win10 host.
and do a system backup before you start changing your win10 host.
and do a system backup before you start changing your win10 host.
and do a system backup before you start changing your win10 host.

if I were using win10/11 I will need some 6 months to read and understand all what I need to do, so take time and learn how to configure you computer, there is no magical button that you click and it solves everything, you have to read and understand what those apps and scripts do which is not a simple task at all. and this is exactly why I do not want to move to win10, there is a lot of things that have to be corrected in that OS to be usable and under my control not the inverse, and even doing all what you should do you will never make win10/11 under you control, as one of those scripts creators said here

This project has been archived because I no longer use Windows. I grew tired with the system being unable to keep itself configured in the desired state, group policies randomly stopping working for hundreds of managed workstations at once, advertisements, unwanted tips and content popping up on various places throughout the user interface, and incompetent support even for enterprise products. Ultimately I have migrated virtually all my servers, workstations and laptops to linux. Even though there are areas where the open source products are still lacking, the transparency, configurability and reliability greatly outweighs the drawbacks for me.

if you want more speed then go for this too:
De-Bloated Windows 11 Build Runs on 2GB of RAM
after you install this iso use those scripts above too to remove things like antivirus, firewall, backups, telemetry, services...etc and the one million other thing...

but remember this tiny11 is built by unkowen people not by microsoft, so use it inside a vm only. (but they offer the scripts to create a tiny11 anyway which gave them a positive trust's ranking for me)

and you should know that I did not test any of those scripts even if I trust them, because I do not use win10/11 and I cannot run scripts that I did not study, but studying all those scripts will take me more than 6 months to know all what they do , why they do it, what implications have those changes, test if every command work as expected, monitor the changes effect and then solve the consequences of those changes...etc this is too much work and time consuming, and when you finish configuring win10 as it should then a new OS come with all its good and bad things, then you have to lose another year studying and testing...

at the end I want to ask you why are you running win11 from a vm? what do you earn from this? you are only killing your computer like that, this is a lot of work for your computer, why you do that? I only use a vm to test something quickly and stop it directly

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p060477 commented Jun 24, 2023

hi Badr, first i really thxs you in deep again

you write:
"I did not test the others"...:
so also you have tested only this as for this pic:
Win 11 OK! net settings bridged

and i really thxs for yr precious links about scripts and moreover for a tiny win 11 iso that i surely prove and test in my vb as guest,
but i underline that my aim and will is really NOT to do any change in my win 10 host,
i really won't touch any part of it, absolutly

the only very very simple things i wanted to know from you was which were , in yr opinion,
the less intensive -settings- for win 11 guest vm
in order not to let it stress too much my system
tha'ts all

thxs so much again from the very deep of my heart and simple brain


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so also you have tested only this as for this pic:

i tested bridged and nat only

the only very very simple things i wanted to know from you was which were , in yr opinion,
the less intensive -settings- for win 11 guest vm

as I told you, what works good for my pc may works bad for your pc, so you have to change the settings and see what works better with your PC. but I think the default settings in virtualbox are already the best thing you can do, I never change them.

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p060477 commented Jun 24, 2023

hi and thxs so much again
"i tested bridged and nat only"...:
yes but i mean in bridged tab -advanced- there are 5 ways...for me the only working is the one i post, this
Win 11 OK! net settings bridged
the other 4 ways , in bridged -advanced-, do not the same for you...??
...also yr tab -advanced- in bridged is configured as in my pic?
thxs so much again!
cheers! 👍

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p060477 commented Jun 25, 2023

hi Badr
i'm experiencing an issue...:
no way to create a wm with this very interesting tools you suggest:
i dl the iso way to create a vm with vb...this is the very first time it happens to me...i was able to create the 3 vm in the why with this i'm really not able...??
apologize me again

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I used this steps and it works fine for me, do the same and see:


  • do not choose nothing here


  • then choose EFI and 2 CPU and 4GB


  • choose 40GB then click finish, and do not start the vm yet


now go to the tiny11 vm settings, in system tab choose None in TPM, click ok

now start the vm and install as always

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p060477 commented Jun 25, 2023

hi and thxs again
i got this:

win 11  tiny


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did you use this iso?

there is 3 iso in the site which one you downloaded?

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p060477 commented Jun 25, 2023

hi, the recommended:
Recommended to download: tiny11 b2(no sysreq).iso
and as we are there also an italian version...??
thxs so much indeed again

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repeat the same steps but in this step uncheck enable EFI


and as we are there also an italian version...??


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p060477 commented Jun 25, 2023

works! strange...cause the other win 11 pro guest boots from you explain this...??
and if there is no ita vers i think that also the tricks scripts to reduce an ita vers will i wrong..??
i mean dl this:
and try to apply to a ita iso vers should fail...or not...??
i say cause for ex my win 11 firefox portable,ita vers, crashes in the win 11 tiny eng vers....
thxs again

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Author strange...cause the other win 11 pro guest boots from you explain this...??

I have no idea

and try to apply to a ita iso vers should fail...or not...??

yes it will fail with the actual version, but there is an update proposed by someone to solve this but the tiny11 owner did not integrate it yet , and he seems inactive for several months, so maybe he left his project.

i say cause for ex my win 11 firefox portable,ita vers, crashes in the win 11 tiny eng vers....

it does not crash because of the language, maybe firefox needs some component that tiny11 removed

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p060477 commented Jun 25, 2023

i think that tiny is an -as it is- packaged...very useful if you want to run win 11 also in old pc, like mine,
but it must be taken as it is...without trying modifications expecially if they are not are not in the same language...
and ,as you well notice ,also because maybe the tiny do not have some componenet
...maybe this is the reason of -no uefi boot-...
it seems more as an xp engine with a win 11 dress like outside...
anyway very very useful in pc so old and not performant like mine
thxs so much again indeed!
👍 🥇

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you are welcome bro

it seems more as an xp engine with a win 11 dress like outside...

exactly :)

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p060477 commented Jun 26, 2023

hi Badr
assuming that i'd like to open a -specific port-,for emule,
so not -all ports- but one specific, for ex UDP 41000 in win 10 to...??
i'm able to arrive here:


but then...where should i put UDP 41000??...only in -local- field...or only in -remote-...or in both fields local and remote..??
and should i create only a rule for income connections or also for outcome ones..??
thxs so much again

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badrelmers commented Jun 26, 2023

but then...where should i put UDP 41000??...only in -local- field...or only in -remote-...or in both fields local and remote..??
and should i create only a rule for income connections or also for outcome ones..??


incoming and outgoing connections

like in humans communications, when A (you) talk to B, there is 2 types of communications, when you talk to B this is called outgoing connection (relative to you), and when B talk to you this is called incoming connection (relative to you).

so incoming connection are connections coming from internet to your PC

outgoing connections are connections going from your PC to the internet

incoming connection are generally dangerous when you do not know who talks to you, so we generally open ports for incoming connection only for the programs we need and trust, otherwise hackers can use the opened ports to hack you if the program listening in that port have bugs or is a spyware. but thanks to the routers today this is difficult/impossible to happen unless you open the port in the router too.

outgoing connections are generally safer, because you are supposed to know what application are installed inside your PC, and then you allow them to connect to internet when you want, so it is safe unless someone install a spying program or you install a spying program that will send your secrets to a hacker server...

local and remote meaning

when you make a connection to a web-page, to emule server or what ever using internet , your PC always needs 2 ports, a port inside your PC and an opened port inside the web-page/emule server that is listening on that specific port.

for example, web-pages have generally 2 open ports waiting for you to connect to them to be able to receive the web-page data, port 80 and port 443, port 80 is used for non encrypted connections (http), and port 443 is used for SSL/TLS secure encrypted connections (https)

so when you open a page in your browser (for example, your PC will choose a free local port inside your PC (for example 56433) and he will connect to google which is listening always in the port 443. the same principle happens with emule or any other app using internet, only the ports change but the principal is the same.

so as you see we always need 2 ports to make a communication, like with humans we need two people to make a communication.

so local means the port that will be opened/allowed inside your PC

remote means the port that will be opened/allowed inside the remote PC (emule servers or web servers for example)

now lets configure the firewall for emule

incoming connections

local means: I want people from internet to connect to my emule app using my local xxxx port inside my PC, this is obligatory to allow people to connect to your emule to gain the double green arrows. so put here the port you opened in the router the same that you configured in emule.

remote means: I want my emule app to accept connections from people that are using yyyy port in their PC's only. this is impossible because you cannot force people to use the port you want in there PC when they talk to you (you cannot force the person B to choose the words you want when he talks to you). so choose "All ports"

outgoing connections

local means: I want my emule app to connect to emule servers using only this xxxx local port. this is bad because you cannot be sure that the xxxx port is free in your PC and emule will need a lot of ports , every person you download from it will be using a port from your PC. so choose "All ports"

remote means: I want my emule app to connect to emule servers that are listening in the port yyyy in there PC's. this is not bad but we generally do not need to limit our apps when communicating to the outside world because we already allowed them to communicate to internet so if our app inside our PC is a spyware then one port is sufficient to send your secrets to the hacker server. so choose "All ports" too

emule I think uses two ports , one tcp port and one udp port, so you have to create two rules, one for tcp and other for udp

this is how my firewall is configured for incoming connections:
I delete everything to be secure, and if i need some program to listen to incoming connections then I allow it for a moment then I delete its rule when I finish with it:

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p060477 commented Jun 26, 2023

Hi Badr
first let me put my hat off to you, you make a very very clear description
also for a very few and poor skilled hard headed old man like me
so lots of compliments sincerly;
in win 11 firewall in the - incoming- connections there is a special field in advanced tab
which is not present in the outgoing ones:
here it is my screenshoot

win 11 firewall

i chose the "deny " option, the others 3 are:
let app decide
allow all
let user decide
first i choose this last one :
"let the user decide"
but if so a pop up error window appear:
it did not allow me to choose this having setted a specific emule port,
in this case i should be forced to permit -all ports- in incoming connections...

so i decide to choose the -deny- opt as for my pic attached

what you think...??

thxs so much again indeed

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Attraversamento confini (Edge Traversal) , I never touched or used that option, and I do not even understand what it does exactly in practice, even a professional in windows security does not understand it :) , Dr. THOMAS W. SHINDER, MCSE, is a Microsoft MVP for Forefront Edge Security, the author of six highly regarded books on Microsoft ISA Server, he said:

I don’t know what this does, but if I find out, I’ll make sure to include this information in my blog.

read more here

so leave it in default: block/deny

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p060477 commented Jun 27, 2023

Hi Badr, yr posts are always so very precious for me cause in this case i finally understand why i've in my win 10 firewall rules:
edge traversal

i really make you very sure that i did not ever create it...and its state was not to deny-block but to -leave to application-
i instantly deny it...
the program was an old utorrent portable 3.5.5...
i look at this adv tab about edge traversal cause there is the word NAT....which reminds me to vbox...:

thxs again for yr kind helping


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yes it is better to disable it while the program works as expected

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p060477 commented Jul 1, 2023

Hi Badr
as you already know i'm using LdPlayer to be able to use android apps on my win 10 pc
as for ex whatsapp, Spid, and so on...
i underline absolutely -any- game.....only apps from google store that you have to use normally if you have a smartphone...
do you think instead of doing so it should be better to use an android s.o in vb as guest...??
considering also my pc hdw so old as ram,8gb cpu intel i5 4590 and so on...??
thxs again indeed for yr kind attention and helping

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badrelmers commented Jul 1, 2023

I have absolutely no experience with android, and I just discovered now that google do not gave any official android iso for PC, all the android iso's circulating are made by third party people not google. so I think ldplayer or other iso will be the same anyway, but from a quick search in google everybody say that ldplayer is faster than most of the other android emulators. and ldplayer is already using virtualbox so you will not gain anything by doing it yourself I think. and the more important is that not every android iso will be able to run your programs, so you need to test first. based on what I read, ldplayer is doing a lot of work to make a lot of android apps to work in PC, so you will not be able to do the same. but who knows, maybe your wanted apps will work in an android iso, you have to test it, read about the different android iso that exist and test them with your wanted apps to see.

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p060477 commented Jul 2, 2023

Hi Badr
thxs a lot for yr always so precious suggestions and thoughts
they are so precious for me, thxs again
principally i ask that due to my pc hdw...but as you say may be the ldplayer is the best solution
some doubts come when whatsapp has introduced the opt to make changes to messages sent within 15 min...i'm trying this opt but on my ldplayer whatsapp even if showing that future then do not allow me to use it...
i mean that for ex i send a short message for ex:
"this is a try"
and then with the pencil opt in the right high part of the screen i try to modify it
...and i enter the modify future but...i'm not able to modify the text...
i'm only able, if i click on the left high screen arrow , to leave the modify section and to put the message in the recycle bin to sum up i'm only able to eliminate it..not to change...
and i think that maybe this is due to ldplayer virtualization of whatsapp app....
thxs so much again

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you r welcome, unfortunately i have no idea of this bro

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p060477 commented Jul 20, 2023

Hi Badr, seems new virtualbox vers, 7.0.10 , has been issued...
so how to update also your portable vers.?
i think we should have to dl the installer .exe and modify the start/unistal .bat....but how to without makin disasters...??
we ask cause we are champion of the world of disasters...any....... :(

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p060477 commented Oct 19, 2023

Hi Badr, seems new virtualbox vers, 7.0.12 , has been issued...
so how to update also your portable vers.?
i think we should have to dl the installer .exe and modify the start/unistal .bat....but how to without makin disasters...??
we ask cause we are champion of the world of disasters...any....... :(

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do the same steps you already did before , like i told you here

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p060477 commented Feb 27, 2024

Hi Badr!
what you think about this...:
do you think is worth to give it a try...??
thxs in adv for yr kind attn

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