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Last active December 23, 2022 17:59
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Kliesli Arrow Optics

This implementation can now be found in production here

// This is all based on the idea here:
import type { $, Kind } from "../kind.ts";
import type { Traversable } from "../traversable.ts";
import type { Refinement } from "../refinement.ts";
import type { Predicate } from "../predicate.ts";
import type { Either } from "../either.ts";
import type { Option } from "../option.ts";
import type { Monad } from "../monad.ts";
import type { Fn } from "../fn.ts";
import * as I from "../identity.ts";
import * as O from "../option.ts";
import * as A from "../array.ts";
import * as R from "../record.ts";
import * as E from "../either.ts";
import { isNotNil } from "../nilable.ts";
import { apply, flow, identity, pipe, todo, unsafeCoerce } from "../fn.ts";
// Build up language of Kliesli Optics
* Following are the runtime tags associated
* with various forms of Optics.
export const LensTag = "Lens" as const;
export type LensTag = typeof LensTag;
export const PrismTag = "Prism" as const;
export type PrismTag = typeof PrismTag;
export const TraversalTag = "Traversal" as const;
export type TraversalTag = typeof TraversalTag;
export type OpticTag = LensTag | PrismTag | TraversalTag;
* Type level mapping from Tag to URI. Since an
* Optic get function is a Kliesli Arrow a => mb, we
* associate the Optic Tags as follows:
* LensTag => Identity
* PrismTag => Option
* TraversalTag => Array
export type ToURI<T extends OpticTag> = T extends LensTag ? I.URI
: T extends PrismTag ? O.URI
: T extends TraversalTag ? A.URI
: never;
* Type level mapping from URI to Tag
export type ToTag<U extends Kind> = U extends A.URI ? TraversalTag
: U extends O.URI ? PrismTag
: U extends I.URI ? LensTag
: never;
* Join will give us the "loosest" of two tags. This is used to
* determine the abstraction level that an Optic operatates at. The
* most contstrained is Identity while the least constrained is Array.
* The typescript version of the source optics Getters are as follows:
* ```ts
* type Lens<S, A> = { get: (s: S) => Identity<A> };
* type Prism<S, A> = { get: (s: S) => Option<A> };
* type Traversal<S, A> = { get: (s: S) => Array<A> };
* ```
* Here we can see that Lens is constrained to get exactly one A,
* Prism is constrained to get zero or one A, and Traversal is
* constrained to get zero, one, or many As. Because of this,
* Lens can always be lifted to a Prism and Prism can always be
* lifted to Traversal. All Optics share the same modify function
* over S and A.
* Thus Join is like GT where Array > Option > Identity.
export type Join<U extends OpticTag, V extends OpticTag> = U extends
TraversalTag ? TraversalTag
: V extends TraversalTag ? TraversalTag
: U extends PrismTag ? PrismTag
: V extends PrismTag ? PrismTag
: LensTag;
* The runtime level GTE for Join
export function join<A extends OpticTag, B extends OpticTag>(
a: A,
b: B,
): Join<A, B> {
if (a === TraversalTag || b === TraversalTag) {
return TraversalTag as unknown as Join<A, B>;
} else if (a === PrismTag || b === PrismTag) {
return PrismTag as unknown as Join<A, B>;
} else {
return LensTag as unknown as Join<A, B>;
* Our new Optic definition. Instead of get and set we use get and modify as
* set can be derived from modify(() => value). This drastically simplifies
* implementation.
export type Optic<T extends OpticTag, S, A> = {
readonly tag: T;
readonly get: Fn<[S], $<ToURI<T>, [A, never, never], [never], [never]>>;
readonly modify: Fn<[Fn<[A], A>], Fn<[S], S>>;
* We recover the Lens type from the generic Optic
export type Lens<S, A> = Optic<LensTag, S, A>;
* We recover the Prism type from the generic Optic
export type Prism<S, A> = Optic<PrismTag, S, A>;
* We recover the Traversal type from the generic Optic
export type Traversal<S, A> = Optic<TraversalTag, S, A>;
export function optic<U extends OpticTag, S, A>(
tag: U,
get: Fn<[S], $<ToURI<U>, [A, never, never], [never], [never]>>,
modify: Fn<[Fn<[A], A>], Fn<[S], S>>,
): Optic<U, S, A> {
return { tag, get, modify };
* Construct a Lens from get and modify functions.
export function lens<S, A>(
get: (s: S) => A,
modify: Fn<[Fn<[A], A>], Fn<[S], S>>,
): Lens<S, A> {
return optic(LensTag, get, modify);
* Construct a Prism from get and modify functions.
export function prism<S, A>(
get: (s: S) => Option<A>,
modify: Fn<[Fn<[A], A>], Fn<[S], S>>,
): Prism<S, A> {
return optic(PrismTag, get, modify);
* Construct a Traversal from get and modify functions.
export function traversal<S, A>(
get: (s: S) => ReadonlyArray<A>,
modify: Fn<[Fn<[A], A>], Fn<[S], S>>,
): Traversal<S, A> {
return optic(TraversalTag, get, modify);
* A helper function mapping an Optic tag to it's associate ADT Monad
* instance.
export function getMonad<U extends OpticTag>(tag: U): Monad<ToURI<U>> {
return (tag === TraversalTag
? A.MonadArray
: tag === PrismTag
? O.MonadOption
: I.MonadIdentity) as unknown as Monad<ToURI<U>>;
* Cast an Optic<U> as an Optic<V>. This non-exported function only
* works for the following cases
* Lens => Lens
* Lens => Prism
* Lens => Traversal
* Prism => Prism
* Prism => Traversal
* Traversal => Traversal
* As long as only Optics over Identity, Option, and Array are in
* this file. There should be no way to break this casting.
function cast<U extends OpticTag, V extends OpticTag, S, A>(
G: Optic<U, S, A>,
tag: V,
): Optic<V, S, A> {
// Covers Lens => Lens, Prism => Prism, Traversal => Traversal
if (G.tag === tag as OpticTag) {
return unsafeCoerce(G);
// Covers Lens => Traversal, Prism => Traversal
} else if (tag == TraversalTag) {
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
return unsafeCoerce(traversal((s) => A.of(G.get(s)) as any, G.modify));
// Covers Lens => Prism
} else {
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
return unsafeCoerce(prism((s) => O.of(G.get(s)) as any, G.modify));
* Compose two Optics by lifting them to matching ADTs, then chain
* using the Monad for that ADT. Using a monad here was easier than
* implementing Arrow all over the fun library
export function compose<V extends OpticTag, A, I>(second: Optic<V, A, I>) {
return <U extends OpticTag, S>(
first: Optic<U, S, A>,
): Optic<Join<U, V>, S, I> => {
const tag = join(first.tag, second.tag);
const _chain = getMonad(tag).chain;
const _first = cast(first, tag);
const _second = cast(second, tag);
return {
get: flow(_first.get, _chain(_second.get)),
modify: flow(_second.modify, _first.modify),
* The starting place for most Optics. Create an Optic over the
* identity function.
export function id<A>(): Lens<A, A> {
return lens(identity, identity);
* Given an Optic over a structure with a property P, construct a
* new Optic at that property P.
export function prop<A, P extends keyof A>(prop: P) {
return <U extends OpticTag, S>(
sa: Optic<U, S, A>,
): Optic<Join<U, LensTag>, S, A[P]> =>
lens((s) => s[prop], (fii) => (a) => ({ ...a, [prop]: fii(a[prop]) })),
* Given an Optic over a structure with properties P, construct a new
* optic that only focuses on those properties
export function props<A, P extends keyof A>(...props: [P, P, ...Array<P>]) {
return <U extends OpticTag, S>(
first: Optic<U, S, A>,
): Optic<Join<U, LensTag>, S, { [K in P]: A[K] }> =>
(faa) => (a) => ({ ...a, ...faa(pipe(a, R.pick(props))) }),
* Given an optic over an array, focus on a value at an index in the
* array.
export function index(i: number) {
return <U extends OpticTag, S, A>(
first: Optic<U, S, ReadonlyArray<A>>,
): Optic<Join<U, PrismTag>, S, A> =>
pipe(first, compose(prism(A.lookup(i), A.modifyAt(i))));
* Given an optic over a record, focus on a value at a key in that
* record.
export function key(key: string) {
return <U extends OpticTag, S, A>(
first: Optic<U, S, Readonly<Record<string, A>>>,
): Optic<Join<U, PrismTag>, S, A> =>
pipe(first, compose(prism(R.lookup(key), R.modifyAt(key))));
* Given an optic over a record, focus on an Option(value) at
* the given key, allowing one to delete the key by modifying
* with a None value.
* TODO: Clean this implementation up.
export function atKey(key: string) {
return <U extends OpticTag, S, A>(
first: Optic<U, S, Readonly<Record<string, A>>>,
): Optic<Join<U, LensTag>, S, Option<A>> =>
compose(lens(R.lookupAt(key), (faa) => (s) =>
O.fold(() => R.deleteAt(key), R.insertAt(key)),
* Given an Optic over a structure with a nilable property P, construct a
* new Option Optic at that property P.
export function nilableProp<A, P extends keyof A>(prop: P) {
return <U extends OpticTag, S>(
sa: Optic<U, S, A>,
): Optic<Join<U, PrismTag>, S, NonNullable<A[P]>> =>
compose(prism((s) =>
O.fromNullable(s[prop]), (fii) => (a) =>
? ({ ...a, [prop]: fii(a[prop] as NonNullable<A[P]>) })
: a)),
* Given an Optic focused on A, filter out or refine that A.
export function filter<A>(
r: Predicate<A>,
): <U extends OpticTag, S>(
first: Optic<U, S, A>,
) => Optic<Join<U, PrismTag>, S, A>;
export function filter<A, B extends A>(
r: Refinement<A, B>,
): <U extends OpticTag, S>(
first: Optic<U, S, A>,
) => Optic<Join<U, PrismTag>, S, B>;
export function filter<A>(predicate: Predicate<A>) {
return <U extends OpticTag, S>(
first: Optic<U, S, A>,
): Optic<Join<U, PrismTag>, S, A> =>
compose(prism(O.fromPredicate(predicate), (fii) => (a) =>
predicate(a) ? fii(a) : a)),
* Traverse a U using a Traversable for U. This
export function traverse<T extends Kind>(T: Traversable<T>) {
return <U extends OpticTag, S, A, B, C, D, E>(
first: Optic<U, S, $<T, [A, B, C], [D], [E]>>,
): Optic<Join<U, TraversalTag>, S, A> =>
T.reduce((as, a) => {
// Interior mutability is questionable here
return as;
}, [] as A[]),
(faa) =>,
* Construct a set function for a given Optic
export function set<U extends OpticTag, S, A>(
optic: Optic<U, S, A>,
): (a: A) => (s: S) => S {
return (a) => optic.modify(() => a);
* Given an optic focused on an Option<A>, construct
* an Optic focused within the Option.
export function some<U extends OpticTag, S, A>(
optic: Optic<U, S, Option<A>>,
): Optic<Join<U, PrismTag>, S, A> {
return pipe(optic, compose(prism(identity,;
* Given an optic focused on an Either<B, A>, construct
* an Optic focused on the Right value of the Either.
export function right<U extends OpticTag, S, B, A>(
optic: Optic<U, S, Either<B, A>>,
): Optic<Join<U, PrismTag>, S, A> {
return pipe(optic, compose(prism(E.getRight,;
* Given an optic focused on an Either<B, A>, construct
* an Optic focused on the Left value of the Either.
export function left<U extends OpticTag, S, B, A>(
optic: Optic<U, S, Either<B, A>>,
): Optic<Join<U, PrismTag>, S, B> {
return pipe(optic, compose(prism(E.getLeft, E.mapLeft)));
// -- Lets Test ---
// Nested structure
type Structure = {
name: Option<string>;
age?: Either<string, number>;
first: {
second: {
third: number;
fourth?: {
fifth: {
sixth: number;
seventh: readonly {
name: string;
// Mock the structure
const makeStructure = (third: number): Structure => ({
name: O.none,
age: E.left("No age listed"),
first: { second: { third } },
const makeDeepStructure = (third: number, names: string[]): Structure => ({
name: O.some("Brandon"),
age: E.right(37),
first: {
second: {
fourth: {
fifth: { sixth: 2 * third, seventh: => ({ name })) },
// Get a nested value from a structure
const structure = makeStructure(5);
const deepStructure = makeDeepStructure(100, [
const ot1 = pipe(
test: "ot1",
get: ot1.get(structure),
getDeep: ot1.get(deepStructure),
modify: pipe(structure, ot1.modify((a) => a.toUpperCase())),
modifyDeep: pipe(deepStructure, ot1.modify((a) => a.toUpperCase())),
const et1 = pipe(
test: "et1",
get: et1.get(structure),
getDeep: et1.get(deepStructure),
modify: pipe(structure, et1.modify((a) => a + 1)),
modifyDeep: pipe(deepStructure, et1.modify((a) => a + 1)),
const et2 = pipe(
test: "et2",
get: et2.get(structure),
getDeep: et2.get(deepStructure),
modify: pipe(structure, et2.modify((a) => a.toUpperCase())),
modifyDeep: pipe(deepStructure, et2.modify((a) => a.toUpperCase())),
const t1 = pipe(
filter((n) => n > 0),
const t2 = pipe(
const _ = pipe(
prop("fourth"), // Returns Optic<LensTag, Structure, { fifth: { sixth: number } } | undefined>
// prop("fifth"), // Fails with string not assignable to never
// prop("sixth"),
const t3 = pipe(
// Returns:
// {
// structure: { first: { second: { third: 5 } } },
// t1: { tag: "Some", value: 5 },
// t2: { tag: "None" },
// t3: [],
// t3deep: [ "Brandon", "Tina", "Rufus", "Clementine" ]
// }
t1: t1.get(structure),
t2: t2.get(structure),
t3: t3.get(structure),
t3deep: t3.get(deepStructure),
const modifiedDeep = pipe(
t3.modify((name) => name.toUpperCase()),
// {
// "first": {
// "second": {
// "third": 100,
// "fourth": {
// "fifth": {
// "sixth": 200,
// "seventh": [
// {
// "name": "BRANDON"
// },
// {
// "name": "TINA"
// },
// {
// "name": "RUFUS"
// },
// {
// "name": "CLEMENTINE"
// }
// ]
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
console.log(JSON.stringify(modifiedDeep, null, 2));
const traverseFilter = pipe(t3, filter((name) => name.includes("a")));
const tfModify = pipe(
traverseFilter.modify((name) => name.toUpperCase()),
traverseFilter: traverseFilter.get(deepStructure),
console.log(JSON.stringify(tfModify, null, 2));
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