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Last active December 11, 2022 00:18
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Stack Safe Reader in TypeScript?
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any
* I think this is a stack safe implementation of Fn/Reader..
* I haven't really tested it though..
* The core idea here is to build up an array of "Controls"
* that represent a few core operations over a LazyFn. To
* keep things simple we only implement controls for id,
* of(pure), contramap, map, and join(flatten). From these we can
* implement ap, chain, and compose (concat two arrays of controls in
* the right order).
import type { Hold, In, Kind, Out } from "../kind.ts";
import type { Monad } from "../monad.ts";
import type { Category } from "../category.ts";
import { pipe } from "../fn.ts";
import * as A from "../array.ts";
type Id<A> = Hold<A> & {
readonly tag: "Id";
const _id: Id<unknown> = { tag: "Id" };
type Of<A> = {
readonly tag: "Of";
readonly value: A;
function _of<A>(value: A): Of<A> {
return { tag: "Of", value };
type Map<A, I> = {
readonly tag: "Map";
readonly value: (a: A) => I;
function _map<A, I>(value: (a: A) => I): Map<A, I> {
return { tag: "Map", value };
type Contramap<L, D> = {
readonly tag: "Contramap";
readonly value: (l: L) => D;
function _contramap<L, D>(value: (l: L) => D): Contramap<L, D> {
return { tag: "Contramap", value };
type Join = {
readonly tag: "Join";
const _join: Join = { tag: "Join" };
type Control =
| Id<any>
| Of<any>
| Map<any, any>
| Contramap<any, any>
| Join;
declare const LazyFnSymbol: unique symbol;
type LazyFnSymbol = typeof LazyFnSymbol;
export type LazyFn<D, A> =
& Hold<[LazyFnSymbol, (d: D) => A]>
& ReadonlyArray<Control>;
export interface KindLazyFn extends Kind {
readonly kind: LazyFn<In<this, 0>, Out<this, 0>>;
export function id<A>(): LazyFn<A, A> {
return [_id];
export function compose<A, I>(
second: LazyFn<A, I>,
): <D>(first: LazyFn<D, A>) => LazyFn<D, I> {
return (first) => [...first, ...second];
export function of<A, D = unknown>(value: A): LazyFn<D, A> {
return [_of(value)];
export function map<A, I>(
value: (a: A) => I,
): <D>(ua: LazyFn<D, A>) => LazyFn<D, I> {
return (ua) => [, _map(value)];
export function contramap<L, D>(
value: (l: L) => D,
): <A>(ua: LazyFn<D, A>) => LazyFn<L, A> {
return (ua) => [_contramap(value),];
export function join<D, A>(ua: LazyFn<D, LazyFn<D, A>>): LazyFn<D, A> {
return [, _join];
export function chain<D, A, I>(
value: (a: A) => LazyFn<D, I>,
): (ua: LazyFn<D, A>) => LazyFn<D, I> {
return (ua) => [, _map(value), _join];
export function ap<D, A>(
ua: LazyFn<D, A>,
): <I>(ufai: LazyFn<D, (a: A) => I>) => LazyFn<D, I> {
return <I>(ufai: LazyFn<D, (a: A) => I>): LazyFn<D, I> =>
map((a) => pipe(ufai, map((fai) => fai(a)))),
export function execute<D, A>(d: D): (ua: LazyFn<D, A>) => A {
return (ua) => {
// Start with a copy of the controls since we modify
// this array as execution progresses.
const controls = ua.slice();
let initial = d;
let result = d;
let index = 0;
// Loop through the controls one at a time
while (index < controls.length) {
const control = controls[index];
switch (control.tag) {
* The Id control means pass a result through
* ie. a -> a. In this case we just advance the
* index since result already contains the value.
case "Id": {
* The Of control holds a pure reference to a value.
* In this case we set our current result to the pure
* value and advance the index.
case "Of": {
result = control.value;
* The Map control holds a unary function that maps
* over the preceding value of the execution.
* Chain is implemented as map followed by join
* Ap is implemented as nested mapping followed by a join
case "Map": {
result = control.value(result);
* The Contramap controls holds a unary function that operates
* at the head of the control array. Since contramap changes
* the "argument" of a LazyFn we need to keep track of this
* change in order to properly align the result type when
* an Join occurs. The contramapped function effectively
* changes the execute value for any future Joins.
case "Contramap": {
result = control.value(result);
initial = result;
* The Join control is always preceded by a control that
* results in another array of controls. To handle this
* case we modify the controls array, throwing away all
* of the previous controls, including the current one,
* and inserting the result controls in their place.
* After this, the result is reset to the initial
* exec value and the index is reset to 0.
case "Join": {
controls.splice(0, index + 1, ...(result as Control[]));
result = initial;
index = 0;
return result as unknown as A;
export const MonadLazyFn: Monad<KindLazyFn> = { of, ap, map, join, chain };
export const CategoryLazyFn: Category<KindLazyFn> = { id, compose };
export const sequenceTuple = A.sequence(MonadLazyFn);
type Person = { name: string };
const t1 = pipe(
map((n) => n + 1),
chain((n) => of(n - 1)),
chain((n) =>
map((m) => m.length + n),
contramap((n: number) => String(n)),
map((n) => (str: string) => n + str.length),
contramap((str: string) => str.length),
contramap(({ name }: Person) => name),
pipe(t1, execute({ name: "Brandon" }), console.log);
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