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Last active August 10, 2022 17:37
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Convert compressed public key to Ethereum wallet address
const { ethers } = require("ethers");
/* Compressed public key stored in 264 bits (66 hex digits)
const compressedPubkey = "0x03aced43f9dddc120291f5cdf73580fbb592b5b21054ce61eb73cbaf98efcbe82e";
const pubkey = ethers.utils.computePublicKey(compressedPubkey);
const walletAddress1 = ethers.utils.computeAddress(pubkey);
const walletAddress2 = ethers.utils.computeAddress(compressedPubkey);
// 0x5f5AD77F4f924232a6E486216Ddefba8a732b96B
console.log(`compuressed public key: ${compressedPubkey} (${compressedPubkey.length - 2}, no 0x)`)
console.log(`public key: ${pubkey} (${pubkey.length - 2}, no 0x)`)
console.log(`wallet address: ${walletAddress1}, ${walletAddress2}`);
import ecdsa
from sha3 import keccak_256
def public_key_to_wallet_address(eth_public_key):
vk = ecdsa.keys.VerifyingKey.from_string(bytes.fromhex(eth_public_key), curve=ecdsa.curves.SECP256k1)
# strip the leading 04
public_key_bytes = vk.to_string('uncompressed')[1:]
wallet_address = '0x' + keccak_256(public_key_bytes).digest()[-20:].hex()
print(f'public key: {public_key_bytes.hex()}, wallet address: {wallet_address}')
return wallet_address
if __name__ == '__main__':
pubkey = '03aced43f9dddc120291f5cdf73580fbb592b5b21054ce61eb73cbaf98efcbe82e'
# 0x5f5ad77f4f924232a6e486216ddefba8a732b96b
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