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Last active October 30, 2023 22:21
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Update file system paths in Navidrome's database
# This script changes the path for a folder or file in Navidrome's database, allowing music files to be
# moved or renamed on the file system without losing associated metadata in Navidrome. Since the original
# version, it has been updatd to account for the media_file IDs, which are calculated from the path value
# and referenced in several tables.
# This script is based on Navidrome version 0.49.2. If you are running an older version of Navidrom, it
# will likely fail. If you are running a newer version of Navidrome, your mileage may vary.
# It does NOT make any modifications to the file system - only to the Navidrome database.
# It does not rescan the file; it assumes nothing has changed but the path. If you're moving files
# and also updating their contents (e.g. tags or bitrate), run this to change the path(s) in the
# database, and then run a full scan to update the metadata.
# Place this file in the same directory as navidrome.db, which is /var/lib/navidrome on Linux, and be sure
# to use fully qualified paths for arguments. It must be run as a user that has write access to the
# navidrome.db file.
# Generic use - note that you may need to use python3 instead of python, depending on your system:
# Example: Rename/move a folder (note trailing slashes):
# python /mnt/music/artists/Bjork/ /mnt/music/artists/Björk/
# Example: Rename a song file (use quotes for paths with spaces):
# python "/mnt/music/artists/Test 1/song.mp3" "/mnt/music/artists/Test 2/01 - Song.mp3"
# The script's output lists each path updated along with the MD5 ID calculated from it and the row
# count updates for each table referencing the old ID.
# Note that Navidrome's scanner will automatically remove files from its database if they're found to
# be missing, so it's important to stop the Navidrome server process before moving files, and to update
# the database with this script prior to restarting it.
# Steps to use:
# 1. Stop the Navidrome server.
# 2. Make a backup of your navidrome.db file so you can roll back any unwanted changes.
# 3. Move or rename folders and files as needed on the file system.
# 4. Run this script to update the Navidrome database for any files/folders moved or renamed.
# 5. Start Navidrome service.
# 6. Optionally run a full scan if file contents have changed.
# Source:
import sqlite3
import hashlib
import os
import sys
def path_clause(path):
if path.endswith('/'):
return ('LIKE', '%')
return ('=', '')
def get_matching_media(path):
clause_and_suffix = path_clause(path)
clause = clause_and_suffix[0]
path = path + clause_and_suffix[1]
sql = f"""
SELECT id, path FROM media_file
WHERE path {clause} ?
ORDER BY path;"""
cur = con.cursor()
res = cur.execute(sql, [path])
ret = res.fetchall()
return ret
def exec_update(sql, params):
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute(sql, params)
rc = cur.rowcount
return rc
def replace_values(res):
replaced = []
for row in res:
old_id = row[0]
old_path = row[1]
new_path = to_path
if from_path.endswith('/'):
new_path = old_path.replace(from_path, to_path)
new_path = to_path
new_id = md5(new_path)
sql = f"""
UPDATE media_file
SET path = ?, id = ?
WHERE path = ? and id = ?;
media_file = exec_update(sql, (new_path, new_id, old_path, old_id))
sql = f"""
UPDATE annotation
SET item_id = ?
WHERE item_id = ?
AND item_type='media_file';
annotation = exec_update(sql, (new_id, old_id))
sql = f"""
UPDATE media_file_genres
SET media_file_id = ?
WHERE media_file_id = ?;
media_file_genres = exec_update(sql, (new_id, old_id))
sql = f"""
UPDATE playlist_tracks
SET media_file_id = ?
WHERE media_file_id = ?;
playlist_tracks = exec_update(sql, (new_id, old_id))
sql = f"""
UPDATE bookmark
SET item_id = ?
WHERE item_id = ?
AND item_type = 'media_file';
bookmark = exec_update(sql, (new_id, old_id))
sql = f"""
UPDATE album
SET embed_art_path = ?
WHERE embed_art_path = ?;
album = exec_update(sql, (new_path, old_path))
'old_id': old_id,
'old_path': old_path,
'new_id': new_id,
'new_path': new_path,
'media_file': media_file,
'annotation': annotation,
'media_file_genres': media_file_genres,
'playlist_tracks': playlist_tracks,
'bookmark': bookmark,
'album': album
return replaced
def md5(s):
return hashlib.md5(s.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
# main
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print("Usage: python FROM_PATH TO_PATH")
from_path = sys.argv[1]
to_path = sys.argv[2]
if (from_path.endswith(os.sep) and not to_path.endswith(os.sep)) or (not from_path.endswith(os.sep) and to_path.endswith(os.sep)):
print("One path has a trailing slash and the other doesn't. That's probably not right. Check your inputs.")
con = sqlite3.connect('navidrome.db')
res = get_matching_media(from_path)
print(f'Found {len(res)} path matches.')
updated = replace_values(res)
for update in updated:
print('FROM: ' + update['old_path'])
print(' ' + update['old_id'])
print('TO: ' + update['new_path'])
print(' ' + update['new_id'])
print(' media_file: ' + str(update['media_file']))
print(' annotation: ' + str(update['annotation']))
print(' media_file_genres: ' + str(update['media_file_genres']))
print(' playlist_tracks: ' + str(update['playlist_tracks']))
print(' bookmark: ' + str(update['bookmark']))
print(' album: ' + str(update['album']))
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bagaag commented Mar 27, 2023

Thank you for this insight, @Stampede. It explains the bizarre behavior I've seen using it. Using a hash of the path for an ID probably seemed handy when writing the file system scanner, but it assumes files are never moved, which of course we know is not the case. I'll have to think about this. It really makes it so there's no relatively clean way to do it. In the meantime, I'll make a comment at the top of this explaining it shouldn't be used.

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bagaag commented Apr 1, 2023

I've updated the script to address the MD5 hash IDs that Navidrome uses. Unlike other databases I've used, updating IDs like this is thankfully quite simple in sqlite3. I reviewed the schema of every table in the database and believe I've got all of them. Having tested with a handful of updates, I'm not seeing any duplicates or other issues.

Note that the Navidrome album table schema seems to have changed between 0.48 and 0.49.2. You'll want to make sure you're running at least 0.49.2 with this script. You can test by running ./navidrome -v

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