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Bage (Hyewoong Park) bage79

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bage79 /
Created April 15, 2018 23:19 — forked from jney/
translate a srt file with google translate
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys,json,urllib
from pysrt import SubRipFile, SubRipItem
url_string = ''
def detect(text):
query = dict(v='1.0', q=text)
bage79 /
Created November 14, 2017 16:23 — forked from prats226/
Sentiment classification using transfer learning
import collections, math, random, numpy
import tensorflow as tf
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
sentences = """hated the movie it was stupid;\ni hated it so boring;\nawesome the movie was inspiring;\nhated it what a disaster;\nwe hated the movie they were idiotic;\nhe was stupid, hated her;\nstupid movie is boring;\ninspiring ourselves, awesome;\ninspiring me, brilliant;\nwe hated it they were rubbish;\nany inspiring movie is amazing;\nit was stupid what a disaster;\nits stupid, rubbish;\nstupid, idiotic!;\nawesome great movie;\nboring, must be hated;\nhe was boring the movie was stupid;\nboring movie was a disaster;\nboth boring and rubbish;\nso boring and idiotic;\ngreat to amazing;\ndisaster, more than hated;\nbetween disaster and stupid;\ndisaster, so boring;\nawesome movie, brilliant;\ntoo awesome she was amazing;\nhe was brilliant loved it;\ndisaster, only idiotic;\nrubbish movie hated him;\nit was rubbish, why so stupid?;\nrubbish, too boring;\nrubbish, disaster!;\nrubbish, very
bage79 /
Created October 10, 2017 01:11 — forked from philster/
Build TensorFlow 1.3 with SSE4.1/SSE4.2/AVX/AVX2/FMA and NVIDIA CUDA support on macOS Sierra 10.12

Build TensorFlow 1.3 with SSE4.1/SSE4.2/AVX/AVX2/FMA and NVIDIA CUDA support on macOS Sierra 10.12 (updated October 5, 2017)

These instructions were inspired by Mistobaan's gist, ageitgey's gist, and mattiasarro's tutorial.


I always encountered the following warnings when running my scripts using the precompiled TensorFlow Python package:

W tensorflow/core/platform/] The TensorFlow library wasn't compiled to use SSE4.1 instructions, but these are available on your machine and could speed up CPU computations.
W tensorflow/core/platform/] Th

Build tensorflow on OSX with NVIDIA CUDA support (GPU acceleration)

These instructions are based on Mistobaan's gist but expanded and updated to work with the latest tensorflow OSX CUDA PR.


OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) or newer