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Last active August 23, 2021 07:07
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[Internet Resources] Ready to use scripts, cms, tools etc..

Static site generators.

  1. 11ty
  2. Gridsome
  3. Hugo
  4. Automad
  5. Pelican
  6. Grav
  7. Lektor
  8. HTMLy
  9. List of static site generators

CSS Frameworks

  1. CSS Charts
  2. CSS filters
  3. WaterCSS - Make basic HTML looks nice
  4. Hamburger menu animations
  5. iHover - hover effects
  6. CSS Doodle - doodle using CSS
  7. CSS Shake - shake your doms
  8. Squiggly Text - codepen
  9. SpinKit - super simple spinners

JS Frameworks

  1. Vime video player
  2. SVG wrapper library
  3. Vanilla Parallax
  4. Josh - Animation on scroll
  5. Simple Parallax
  6. PixiyJs - WebGL animation
  7. VantaJs - Animated backgrounds
  8. Zdog - Animation engine for SVG and Canvas
  9. Micron - Micro animation
  10. Useanimations - Micro animations
  11. Lax - Vanilla scroll animation
  12. Muuri - Masonry layout
  13. Sal - Scroll animation
  14. PDFjs - PDF viewer
  15. Dimple - Charting JS
  16. Dropzone - upload files
  17. Flowtime - Presentations using JS
  18. Before and after slider
  19. Vivus - SVG animation
  20. AnimeJs - SVG and CSS animation
  21. Simplebox - lightbox
  22. RelaxedJs - Create PDF from web technologies
  23. TUI Calender
  24. RoughJs - create rought diagrams
  25. InfiniteGrid - Masonary Layout
  26. Modaal - modal lightbox
  27. Barbara.js - Smooth transition between pages
  28. Frappe - SVG Charts
  29. A-Framework - web framework for 3d/ar/vr experience
  30. AmptitudeJs - Audio player
  31. Micromodal - Lightweight modal
  32. Tscroll - scroll animation
  33. TippyJs - tooltips
  34. Textillate - CSS3 text animation
  35. MoJS - timeline animation
  36. Plyr - Customisable Media player
  37. Favico - Favicon with badges
  38. Flipcard
  39. PagePiling - fullpage.js alternative
  40. Scrollreveal - scroll animation
  41. Pannellum - panoramic viewer
  42. VelocityJS - best animation library
  43. Hovercraft - Presentations using JS
  44. IntenseImageViewer - see images in fullscreen
  45. Slinky - Step navigation
  46. jQuery nice select
  47. GridStackJs - drag and drop grid
  48. Gridder - Open fullimage below thumb
  49. Scroll Line - Show reading progress
  50. Scrollify - FullpageJs alternative
  51. CountUp - numerical counter
  52. Strip - Lightbox alternative
  53. MultiScroll - FullpageJs with a twist
  54. HighChart - Jquery charts
  55. DynTable - Interactive Tables
  56. HighlightJs - Syntax highlight for web
  57. ChartJs
  58. Popnotion - animation library
  59. GirdJs - Advanced table plugin
  60. Plot - Visualize tabular data

Graphic Resources

  1. TeenyIcons
  2. Hand drawn Illustration - Openpeeps
  3. SVG waves
  4. SVG bob - ASCII to SVG
  5. Fontisto Icons
  6. Feather Icons
  7. Icon8 animated icons

WordPress Related

  1. Genesis visual hooks
  2. Genesis Filters
  3. Awesome Gravity forms

Cool Stuff

  1. Create RSS feed from any website
  2. ConvertColors
  3. WikiJs - Opensource Wiki
  4. TrixJs - Opensource Editor
  5. Screen Capturing
  6. Convert Anything
  7. Opensource apps for Journalists
  8. A curated list of arrrrrrrrr!
  9. Brandy - Keeps assets in sync
  10. RSShub - RSS aggregator
  11. Developer streams to watch
  12. Lychee - Selfhosted photos
  13. Codeface - font collection for you code editor
  14. Flarum - Forum app
  15. Resource cards - find free icons, fonts etc..
  16. Webcode - microdata generators
  17. Daux - Documentation generator
  18. htaccess snippets

Email Framework

  1. Email Framework
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