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Created March 10, 2020 10:17
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γ, u, v = sinkhorn(C, a, b; β=1e-1, iters=1000)
The Sinkhorn algorithm. `C` is the cost matrix and `a,b` are vectors that sum to one. Returns the optimal plan and the dual potentials. See also [`IPOT`](@ref).
function sinkhorn(C, a, b; β=1e-1, iters=1000)
K = exp.(.-C ./ β)
v = one.(b)
u = a ./ (K * v)
v = b ./ (K' * u)
for iter = 1:iters
u = a ./ (K * v)
v = b ./ (K' * u)
u .* K .* v', u, v
γ, u, v = IPOT(C, a, b; β=1, iters=1000)
The Inexact Proximal point method for exact Optimal Transport problem (IPOT) (Sinkhorn-like) algorithm. `C` is the cost matrix and `a,b` are vectors that sum to one. Returns the optimal plan and the dual potentials. See also [`sinkhorn`](@ref). `β` does not have to go to 0 for this alg to return the optimal distance.
A Fast Proximal Point Method for Computing Exact Wasserstein Distance
Yujia Xie, Xiangfeng Wang, Ruijia Wang, Hongyuan Zha
function IPOT(C, μ, ν; β=1, iters=1000)
G = exp.(.- C ./ β)
a = similar(μ)
b = fill(eltype(ν)(1/length(ν)), length(ν))
Γ = ones(eltype(ν), size(G)...)
Q = similar(G)
local a
for iter = 1:iters
Q .= G .* Γ
mul!(a, Q, b)
a .= μ ./ a
mul!(b, Q', a)
b .= ν ./ b
Γ .= a .* Q .* b'
Γ, a, b
# function IPOT(C, μ, ν; β=1, iters=2)
# G = exp.(.- C ./ β)
# b = fill(1/length(ν), length(ν))
# Γ = ones(size(G)...)
# local a
# for iter = 1:iters
# Q = G .* Γ
# a = μ ./ (Q * b)
# b = ν ./ (Q' * a)
# Γ = a .* Q .* b'
# end
# Γ, a, b
# end
function sinkhorn2(C, a, b; λ, iters=1000)
K = exp.(.-C .* λ)
K̃ = Diagonal(a) \ K
u = one.(b)./length(b)
uo = copy(u)
for iter = 1:iters
u .= 1 ./(K̃*(b./(K'uo)))
# @show sum(abs2, u-uo)
if sum(abs2, u-uo) < 1e-10
# @info "Done at iteration $iter"
@assert all(!isnan, u) "Got nan entries in u"
u .= max.(u, 1e-20)
@assert all(>(0), u) "Got non-positive entries in u"
v = b ./ ((K' * u) .+ 1e-20)
if any(isnan, v)
@show (K' * u)
error("Got nan entries in v")
lu = log.(u)# .+ 1e-100)
α = -lu./λ .+ sum(lu)/(λ*length(u))
α .-= sum(α) # Normalize dual optimum to sum to zero
Diagonal(u) * K * Diagonal(v), α
function sinkhorn_diff(C, p, q, λ; β=1e-1, L=32)
S = size(p,2)
K = exp.(.-C ./ β)
b = one.(q)
# v = b ./ (K' * u)
for l = 1:L
φ = K'* (p ./ (K * b))
for s = 1:S
v = b ./ (K' * u)
u .* K .* v', u, v
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