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Created October 2, 2021 07:16
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Analyze julia package user numbers
request_addrs: the approximate number of unique requesting IP addresses. Details below on why this is approximate and not exact.
request_count: the number of requests.
successes: the number of requests which resulted in a 2xx HTTP response code. Only included if status is not one of the key fields of the rollup. To get the success rate, divide by request_count.
cache_misses: the number of requests which resulted in the package server attempting to fetch a resource from an upstream storage server. To get the cache miss rate, divide by request_count.
body_bytes_sent: total number of bytes served in the bodies of HTTP responses for all requests (i.e. not including HTTP headers or TLS/IP data). To get average request body size, divide by request_count.
request_time: total time spent serving these requests. To get average request time, divide by request_count.
date_count: the number of distinct UTC dates when requests occurred. Only included if date is not one of the key fields of the rollup.
date_min: the earliest date of any request in this group. Only included if date is not one of the key fields of the rollup.
date_max: the latest date of any request in this group. Only included if date is not one of the key fields of the rollup.
using CSV, DataFrames
using PkgDeps, UUIDs
data ="/tmp/package_requests.csv", DataFrame)
function uuid2names()
registries = reachable_registries()
dict = Dict{UUID, String}()
for rego in registries
for (pkg_name, pkg_entry) in rego.pkgs
push!(dict, pkg_entry.uuid=> pkg_name)
function uuid2user()
registries = reachable_registries()
dict = Dict{UUID, String}()
for rego in registries
for (pkg_name, pkg_entry) in rego.pkgs
m = match(r"\.com/(.+?)/", pkg_entry.repo)
if m === nothing
push!(dict, pkg_entry.uuid => "Unknown")
push!(dict, pkg_entry.uuid => m.captures[1])
const namemap = uuid2names()
const usermap = uuid2user()
uuid2name(uuid) = namemap[UUID(uuid)]
isuser(uuid) = usermap[UUID(uuid)] == "enter_your_username_here"
user(uuid) = usermap[UUID(uuid)]
data2 = filter(data) do x
x.status < 300 &&
isequal(x.client_type, "user") #&&
# isuser(x.package_uuid)
data2 = select(data2, :package_uuid => ByRow(uuid2name) => :name,
:package_uuid => ByRow(user) => :org,
:request_addrs => :users
data2 = hcat(sort(data2, :users, rev=true), sort(data2, [:org, :users], rev=false), makeunique=true)
using Plots
histogram(log10.(data2.users), xlabel="log₁₀(users)")
CSV.write("/tmp/users.csv", data2)
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