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Created July 11, 2023 14:16
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FastDiff or NoDiff?
using FastDifferentiation
# ==============================================================================
## Try simple things
# ==============================================================================
x = make_variables(:x, 2)
mu = make_variables(:mu, 2)
ex = sum(abs2, x .* mu)
hs = sparse_hessian(ex, x)
fun = make_function(hs, x, mu; in_place=false)
# Test
xv = randn(size(x))
muv = randn(size(mu))
fun(xv, muv)
# ==============================================================================
## Try on MPC generated functions
# The code below relies on `prob` being defined using one of our MPC examples
# ==============================================================================
using JuliaSimControl
using Serialization
## MPC controller
using HardwareAbstractions
import HardwareAbstractions as hw
using QuanserInterface
using JuliaSimControl
using JuliaSimControl.MPC
import JuliaSimControl.ControlDemoSystems as demo
using FiniteDiff
# cd("../../examples/quanser/")
# prob = deserialize("prob")
p = prob.p
vars = prob.vars
v = copy(vars.vars)
optfun = prob.optprob.f
# Test grad
out = similar(v)
optfun.grad(out, v, p)
@test out ≈ FiniteDiff.finite_difference_gradient(x->optfun.f(x, p), v) rtol = 1e-4
# Test jac
nc = length(optfun.cons.constraint)*vars.n_robust +*optfun.cons.robust_horizon*(vars.n_robust-1)
out = optfun.cons_jac_prototype
inner_out = zeros(nc)
optfun.cons_j(out, v, p)
@test out ≈ FiniteDiff.finite_difference_jacobian(function (x)
inner_out = zeros(nc)
optfun.cons(inner_out, x, p)
end, v) rtol = 1e-4
@btime $optfun.cons_j($out, $v, $p)
# 63.701 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
# Test lag hess
out = zeros(length(v), length(v))
out = similar(optfun.lag_hess_prototype.nzval)
mu = randn(nc)
sig = 1
optfun.lag_h(out, v, sig, mu, p)
vs = make_variables(:v, length(v))
ps = make_variables(:p, length(p))
mu = make_variables(:mu, nc)
# outs = similar(optfun.cons_jac_prototype, eltype(vs))
# optfun.cons_j(outs, vs, ps)
consout = zeros(eltype(vs), nc)
# consout = Vector{Any}(undef, nc)
consex = optfun.cons(consout, copy(vs), ps)
fun = make_function(consex, vs, ps; in_place=false)
fun(v, p)
@btime fun(v, p)
J = sparse_jacobian(consex, vs)
vs = make_variables(:v, 2)
sparse_jacobian([transpose(vs)*vs; vs'vs], vs)
xs = make_variables(:x, 2)
# res = similar(xs)
res = zeros(eltype(xs), length(xs))
function foo!(res, x)
res .= x.^2
foo!(res, xs)
consout = zeros(nc);
consex = optfun.cons(consout, v, p)
# ==============================================================================
## Simple hessian example
# ==============================================================================
using Symbolics: variables
using Symbolics
function cartpole(x, u, p=0, t=0)
mc, mp, l, g = 1.0, 0.2, 0.5, 9.81
q = x[SA[1, 2]]
qd = x[SA[3, 4]]
s = sin(q[2])
c = cos(q[2])
H = [mc+mp mp*l*c; mp*l*c mp*l^2]
C = [0 -mp*qd[2]*l*s; 0 0]
G = [0, mp * g * l * s]
B = [1, 0]
# qdd = (-H) \ (C * qd + G - B * u[1])
den = (H[1, 1]*H[2, 2] - H[1, 2]*H[2, 1])
xdd = [H[2,2] -H[1,2]; -H[2,1] H[1,1]]
qdd = xdd * (C * qd + G - B * u[1])
return [qd; qdd]
x = variables(:x, 1:4)
u = variables(:u, 1:2)
xp = cartpole(x, u)
c = sum(abs2, xp)
vars = [x; u]
hs = Symbolics.sparsehessian(c, vars)
h = build_function(hs, x, u; expression=Val{false}, cse=true)
H = h[1](randn(4), randn(4)) # Show sparsity pattern
@btime h[1](randn(4), randn(2))
import FastDifferentiation as fad
x = fad.make_variables(:x, 4)
u = fad.make_variables(:u, 2)
xp = cartpole(x, u)
c = sum(abs2, xp)
vars = [x; u]
hs = fad.sparse_hessian(c, vars)
h = fad.make_function(hs, vars)
@btime h(randn(6))
# ==============================================================================
## One step more demanding
# ==============================================================================
function rk4(f::F, Ts0; supersample::Integer = 1) where {F}
supersample ≥ 1 || throw(ArgumentError("supersample must be positive."))
# Runge-Kutta 4 method
Ts = Ts0 / supersample # to preserve type stability in case Ts0 is an integer
let Ts = Ts
function (x, u, p=0, t=0)
T = typeof(x)
f1 = f(x, u, p, t)
f2 = f(x + Ts / 2 * f1, u, p, t + Ts / 2)
f3 = f(x + Ts / 2 * f2, u, p, t + Ts / 2)
f4 = f(x + Ts * f3, u, p, t + Ts)
add = Ts / 6 * (f1 + 2 * f2 + 2 * f3 + f4)
# This gymnastics with changing the name to y is to ensure type stability when x + add is not the same type as x. The compiler is smart enough to figure out the type of y
y = x + add
for i in 2:supersample
f1 = f(y, u, p, t)
f2 = f(y + Ts / 2 * f1, u, p, t + Ts / 2)
f3 = f(y + Ts / 2 * f2, u, p, t + Ts / 2)
f4 = f(y + Ts * f3, u, p, t + Ts)
add = Ts / 6 * (f1 + 2 * f2 + 2 * f3 + f4)
y += add
return y
function rollout(f, x0::AbstractVector, u)
T = promote_type(eltype(x0), eltype(u))
x = zeros(T, length(x0), size(u, 2))
x[:, 1] .= x0
rollout!(f, x, u)
function rollout!(f, x, u)
for i = 1:size(x, 2)-1
x[:, i+1] = f(x[:, i], u[:, i]) # TODO: i * Ts
x, u
Ts = 0.01
N = 2
# u = variables(:u, 1:2, 1:N)
# x0 = variables(:x0, 1:4)
u = reshape(fad.make_variables(:u, 2*N), 2, N)
x0 = fad.make_variables(:x0, 4)
discrete_cartpole = rk4(cartpole, Ts)
x, _ = rollout(discrete_cartpole, x0, u) # Never finishes?
vars = [x0; vec(u)]
c = sum(abs2, x) + sum(abs2, u)
hs = Symbolics.sparsehessian(c, vars)
h = build_function(hs, x, u; expression=Val{false}, cse=true)
H = h[1](randn(4), randn(2, N)) # Show sparsity pattern
hs = fad.sparse_hessian(c, vars)
h = fad.make_function(hs, vars)
@btime h(randn(6))
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