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Created February 21, 2018 08:32
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1449. New British party inspired by Macron seeks to overturn Brexit (

1448. Theresa May's ex right-hand man Damian Green insists voters have right to see full impact reports (

1447. Farming businesses 'could be wiped out after Brexit transition' (

1446. Thornberry dismisses calls for greater Labour members' say on Brexit (

1445. May's Brexit transition demand 'would demonise EU citizens' (

1444. Theresa May’s made a hash of Brexit and now the door is open to a second referendum (

1443. Alastair Campbell: McDonnell must move Corbyn on Brexit (

1442. The trade delusion: why Brexit won’t be Britain's salvation (

1441. ‘The UK food industry must not be sold down the river’ – Norfolk farming leader’s plea on Brexit trade talks (

1440. Iain Macwhirter: Brexit has created havoc in Northern Ireland (

1439. Labour will win the next election if it becomes the party of Remain (

1438. The Brexiter elite are lining up their excuses, but it may backfire on them (

1437. Migrant adult social care staff 'add £4.4bn to English economy' (

1436. Neil Kinnock warns Jeremy Corbyn: ‘Stop Brexit to save the NHS’ (

1435. Brexit shock begins to hit the UK car industry (

1434. Security cannot be bargained for a trade deal, Jean-Claude Juncker warns Theresa May (

1433. Road to Brexit? It leads to Remain (

1432. A hard-Brexit think tank accidentally published its plans for US-UK ‘shadow trade talks’ (

1431. Fidelma Cook: The madness of Brexit - a view from France (

1430. Ferry crossings to town’s port are scuppered by Brexit vote (

1429. Revealed: rightwing groups plot to ditch EU safety standards on food and drugs (

1428. Ed Balls says small businesses are worried about Brexit (

1427. Theresa May told at international conference second Brexit vote would not be matter of ‘national shame’ (

1426. Jimmy NsubugaSaturday 17 Feb 2018 11:33 am Share this article with Facebook Share this article with Twitter Share this article with Google Plus Share this article through email (

1425. Theresa May to warn EU not to put ideology before citizens' safety (

1424. Brexit deal delay could put NHS patients at risk, Tory MP warns (

1423. IMF tells Brexiteers: The experts were right, Brexit is already badly damaging the UK's economy (

1422. UK retail sales significantly undershoot forecasts as inflation and Brexit bite (

1421. Businesses are floundering while Whitehall dithers on immigration (

1420. Wrightbus: Up to 95 jobs under threat (

1419. Theresa May and Michel Barnier fooled British public to hide ‘REAL’ £90billion Brexit bill, EU chiefs claim (

1418. Nursing staff from the EU must stay or the NHS faces a ‘Brexit disaster’ (

1417. Layoffs Arrive in Brexit Britain, and Auto Workers Are Up First (

1416. Brexit expected to lead the UK into recession within two years, investor survey says (

1415. Business leader warns May against harsh immigration policy (

1414. Boris Johnson makes an energetic but unconvincing case for Brexit (

1413. Ferry crossings to town’s port are scuppered by Brexit vote (

1412. Boris Johnson could have healed the national rift, but he thought only of himself (

1411. Brexit immigration plan delays are fuelling anxiety, MPs warn (

1410. Can any of us believe a word Boris says? (

1409. The 8 oddest moments from Boris Johnson's 'Brexit unity' speech (

1408. Retailers suffer worst footfall and spending for half a decade (

1407. EU could cease to recognise UK driving licences after Brexit! Here’s what Brits might have to do to keep driving in Europe (

1406. Brexit speech: Jean-Claude Juncker accuses Boris of talking 'total nonsense' (

1405. European Union grows at fastest pace for 10 years (

1404. That Boris speech: What he said and what he really means (

1403. Eurozone economy storms ahead in sharp contrast to Brexit-hit UK (

1402. Boris Johnson's defence of Brexit was incoherent mush (

1401. Boris Johnson denounced ahead of major Brexit speech: 'Why are we taking him seriously?' (

1400. Boris Johnson’s big idea on Brexit is just preposterous (

1399. Theresa May is prepared to bring forward Brexit day to December 2020 (

1398. Brexit is leading a vital but unglamorous industry to its death (

1397. The stage is set for Brexiteers’ stab in the back myth (

1396. Daniel Hannan admits “Project Fear” forecasts were correct (

1395. Scottish soft fruit industry ‘may lose out to Portugal’ thanks to Brexit (

1394. Brexit wiped out £7.7bn of business investment, says Bank of England (

1393. Police warn of criminal ‘free for all’ post-Brexit without European arrest warrant (

1392. We young people did not vote for Brexit and we won't let the Tories hijack our future (

1391. British farmer moves fruit-growing to China over Brexit uncertainty (

1390. BANK OF AMERICA: Theresa May's Brexit plan is 'not possible' — and here's the Venn diagram that proves it (

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