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Created April 18, 2016 15:43
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"description": "Startup Transparency Made Simple",
"competition": {
"description": "Key competitors and competitive threats",
"updated-at": "2016-04-18T14:49:14.000Z",
"headline": "How do leaders communicate with stakeholders today? Email and messaging.",
"icon": "shark",
"title": "Competition",
"author": {
"image": "",
"name": "Stuart Levinson",
"user-id": "slack:U06SQLDFT"
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"type": "application/",
"updated-at": "2016-04-18T14:49:14.000Z"
"body": "<p><ul><li><b>Email - </b>This is what founders use most often today to update stakeholders. People hate writing them, and they hate receiving them, but it's hard to beat for simplicity.<br></li><li><b>Workplace Messaging (e.g., Slack)</b>&nbsp;- OK, messaging platforms like Slack beat email for simplicity and they're red hot for good reason. This is the easiest way to notify employees of updates and news \"in the moment\", but it's not a great way to organize information about the company for internal and external stakeholders alike.</li><li><b>Internal Wiki </b>-&nbsp;Confluence is the corporate wiki we see most often, and we'll see more Slack-based wikis like this one from <u></u>. Wikis are strong for their ability to customize everything; but therein is the key difference. Most founders don't want to start with a blank page because then they have to think about how to start and what to write about. We want to be the antithesis to that, reducing friction means providing a structure and less choices that make it easy for companies to quickly share information without spending lots of time.</li><li><b>Reporting</b> - apps like <u>VisibleVC</u> will be interesting to watch, though they seem to have more of an investor-first focus. It's hard to consider early startups as competitors, just as they won't consider us a competitor, but we'll probably learn a lot from each other as we grow up.</li><li><b>Company blogs</b> - <u>BlogIn</u>&nbsp;is an example. Their message is: Create and Run an internal company blog. Share news and knowledge, boost collaboration and improve team communication. Like a wiki, it's a blank page but gives you tools to set up groups, security, etc.</li><li><b>Marketplace/Platform</b> - Sites like <u>Angelist</u>, <u>Mattermark</u> and <u>Crunchbase</u> are go to places when you want to know more about a startup. How much have they raised, who invested, and pieces here and there about their traction and progress. Startups might like to have a presence on these sites, but it doesn’t mean they're the best way for leaders to communicate with stakeholders. Ideally, founders will use OpenCompany and then publish the information to these sites so it's available everywhere.</li><li><b>Dashboard</b> - Most dashboards aren't&nbsp;competition because they’re focused on data and integrating lots of different data sources, not stakeholder communications. Still, we can learn a lot by looking at the leaders and articulating how our dashboard is different.<br></li></ul></p>",
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"updated-at": "2016-04-18T15:25:24.075Z",
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"slug": "open",
"sections": {
"company": [
"financial": [
"progress": [
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"challenges": {
"description": "Challenges facing the company",
"updated-at": "2016-04-18T15:24:53.993Z",
"headline": "Is Transparency and Stakeholder Communication Important Enough to Founders?",
"icon": "tactic",
"title": "Key Challenges",
"author": {
"image": "",
"name": "Stuart Levinson",
"user-id": "slack:U06SQLDFT"
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"href": "/companies/open/challenges?as-of=2016-04-18T15:24:53.993Z",
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"updated-at": "2016-04-18T15:24:53.993Z"
"body": "<p>Perhaps startups and other companies won’t see the same value we imagine they will. We'll begin to learn that soon as we roll out OpenCompany to early customers.</p><p>We know we'll need to iterate. Will we be able to iterate quickly enough?</p><p>We might build a great product, but will people know about it? How?</p>",
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"name": "OpenCompany",
"highlights": {
"description": "Company milestones and accomplishments",
"headline": "",
"placeholder": true,
"icon": "light",
"title": "Highlights",
"revisions": [],
"body": "What new company milestones or accomplishments are you most proud of? List up to three.",
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"mission": {
"description": "Why the company exists",
"updated-at": "2016-04-18T14:55:16.885Z",
"headline": "We want to empower leaders to build stronger organizations through transparency.",
"icon": "goal-64",
"title": "Mission",
"author": {
"image": "",
"name": "Stuart Levinson",
"user-id": "slack:U06SQLDFT"
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"href": "/companies/open/mission?as-of=2016-04-18T14:55:16.885Z",
"type": "application/",
"updated-at": "2016-04-18T14:55:16.885Z"
"body": "<p><h2>To help open companies outperform closed ones.</h2><h2>To make information available to all stakeholders equally.</h2><h2>To make private companies public.</h2></p>",
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"update": {
"description": "Company update",
"updated-at": "2016-04-18T15:21:46.438Z",
"headline": "It's time to test OpenCompany with real companies!",
"icon": "send",
"title": "Founder's Update",
"author": {
"image": "",
"name": "Stuart Levinson",
"user-id": "slack:U06SQLDFT"
"revisions": [
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"updated-at": "2016-04-18T15:21:46.438Z"
"body": "<p>This week we'll begin building our own dashboard, and that of some early companies as well.&nbsp;</p>",
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"stakeholder-update": {
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"currency": "USD",
"fundraising": {
"description": "Updates on the fundraising process",
"headline": "",
"placeholder": true,
"icon": "pig",
"title": "Fundraising",
"revisions": [],
"body": "When are you raising? How much are you raising? What is the purpose of the funds? Link to the\n pitch deck. What’s plan B if you can’t raise as you expect to? Who did you meet with and how did the\n meetings go? After the raise, discuss who the investors are and the terms of the deal.",
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"product": {
"description": "Product release and roadmap update",
"headline": "",
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"icon": "atom",
"title": "Product",
"revisions": [],
"body": "What tests have you run to validate your product? What did you learn? What's\n shipped recently and how has the roadmap changed? How is the product performing? What's not working? What's\n the evidence you are making something some people love?",
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"team": {
"description": "Team and hiring update",
"updated-at": "2016-04-18T15:18:39.140Z",
"headline": "A Shout Out to DESIGNERS!",
"icon": "multiple-19",
"title": "Team and Hiring",
"author": {
"image": "",
"name": "Stuart Levinson",
"user-id": "slack:U06SQLDFT"
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"href": "/companies/open/team?as-of=2016-04-18T15:18:39.140Z",
"type": "application/",
"updated-at": "2016-04-18T15:18:39.140Z"
"body": "<p>Currently we are a team of 4 <i>plus</i>. Stuart is CEO, and Sean is CTO, leading development with Iacopo and Martin. Next up? DESIGN!</p><p>We've been fortunate to work with two talented part-time designers, Valdis and John. Now we're looking for a designer to join our team full time. If you know someone that might be interested, please let them know about OpenCompany and ask them to <u>apply here</u>!</p><p>We're a distributed team currently working across four countries - the United States, Italy, Germany and Latvia - so it's possible to work from anywhere in the world.</p>",
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"values": {
"description": "Core values the company lives by",
"updated-at": "2016-04-18T14:04:14.379Z",
"headline": "Transparent. Meaningful. Curious. Balanced. Original. Distributed and Diverse. Simplicity.",
"icon": "scale",
"title": "Values",
"author": {
"image": "",
"name": "Stuart Levinson",
"user-id": "slack:U06SQLDFT"
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"type": "application/",
"updated-at": "2016-04-18T14:04:14.379Z"
"body": "<p><b>Transparent</b> - default to open, not for the sake of transparency but when it adds real value and makes us a stronger company.</p><p><b>Meaningful</b> - focus on work that makes a difference in the world.</p><p><b>Curious</b> - we’re always learning</p><p><b>Balanced</b> - live well and work well</p><p><b>Original</b>&nbsp;- use First Principles to solve from the bottom up irrespective of how it’s been solved before, and don't be afraid to work on solutions people don't realize they need yet.</p><p><b>Distributed and Diverse</b> - in a remote-first environment that embraces global talent, no one should ever feel remote</p><p><b>Simplicity</b> - we want to create a product (and a company) that grows and matures without necessarily becoming any more complex. We want a culture that values the extraordinary effort it takes to say “no” and “not good enough” and come up with the simplest possible solutions.</p>",
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"updated-at": "2016-04-18T15:21:46.438Z"
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"updated-at": "2016-04-18T15:18:39.140Z"
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"type": "application/",
"updated-at": "2016-04-18T14:04:14.379Z"
"finances": {
"description": "Cash on hand, burn and runway",
"headline": "",
"placeholder": true,
"icon": "money-bag",
"title": "Finances",
"note": "Provide context about recent changes in company finances with a note.",
"revisions": [],
"created-at": "2016-04-17T13:08:15.239Z",
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