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Last active November 6, 2022 03:54
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makeUmove Discord Server

Promote your content here! You must have the role Content Creator to share.

Content Creator role requirements:

  1. Contents that you made should follow our server rules, Discord ToS and Guidelines, and respective platform guidelines (YouTube, Twitch, Pixiv, etc.)
  2. The Content platform account (YouTube, Twitch, etc.) is at least 1 month old and has any activity in the last 2 weeks.
  3. If your content is from Twitch or YouTube, make sure that it's connected to your Discord account and visible to everyone (Settings>Connections)
  4. Have a good record on this server (never got kicked/banned)
  5. Post only the link to the content in this channel, not link to the channel (except when you're streaming, you can send link to your stream every time you are LIVE)

We will actively monitor your content-making activity and you need to pass all the above requirements and also additional requirements below so you can keep the role. Every 12 months, our staff will look and purge the role from the user that fails to follow all of the requirements

Additional requirements to keep the role:

Have any activity on #📡│»self-promotion or #🤺│»beat-saber for the last 3 weeks. OR get verified by the respective platform (Twitch Partner (not affiliate)/YouTube Verified)

How to Apply

Use the form in <#985534057330917396> The application will takes some time (1-3 days), be patient.

If the application is not processed yet, DM any one of our Administrator or Community Manager with this format:

**makeUmove Content Creator role Application**
Username#ID :
Have you applied before : yes/no
Short description of the content you create :
Link(s) to the profile where you make your content :

You can copy the code block above, fill it, and send it to any one of our Administrator or Community Manager DM.

General Rules for <#674784931146104842> and <#604889491496239121>

  1. Anything that you made can go here!

This excludes anything that is against anything against server rules!

  1. Sharing your Discord server link is not allowed.

Unless the invite is in your content description. Other than that, NO DIRECT LINKS.

  1. Any content that is Beat Saber related can go straight to <#604889491496239121>

Self explanatory.

Welcome to English rule of makeUmove Discord Server

  1. Violation of any point in Discord Terms of Usage (ToS) and/or Community Guidelines will result in a severe punishment

Please refer to and Being underaged for Discord (under 13 years old) will result in a ban. Do not joke about being underaged.

  1. Have a clean chat

No spam (messages, emojis, and images/videos) and excessive swearing. Keep political opinions and hate speech to yourself. Usage of offensive words will lead to punishment. More information read on <#580094110493442060> pinned message.

  1. Be kind and respectful to everyone

No racism, verbally abusing someone, being rude or a complete idiot. Editing/deleting your message to look like a victim is not tolerated.

  1. Do not invade other language chats

Do not chat in Korean channels using English or using any translator.

  1. Post content on the appropriate channel

Do not overwhelm any General Channels with media/links.

  1. Limit your ping to makeUmove and staff members

Please limit your ping to staff for important reasons. Some members don't like to get pinged, if they ask you to not ping them then listen.

  1. Do not post any NSFW/R-18 content

More details read on Rules Regarding NSFW section below.

  1. Advertising your content and/or Discord server in the general channels is not allowed

Check <#674784931146104842> pinned message for more details.

  1. Using art from <#580102222537293828> or <#624556721737695240> without permission will result in punishment

Traced art on <#624556721737695240> is allowed but you NEED to credit the referenced art. Stealing art from someone else is a bannable offense. If the art is not yours, post it on <#580105605466030120>

  1. Seek help if you need it

If you have any issue about being depressed, suicidal, etc, please talk to someone who are close to you or call your suicide hotline.

  1. Backseating any staff moderation is not allowed

Notify @staff if you see a misbehaved act, do not handle it yourself.

  1. Listen to any staff notices

Any staff has final say for certain situations, regardless if it's not in the rules. Failure to follow staff notice will result in more severe punishment(s).

Notes: A. Community Manager(s) hold absolute power in the server. B. Community Manager(s) and Administrator(s) can make any rule on the spot as they see fit. C. Any staff member can shut down any conversation if they feel it's inappropriate. D. Read pinned messages from all of the channels as it contains important information about the specific channels. F. Ban appeal goes to Community Manager DM -> bagusnl#2938 or Kaho#0001. G. Report any misbehaving member(s) to any staff's DM.

Bot Auto Moderation These actions will lead into an automated warning.

  1. Offensive Words

Words you can't use in the server (refer to rule #2).

  1. Excessive Emotes

Do not use too many emojis or it will count as spam (max 5 emojis at a time). Refrain to use default emojis or it may get flagged as spam, further info

  1. Excessive Mentions

Limit pinging at one time (Max 5 mentions).

Notes: A. Every warns will give you a mute that lasts for 1 minute.
B. 2 warns within 6 hours will lead into a mute lasting 12 hours. C. 3 warns within 24 hours will lead into a mute lasting 1 day and 12 hours.

Rules Regarding NSFW Contents

As a public server, we cannot accept ANY NSFW content.

  • Any message/picture/video will get deleted if it falls to NSFW content, including your server profile avatar.
  • The deletion can be done silently or with written/documented warning depending of the severity of the case

Content(s) that fall to NSFW category:

  • Any kind of nudity
  • Gore (including promoting suicide/self-harm)
  • Any kind of violent sexual conduct
  • Sexualizing minors in any way is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.
  • Hateful imagery, including historical symbols associated with hate groups.

Discord official guidelines about adult content

Welcome to English rule of makeUmove Discord Server

  1. Violation of any point in Discord Terms of Usage (ToS) and/or Community Guidelines will result in a severe punishment

Please refer to and Being underaged for Discord (under 13 years old) will result in a ban and reported to Discord staff. Do not joke about being underaged.

  1. Have a clean chat

No spam (messages, emojis, and images/videos). Limit excessive swearing/cussing. Keep political opinions and hate speech to yourself. Usage of offensive words will lead into punishment. More information read on <#580094110493442060> pinned message.

  1. Be kind and respectful to everyone

No racism, verbally abusing someone, being rude or a complete idiot. Editing/deleting your message to look like a victim is not tolerated. Posting visually edited message (framing) to any channel is prohibited.

  1. Do not invade other language chats

Do not chat in Korean channels using English or using any translator.

  1. Post content on the appropriate channel

Do not overwhelm any General Channels with media/links.

  1. Limit your ping to makeUmove and staff members

Please limit your ping to staff for important reasons. Some members don't like to get pinged, if they ask you to not ping them then listen.

  1. Do not post any NSFW/R-18 content

More details read on Rules Regarding NSFW section below.

  1. Do not spread virus/malicious messages

Messages that saying "Do not accept friend request from xxx" or similar should not be posted and will be treated as spam. Any important verified news will be posted at <#599138969334317056>.

  1. Advertising for both your content and any other Discord server in the chat is not allowed

Check <#674784931146104842> pinned message for more details.

  1. Using art from <#580102222537293828> or <#624556721737695240> without permission will result in punishment

Traced art on <#624556721737695240> is allowed but you NEED to link the original art under your post. Stealing art from someone else is a bannable offense. If the art is not yours, post it on <#580105605466030120>

  1. Seek help if you need it

We don’t appreciate people who use excuses such as suicidal thoughts, depressions, or similar to get attentions from others. If you have any issue about being depressed, suicidal, etc, please talk to someone who are close to you or call your suicide hotline.

  1. Backseating any staff moderation is not allowed

This includes mini-modding. More details on Rules Regarding Backseating and Mini-modding section below.

  1. Listen to any staff notices

Any staff has final say for certain situations, regardless if it's not in the rules. Failure to follow staff notice will result in more severe punishment(s).

  1. Some stuff are meant to be confidential

Refrain from asking details of any incident that happened on the server. Keep anything that happened on another server away from this server.

Notes: A. Community Manager(s) hold absolute power in the server. B. Community Manager(s) and Administrator(s) can make any rule on the spot as they see fit. C. Any staff member can shut down any conversation if they feel it's inappropriate. D. Read pinned messages from all of the channels as it contains important information about the specific channels. F. Ban appeal goes to Community Manager DM -> bagusnl#2938 or Kaho#0001. G. Report any misbehaving member(s) to any staff's DM.

Rules Regarding Backseating and Mini-modding

If someone is breaking any of our rules, please contact or ping one of our staff. If the situation is getting out of hand, ping Administrator or Moderator role. Mini-modding is also not tolerated. Failure to follow this will result in punishment.

This is mini-modding:

  1. Threatening members to mute or ban them.
  2. Interrupting staff when moderating/taking care of a situation in chat.
  3. Telling staff to take certain action to member(s), let them do their job.

This is not mini-modding:

  1. Answering questions.
  2. Advising a user to for example read rules, or to delete something that breaks our rules.
  3. Requesting someone to stop if they are doing something that makes you feel uncomfortable.
  4. Contacting staff for help regarding the situation that is happening in the server.

Contact Community Manager (bagusnl#2938 or Kaho#0001) in DM for a question about moderating action(s).

Bot Auto Moderation These actions will lead into an automated warning.

  1. Offensive Words

Words you can't use in the server (refer to rule #2).

  1. Excessive Emotes

Do not use too much emotes or it will count as a spam. Do not use default emojis or it may get flagged as spam, further info Numbers undisclosed.

  1. Excessive Mentions

Limit pinging at one time (Max 4 mentions).

Notes: A. Every warns will give you a mute that last for 5 minutes. B. 2 warns within 6 hour will lead into a mute lasting 12 hours. C. 3 warns within 24 hours will lead into a mute lasting 1 day and 12 hours. D. 2 automated warns will equal to 1 manual warning from staff.

Actions That Will Lead Into Ban From The Server

Verbal Warn > 2x Documented Warnings > Temporary Mute > Temporary Ban (7 days) > Ban This will depend on the severity of the case.

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