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Deferred Callbacks w/ jQuery - Real World Example
function saveContact( row ){
var form = $.tmpl(templates["contact-form"]),
valid = true,
messages = [],
dfd = $.Deferred();
bunch of client-side validation here
if( !valid ){
success: false,
errors: messages
} else {
dataType: "json",
success: dfd.resolve,
error: dfd.reject
return dfd.promise();
saveContact( row )
if( response.success ){
// saving worked; rejoice
} else {
// client-side validation failed
// output the contents of response.errors
.fail(function(err) {
// AJAX request failed
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The saveContact() function first validates the form and saves the result into the variable valid. If validation fails, the deferred is resolved with an object containing a success boolean and an array of error messages. If the form passes validation, the deferred is resolved, except this time the success handler receives the response from the AJAX request. The fail() handler responds to 404, 500, and other HTTP errors that could prevent the AJAX request from succeeding.


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