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Last active September 7, 2022 12:47
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# Files are in list of TEST-{Number} folder: TEST-1/01.png TEST-1/02.png...
#define indexes
let i_dir=0
let i_file=0
# first loop for directories
# Klasör isimleri TEST ifadesi ile başlamalı
for dir in TEST*/; do
i_dir=$(( i_dir + 1 ))
# second loop for files
# Resimler png uzantılı olmalı
for file in $dir/*.png; do
# Sayı 0 dan başladığı için 1 ekle
i_file=$(( i_file + 1 ))
#echo $file
# copy files
# echo $i_file;
# kopyala:
cp -R SFOLDER/ $dir/"S$i_file";
#echo "$dir/S$i_file";
file_name=$(basename "$file" .png);
#echo $((10#$file_name))
# şimdi TEST1/ içindeki 01.png dosyasını TEST1/S1/soru.png olarak taşıyalım
cp $file $dir/"S$((10#$file_name))"/"soru.png";
mv $file $dir/"S$((10#$file_name))"/"S.png";
echo "$i_dir sayılı klasör işlendi.";
echo "Toplam Klasör: $i_dir işlendi";
# for pics in TEST*/*.png;do
# #echo ${/%pics%.*};
# let multipler=1;
# file_name=$(basename "$pics" .png);
# #echo $file_name;
# echo $((10#$file_name))
# done
#To force the shell to interpret a number with leading zeros (or any other number) as decimal, you can specify the base as in:
#echo $(( 10#$x ))
#This is documented in the Bash Reference manual at the end of the Shell Arithmetic paragraph (§6.5).
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