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Created April 7, 2014 21:06
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djbdns smf manifest smartos
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!DOCTYPE service_bundle SYSTEM '/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1'>
<service_bundle type='manifest' name='export'>
<service name='network/djbdns' type='service' version='0'>
<create_default_instance enabled='true'/>
<dependency name='dep0' grouping='require_all' restart_on='error' type='service'>
<service_fmri value='svc:/milestone/multi-user:default'/>
<exec_method name='start' type='method' exec='tinydns &amp;' timeout_seconds='10'>
<method_context working_directory='/opt/local/etc/tinydns'>
<method_credential user='root' group='root'/>
<envvar name='IP' value=''/> <!-- should be one ip address, DNS doesn't seem to like `` -->
<envvar name='ROOT' value='/opt/local/etc/tinydns/root'/> <!-- djbdns handles chroot, setuid, and setgid -->
<envvar name='UID' value='60001'/> <!-- make this some nobody user -->
<envvar name='GID' value='60001'/>
<exec_method name='stop' type='method' exec=':kill' timeout_seconds='30'/>
<loctext xml:lang='C'>djbdns Name Server</loctext>
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