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Last active March 3, 2019 15:15
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bash print array


Print a bash array by name

This uses eval, as that is the only way to reference an array that has its name stored in a variable while retaining indices (for associative and sparse arrays). More info on why indirection won't work for this here

Note: the output generated by this function is NOT safe to eval by the shell, this is just meant to inspect the contents of array, like var_dump in PHP, or console.dir in JavaScript

$ a=([0]="hello" [1]="how are" [5]="you")
$ parr a
        [1]=`how are`

This will also work for associative arrays in Bash >= 4

        [urldecode]=`python -c 'import sys;import urllib as u;print u.unquote_plus(;'`
        [joyentstillpaying]=`sdc-listmachines | json -a -c "state !== 'running'" name state`
        [lsdisks]=`kstat -lc disk :::class | field 3 :`
        [ls]=`ls -p --color=auto`
        [cdir]=`cd "${_%/*}"`
        [urlencode]=`python -c 'import sys;import urllib as u;print u.quote_plus(;'`
        [cpp2c]=`sed -e 's#//\(.*\)#/*\1 */#'`
        [externalip]=`curl -s`
        [l]=`ls -CF`
        [lsnpm]=`npm ls -g --depth=0`
parr() {
local key value name
for name in "$@"; do
echo '('
eval "
for key in \"\${!$name[@]}\"; do
echo -e \"\\t[\$key]=\\\`\$value\\\`\"
echo ')'
complete -A arrayvar parr
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