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Last active December 5, 2021 07:14
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Diagnosing "No Compute Resources Available" messages in Triton.

No Compute Resources Available

This error is somewhat ambiguious because there is seemingly no indication which resource is exhausted.

Triton chooses compute nodes with a subcomponent called sdc-designation (also refered to as , DAPI). The full DAPI log for a provision job is embedded in the CNAPI log file and can be extracted with the workflow job uuid.

Note: The script below is no longer necessary because cnapi now includes /opt/smartdc/cnapi/bin/ which does the same thing.


if [[ -n "$TRACE" ]]; then                                                      
    export PS4='[\D{%FT%TZ}] ${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}: ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'
    set -o xtrace                                                               

set -o errexit


req_id=$(sdc-workflow "/jobs/$job_id" | json -Ha params.x-request-id)
cnapi=$(sdc-vmname cnapi)
zlogin "$cnapi" "source ~/.profile
  bunyan -c this.snapshot -o bunyan --strict -c 'this.req_id==\"$req_id\"' \
  \$(svcs -L cnapi) /var/log/sdc/upload/cnapi_* | json -ga snapshot \
  | base64 -d | gunzip - | json steps"
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