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Created February 17, 2014 23:33
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add_filter('the_content', 'fyc_the_content');
function fyc_the_content( $content ) {
if (is_singular( 'clients' ) && in_the_loop()) {
ob_start(); ?>
<div class="fyc-top">
<div class="fyc-client-featured">
<?php the_post_thumbnail('large'); ?>
</div> <!-- Close .fyc-client-featured -->
<div class="fyc-client-sidebar">
// The query variable
$queried_term = get_query_var( 'Clients' );
// Return the terms for current post based off the query variable. Make you sanitize your queries!!
$terms = wp_get_post_terms( absint( get_the_ID() ), sanitize_title( $queried_term ), array( 'fields' => 'all' ) );
// Start the arguments for WP_Query(). We'll define an empty tax_query
// so we hav something to dump our terms into programatically.
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'post',
'tax_query' => array()
// Loop through all the terms returned for the post and add them to
// the tax_query in the proper format
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
$args['tax_query'][] = array(
'taxonomy' => sanitize_title( $queried_term ),
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => sanitize_title( $term->slug )
// Fetch the posts we need
$client_posts = new WP_Query( $args );
// Start the loop
if ( $client_posts->have_posts() ) : while ( $client_posts->have_posts() ) : $client_posts->the_post();
echo get_the_title();
else :
// Handle the loop when no posts exist
// FIN
<p> <?php the_field('client_proofing_url'); ?></p>
</div> <!-- Close .fyc-client-sidebar -->
</div> <!-- Close .fyc-top -->
<div class="fyc-midriff">
<div class="fyc-client-story">
<h3>Love Story</h3>
<p><?php the_field('client_story'); ?></p>
<div class="fyc-client-review">
<p><?php the_field('client_review'); ?></p>
</div> <!-- Close .fyc-midriff -->
echo ob_get_clean();
return $content;
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