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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Iterator (lazy) style class to compute all the combinations of any number of given lists.
* Author: Bahman Movaqar <Bahman AT>
* Copyright (c) Bahman Movaqar
* This file is released under public domain license.
///// Tests below the main class
import groovy.transform.PackageScope
* Lazy (iterator) style combinations of multiple lists. It is important to note
* that the order of the iteration is not guaranteed and might vary each time
* the class is initialised.
* @param < T > type of elements of the lists
class ListCombinations<T> implements Iterator<List<T>> {
/** input lists */
final List<List<T>> input = []
/** index value limit for each list in input */
final private List<Integer> indexLimits = []
/** current index values into lists of input */
private List<Integer> indexCurrent
* Creates a new instance making a copy of input lists.
* @param lists lists to calculate the combinations of
ListCombinations(List<T>... lists) {
assert lists?.every { !it?.empty }
lists.each {
input << (it.clone() as List<T>)
indexLimits << it.size() - 1
indexCurrent = []
* Fobidden.
protected ListCombinations() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException()
* Checks if there is another combination left.
* @return true if there is another combination, false otherwise
boolean hasNext() {
indexCurrent.empty ||
[indexLimits, indexCurrent].transpose().any { l, c ->
l > c
* Calculates the next combination of the input lists.<br/>
* NOTE: The order of the combinations is not guaranteed.
* @return the next combination
List<T> next() {
if (!hasNext())
throw new NoSuchElementException()
indexCurrent = incIndexCurrent(indexLimits, indexCurrent)
[0..input.size(), indexCurrent].transpose().collect { i1, i2 ->
input[i1][i2] as T
* Increments 'indexCurrent' by 1. The "update" is practically an
* "add with carry" operation, with carry set to 1 at the beginning.
* @return copy of currentIndex, incremented by 1
@PackageScope static
List<Integer> incIndexCurrent(
List<Integer> limits, List<Integer> current
) {
if (current.empty)
return [0] * limits.size() - 1
def result = (current.clone()) as List
def carry = 1
for (Integer i in 0..result.size()-1) {
result[i] = result[i] + carry
if (result[i] > limits[i]) {
// overflow
result[i] = 0
carry = 1
} else {
// no overflow
carry = 0
* Forbidden.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException
void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException()
import org.junit.Test
import static groovy.test.GroovyAssert.*
import static ListCombinations.incIndexCurrent
class ListCombinationsTest {
void incIndexCurrent() {
def limits1 = [1,1]
assert incIndexCurrent(limits1, [0,0]) == [1,0]
assert incIndexCurrent(limits1, [1,0]) == [0,1]
assert incIndexCurrent(limits1, [0,1]) == [1,1]
def limits2 = [1,1,1]
assert incIndexCurrent(limits2, [0,0,0]) == [1,0,0]
assert incIndexCurrent(limits2, [1,0,0]) == [0,1,0]
assert incIndexCurrent(limits2, [0,1,0]) == [1,1,0]
assert incIndexCurrent(limits2, [1,1,0]) == [0,0,1]
assert incIndexCurrent(limits2, [0,0,1]) == [1,0,1]
assert incIndexCurrent(limits2, [1,0,1]) == [0,1,1]
assert incIndexCurrent(limits2, [0,1,1]) == [1,1,1]
void next() {
def l1 = [0,1]
def lc1 = new ListCombinations(l1,l1,l1)
assert == [0,0,0]
assert == [1,0,0]
assert == [0,1,0]
assert == [1,1,0]
assert == [0,0,1]
assert == [1,0,1]
assert == [0,1,1]
assert == [1,1,1]
def l2 = ['a', 'b', 'c']
def l3 = [10.01, 11.22]
def l4 = [true, false]
def lc2 = new ListCombinations(l2,l3,l4)
assert == ['a', 10.01, true]
10.times { }
assert == ['c', 11.22, false]
shouldFail(NoSuchElementException, {
void createDeepCopy() {
def l1 = [0,1]
def lc1 = new ListCombinations(l1,l1,l1)
l1[0] = 20
l1[1] = 30
assert == [1,0,0]
void hasNext() {
def l1 = [0,1]
def lc = new ListCombinations(l1,l1,l1)
(0..6).each { }
assert lc.hasNext()
assert !lc.hasNext()
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