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Last active October 27, 2023 15:07
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Implementation of the Tuya API signing.
import requests
import hashlib
import time
import uuid
import os
import copy
import json
# This is based on my personal implementation but stripped down to only what is
# needed to verify it.
# This should correct anywhere I was unclear in my original post.
# I developed against a Mobile API key, which is why I used the mobile methods
# in my test cases.
# Signing works the same with the Cloud API. You get a "NO_PERMISSION" if your
# keys aren't valid for the request, but if you sign wrong, you'll get a error
# related to signing instead, which is checked earlier on their end.
# The signing process is also leaked in the mobile apps (which are all
# rebrandings, no joke) in the Android logs.
## For mobile app keys:
## Be careful about which host you use. If you are registered in the US, use the
## US host.
host = ""
# Random and not really checked. Should keep persistent if you are using
# sessions.
device_id = os.urandom(32).encode('hex')
sid = "" # Used to mobile requests that require login.
# Needs to be set, but they don't care what it is.
os = ("TEST", "0.1.2", "TEST")
# Your API keys.
appKey = "<BLANKED>"
appSecret = "<BLANKED>"
# This is likely a cause of confusion. They decided for this and only this to
# rearrange the hash. Not their normal md5-mid which they use a lot in their
# MQTT client.
def post_data_hash_transform(post_data):
h = hashlib.md5()
pre_hash = h.hexdigest()
return pre_hash[8:16] + pre_hash[0:8] + pre_hash[24:32] + pre_hash[16:24]
# This is the implementation of "sign".
def generate_request_sign(pairs):
# This are the values that get "signed" in a request, worth checking if I
# missed one in this list.
values_to_hash = ["a", "v", "lat", "lon", "lang", "deviceId", "imei",
"imsi", "appVersion", "ttid", "isH5", "h5Token", "os",
"clientId", "postData", "time", "n4h5", "sid", "sp"]
out = []
sorted_pairs = sorted(pairs)
for item in sorted_pairs:
if item not in values_to_hash:
if pairs[item] == "":
if item == "postData":
out += [item + "=" + post_data_hash_transform(pairs["postData"])]
out += [item + "=" + str(pairs[item])]
sign_request = "||".join(out) + "||" + appSecret
h = hashlib.md5()
return h.hexdigest()
# This will give you a dict with all the request parameters.
def url_generator(action, version, post_data=None, sid=None, time_param=None):
client_id = appKey
ttid = "sdk_google1@{}".format(appKey)
timezone_id = "America/New_York"
lang = "en"
if not time_param:
time_param = int(time.time())
request_id = uuid.uuid4()
pairs = {
"sdkVersion": "1.11.11",
"platform": os[2],
"ttid": ttid,
"a": action,
"timeZoneId": timezone_id,
"deviceId": device_id,
"osSystem": os[1],
"os": os[0],
"v": version,
"appVersion": "2.9.1",
"clientId": client_id,
"lang": lang,
"requestId": request_id,
"time": time_param,
"appRnVersion": "2.9",
if sid:
pairs['sid'] = sid
to_sign = copy.deepcopy(pairs)
if post_data:
to_sign['postData'] = post_data
pairs['sign'] = generate_request_sign(to_sign)
return pairs
# Call the endpoint.
# * action is the name as defined in the tuya docs
# * version is the version they say to provide, normally "1.0"
# * data is the JSON data you want to pass to the action
# * requires_sid means it adds a session_id to the parameters. Used in mobile endpoints.
def preform_action(action, version, data=None, requires_sid=False):
if requires_sid is True and not sid:
return None
params = url_generator(action, version, data, sid)
print params
endpoint = host
headers = {
# Maybe set a user agent or something here.
if data:
r =, params=params, data={"postData":data},
r =, params=params, headers=headers)
return r.status_code, r.json(), r.headers
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Should return a list of countries, doesn't use post data.
print preform_action("", "1.0")
# Attempt to login with a fake email, takes POST data.
attempt = {
print preform_action("", "1.0",
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hey @panjanek , also here, do you have a full script avaible with new md5 ? Also that appsecret2 , do you have that for me? Seems its taken from the app itself? Smartlife or Tuya ?


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hey @bahorn or @panjanek , is it possible to update the script to use the keys below, to use smartlife or app, the appsecret2 / certsign are now needed, would be great to have a python vesion... i know use this javascript version, but want a python version of it...

For Tuya:

"key": "3fjrekuxank9eaej3gcx",
"secret": "aq7xvqcyqcnegvew793pqjmhv77rneqc",
"secret2": "vay9g59g9g99qf3rtqptmc3emhkanwkx",
"certSign": "93:21:9F:C2:73:E2:20:0F:4A:DE:E5:F7:19:1D:C6:56:BA:2A:2D:7B:2F:F5:D2:4C:D5:5C:4B:61:55:00:1E:40"
For Smartlife:

"key": "ekmnwp9f5pnh3trdtpgy",
"secret": "r3me7ghmxjevrvnpemwmhw3fxtacphyg",
"secret2": "jfg5rs5kkmrj5mxahugvucrsvw43t48x",
"certSign": "0F:C3:61:99:9C:C0:C3:5B:A8:AC:A5:7D:AA:55:93:A2:0C:F5:57:27:70:2E:A8:5A:D7:B3:22:89:49:F8:88:FE"

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panjanek commented Dec 22, 2022

@pergolafabio It should work

Here is my tool for tuyasmart app (I don't like to post secrets, seems illicit):

import requests
import hashlib
import time
import uuid
import os
import copy
import json
import urllib3
import logging
import hmac
import base64
import string
import sys
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

tuya_appid =     "***"
tuya_appsecret = "***"
tuya_bmpkey =    "***"
tuya_endpoint =  ""
tuya_sid =       "***"
tuya_ecode =     "***"
tuya_gid =       "***"
tuya_certsign =  "***"


def addTuyaSignature(params):
    if not "sign" in params:
        values_to_hash = ["a", "v", "lat", "lon", "et", "lang", "deviceId", "imei",
                          "imsi", "appVersion", "ttid", "isH5", "h5Token", "os",
                          "clientId", "postData", "time", "n4h5", "sid", "sp", "requestId"]
        sorted_params = sorted(params)
        out = []
        for key in sorted_params:
            if key not in values_to_hash:
            if params[key] == "":
            value = str(params[key])
            if key == "postData":
                h = hashlib.md5()
                value = value[8:16] + value[0:8] + value[24:32] + value[16:24]
            out += [key + "=" + value]

        feed = "||".join(out)
        hmac_key = tuya_certsign + "_"+tuya_bmpkey+"_"+tuya_appsecret
        signature ='utf-8'),msg=feed.encode('utf-8'),digestmod=hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()       
        params["sign"] = signature
    return params
def decryptResult(result, requestId):
    #create key from requestid and ecode
    keyparts = tuya_certsign + "_"+tuya_bmpkey+"_"+tuya_appsecret+"_"+tuya_ecode
    #generate key from request_id and ecode
    keyHex ='utf-8'),msg=keyparts.encode('utf-8'),digestmod=hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()     
    shortKey = keyHex[0:16].encode('utf-8')
    encryptedBytes = base64.b64decode(result)
    nonce = encryptedBytes[0:12]
    encryptedPayload = encryptedBytes[12:]
    decrypted =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce).decrypt(encryptedPayload[:-16])
    return decrypted.decode("utf-8")     

def encryptPostData(postData, requestId):
    #create key from requestid and ecode
    keyparts = tuya_certsign + "_"+tuya_bmpkey+"_"+tuya_appsecret+"_"+tuya_ecode
    #generate key from request_id and ecode
    keyHex ='utf-8'),msg=keyparts.encode('utf-8'),digestmod=hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()     
    shortKey = keyHex[0:16].encode('utf-8')
    postDataStr = json.dumps(postData)   
    nonce = os.urandom(12)
    plainBytes = postDataStr.encode('utf-8')   
    encryptedPostData, mac =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce).encrypt_and_digest(plainBytes)
    encryptedPostDataWithNonce = nonce+encryptedPostData+mac 
    encryptedPostDataBase64 = base64.b64encode(encryptedPostDataWithNonce).decode("utf-8")
    return encryptedPostDataBase64

def callTuyaApi(action, postData):
    time_param = int(time.time())
    request_id = str(uuid.uuid4())    
    params = {
               "platform":"ONEPLUS A5000",
               "time": str(time_param),
               "v":"1.0" ,
               "gid": tuya_gid

    params["postData"] = encryptPostData(postData, request_id)
    params = addTuyaSignature(params)    
    headers = { 'User-Agent' : 'Android/ (OnePlus5 NMF26X)' }   
    response =, params=params, headers=headers, verify=False)
    encryptedResult = response.json()["result"]       
    encryptedBytes = base64.b64decode(encryptedResult)
    jsonStr = decryptResult(encryptedResult, request_id)
    return json.loads(jsonStr)

def getDeviceDetails(devId):
    response = callTuyaApi("tuya.m.device.get", { "devId" :devId})
    #print(json.dumps(response, indent=4, sort_keys=True,ensure_ascii=False))
    dps = response["result"]["dps"]
    result = {}
    result["id"] = response["result"]["devId"]
    result["online"] = response["result"]["isOnline"]
    result["active"] = response["result"]["isActive"]
    result["localKey"] = response["result"]["localKey"]
    result["name"] = response["result"]["name"]
    for key in dps:
        result["dps_"+key] = dps[key]
    if "1" in dps and isinstance(dps["1"], bool):
        result["1"] = dps["1"]
    if "2" in dps and isinstance(dps["2"], bool):
        result["2"] = dps["2"]
    if "3" in dps and isinstance(dps["3"], bool):
        result["3"] = dps["3"]
    if "7" in dps and dps["7"]!=0:
        result["usb"] = dps["7"]
    if "20" in dps:
        result["voltage"] = float(dps["20"]) / 10.0
    if "18" in dps:
        result["current"] = float(dps["18"]) / 1000.0
    if "19" in dps:
        result["power"] = float(dps["19"]) / 10.0
    return result

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
        #print("usage: python <device-id> [1|2|3|usb] [on|off]")
        devices = callTuyaApi("tuya.m.device.ext.prop.list", {})
        all = []
        for dev in devices["result"]:
            devId = dev["devId"]
            device = getDeviceDetails(devId)
        print(json.dumps(all, indent=4, sort_keys=True,ensure_ascii=False))
    elif len(sys.argv) == 2: 
        devId = sys.argv[1]
        device = getDeviceDetails(devId)
        print(json.dumps(device, indent=4, sort_keys=True,ensure_ascii=False))
        devId = sys.argv[1]
        socket = sys.argv[2]
        if len(sys.argv) == 3:
            device = getDeviceDetails(devId)
            s = "1" if device[socket] else "0"
            state = sys.argv[3]
            if state == "on" or state == "off":
                if socket == "usb":
                    socket = "7"
                postData = {}
                postData["devId"] = devId
                postData["dps"] = {}
                postData["dps"][str(socket)] = state == "on"
                response = callTuyaApi("tuya.m.device.dp.publish", postData)
                print(json.dumps(response, indent=4, sort_keys=True,ensure_ascii=False))
            elif state == "set":
                value = sys.argv[4]
                if value == "true":
                    value = True
                elif value == "false":
                    value = False
                elif value.isnumeric():
                    value = int(value)
                postData = {}
                postData["devId"] = devId
                postData["dps"] = {}
                postData["dps"][str(socket)] = value
                response = callTuyaApi("tuya.m.device.dp.publish", postData)
                print(json.dumps(response, indent=4, sort_keys=True,ensure_ascii=False))

Here is the tool for thermostats:

import requests
import hashlib
import time
import uuid
import os
import copy
import json
import urllib3
import logging
import hmac
import base64
import string
import sys
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

tuya_appid =     "***"
tuya_appsecret = "***"
tuya_bmpkey =    "***"
tuya_endpoint =  ""
tuya_sid =       "***"
tuya_ecode =     "***"
tuya_gid =       "***"

#"1" - on/off, "2" - target temp * 2, "3" - current temp * 2, "102" - heater temp *2
#apk add gcc
#sudo pip istall pycrypto


def addTuyaSignature(params):
    if not "sign" in params:
        values_to_hash = ["a", "v", "lat", "lon", "et", "lang", "deviceId", "imei",
                          "imsi", "appVersion", "ttid", "isH5", "h5Token", "os",
                          "clientId", "postData", "time", "n4h5", "sid", "sp", "requestId"]
        sorted_params = sorted(params)
        out = []
        for key in sorted_params:
            if key not in values_to_hash:
            if params[key] == "":
            value = str(params[key])
            if key == "postData":
                h = hashlib.md5()
                value = value[8:16] + value[0:8] + value[24:32] + value[16:24]
            out += [key + "=" + value]

        feed = "||".join(out)
        hmac_key = "A_"+tuya_bmpkey+"_"+tuya_appsecret
        signature ='utf-8'),msg=feed.encode('utf-8'),digestmod=hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()       
        params["sign"] = signature
    return params

def decryptResult(result, requestId):
    #create key from requestid and ecode
    keyparts = "A_"+tuya_bmpkey+"_"+tuya_appsecret+"_"+tuya_ecode
    #generate key from request_id and ecode
    keyHex ='utf-8'),msg=keyparts.encode('utf-8'),digestmod=hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()     
    shortKey = keyHex[0:16].encode('utf-8')
    encryptedBytes = base64.b64decode(result)
    nonce = encryptedBytes[0:12]
    encryptedPayload = encryptedBytes[12:]
    decrypted =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce).decrypt(encryptedPayload[:-16])
    return decrypted.decode("utf-8")     

def encryptPostData(postData, requestId):
    #create key from requestid and ecode
    keyparts = "A_"+tuya_bmpkey+"_"+tuya_appsecret+"_"+tuya_ecode
    #generate key from request_id and ecode
    keyHex ='utf-8'),msg=keyparts.encode('utf-8'),digestmod=hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()     
    shortKey = keyHex[0:16].encode('utf-8')
    postDataStr = json.dumps(postData)   
    nonce = os.urandom(12)
    plainBytes = postDataStr.encode('utf-8')   
    #encryptedPostData =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce).encrypt(plainBytes)
    encryptedPostData, mac =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce).encrypt_and_digest(plainBytes)
    encryptedPostDataWithNonce = nonce+encryptedPostData+mac 
    encryptedPostDataBase64 = base64.b64encode(encryptedPostDataWithNonce).decode("utf-8")
    return encryptedPostDataBase64

def callTuyaApi(action, postData):
    time_param = int(time.time())
    request_id = str(uuid.uuid4())    
    params = {
               "platform":"ONEPLUS A5000",
               "time": str(time_param),
               "gid": tuya_gid
    params["postData"] = encryptPostData(postData, request_id)
    params = addTuyaSignature(params)    
    headers = { 'User-Agent' : 'Android/ (OnePlus5 NMF26X)' }   
    response =, params=params, headers=headers, verify=False)
    encryptedResult = response.json()["result"]       
    encryptedBytes = base64.b64decode(encryptedResult)
    jsonStr = decryptResult(encryptedResult, request_id)
    return json.loads(jsonStr)

def getDeviceDetails(devId):
    device = callTuyaApi("tuya.m.device.get", { "devId" :devId})
    result = {}
    result["id"] = devId
    result["name"] = device["result"]["name"]
    result["online"] = device["result"]["isOnline"]
    result["switch"] = device["result"]["dps"]["1"]
    result["target"] = float(device["result"]["dps"]["2"]) / 2.0
    result["current"] = float(device["result"]["dps"]["3"]) / 2.0
    result["heater"] = float(device["result"]["dps"]["102"]) / 2.0 
    return result
if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
    #list all
    devices = callTuyaApi("", {})
    all = []
    for dev in devices["result"]:
        devId = dev["bizId"]
        device = getDeviceDetails(devId)
    print(json.dumps(all, indent=4, sort_keys=True,ensure_ascii=False))
elif len(sys.argv) == 2:
    devId = sys.argv[1]
    device = getDeviceDetails(devId)
    print(json.dumps(device, indent=4, sort_keys=True,ensure_ascii=False))
    devId = sys.argv[1]
    if sys.argv[2]=="on":
        result = callTuyaApi("tuya.m.device.dp.publish", { "devId":devId, "dps":{"1":True}})
    elif  sys.argv[2]=="off":
        result = callTuyaApi("tuya.m.device.dp.publish", { "devId":devId, "dps":{"1":False}})
        target_temp = float(sys.argv[2])
        result = callTuyaApi("tuya.m.device.dp.publish", { "devId":devId, "dps":{"2":int(target_temp*2)}})
    print(json.dumps(getDeviceDetails(devId), indent=4, sort_keys=True,ensure_ascii=False))

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aha, thats great, thnx for sharing!!

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@panjanek thanks for sharing your findings. You saved me a lot of time and frustration :) thanks!

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