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Last active July 8, 2019 14:45
Multi-SSH Key Configuration
  1. Create config file in ~/.ssh

  2. Fill out the config using the example and explanation below:

    • Host

      • HostName
      • User git
      • IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github
    • Host: Defines for which host or hosts the configuration section applies. The section ends with a new Host section or the end of the file. A single * as a pattern can be used to provide global defaults for all hosts.

      • Hostname: Specifies the real host name to log into. Numeric IP addresses are also permitted.
      • User: Defines the username for the SSH connection.
      • IdentityFile: Specifies a file from which the user’s DSA, ECDSA or DSA authentication identity is read. The default is ~/.ssh/identity for protocol version 1, and ~/.ssh/id_dsa, ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa and ~/.ssh/id_rsa for protocol version 2.
  3. From the ~/.ssh file run the command ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "name of key" -f "name of key" In the above code example the below are references to each flag and their meaning:

    • t: Selects the key type, in the above example we use the rsa type
    • C: Creates a comment on the ssh key file. I use this as a duplicate of the key name
    • f: keyname
  4. Run ssh-add ~/.ssh/hostname to successfully add the ssh key

  5. Test the command(with github auth): ssh

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