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Last active February 18, 2021 10:38
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  • Save baileythegreen/48cf072d2016d3e6a544233d90b9e8dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save baileythegreen/48cf072d2016d3e6a544233d90b9e8dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a set of files used to monitor disk usage on a remote cluster with a SunGridEngine-type scheduler. It is designed to run as a daemon process with very low overhead, that runs periodic checks for how much of a group's space is being used. It is intended to catch runaway jobs before they can write Terabytes of meaningless textfiles, or to …
This file is only here so the gist will be named correctly. Ignore it.
This is a dummy flag.
You can delete this file to trigger the infinite loop to fail.
# In order to run this as a daemon, use:
# nohup ./ &
# NOT:
# sh
# .
# `Nohup` ensures that the process will not be broken by logging out of the system.
# `.` ensures it will be named '' and not 'sh' in the output of `ps`,
# so you can still find and kill it, if necessary.
# `&` places it in the background so you can start it and then continue doing other things.
# The script should ideally be started after midnight, other wise the days for the comparisons might be slightly off.
# This may or may not be problematic.
# To use this, the following strings will need to be filled in:
# <path_to_group_space>
# <path_to_script>
# <quota> # this should be the part of the `quota` output that you want to consider.
# It's two lines in this case: a path, and then a line in the form of `51945.46 GB of 60416.00 GB (85.97%) used `
# <email>
# You may wish to replace references to 'Eddie' with the name of your system.
function storage_calculator(){
FOLDER=(`ls -d <path_to_group_space>`)
echo ${FOLDER[@]} | tr ' ' '\n' > <path_to_group_space>/.dirlist
qsub -t 1-${#FOLDER[@]} <path_to_script>/
# this creates an infinite loop; don't panic; it's fine
while true
for x in {0..3}
# check for flag file, if not, die
if [ ! -f ~/.monitor_flag ]
# echo "Starting: `date`" # testing line
# get names of today and yesterday
today=`date +"%A"`
yesterday=`date --date="1 days ago" +"%A"`
# determine which file to use for the six-hour comparison (the only one where the file can vary)
if [[ $x -eq 0 ]]
today_usage=(`sed "" ${yesterday}.usage`)
today_usage=(`sed "" newday.usage`)
# echo "After if statement: `date`" # testing line
# get usage numbers from yesterday and a week ago
yesterday_usage=(`sed "" ${yesterday}.usage`)
sennight_usage=(`sed "" ${today}.usage`)
# get current usage level and other things for comparisons
percent_float="`quota | grep -A 1 <quota> | tr -d '\n' | awk '{print $7}' | tr -d '()%'`"
percent=`printf '%.*f\n' 0 $percent_float`
used_float="`quota | grep -A 1 <quota> | tr -d '\n' | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '()%'`"
used=`printf '%.*f\n' 0 $used_float`
# echo "All variables set: `date`" # testing line
# write the new used amounts to file for record keeping
echo $used >> newday.usage
# if last cycle of `for` loop, write contents of newday.usage over the file for today
if [[ $x -eq 3 ]]
echo `cat newday.usage` > ${today}.usage
rm newday.usage
#echo "Math: `date`" # testing line
## comparisons; thresholds used were arbitrarily chosen; they are run in order of precedence
## if a single one fails, a notification email is sent
## if all pass, an email is still sent, as proof the cluster hasn't spontaneously died, but this could be removed
ninetyfive=`echo "$percent >= 95" | bc -l`
six=`echo "$used - ${today_usage[$x-1]}" | bc -l`
twentyfour=`echo "$used - ${yesterday_usage[$x]}" | bc -l`
week=`echo "$used - ${sennight_usage[$x]}" | bc -l`
#echo "Tests: `date`" # testing line
if [[ $ninetyfive -eq 1 ]]
mailx -s "Eddie storage alert" <email> <<< "$used_float GB ($percent %) of the Eddie space is full."
elif [[ $six -ge 1000 ]]
mailx -s "Eddie storage alert" <email> <<< "$used GB ($percent %) of the Eddie space is full. Six hours ago, ${today_usage[$x-1]} GB was being used."
elif [[ $twentyfour -ge 3000 ]]
mailx -s "Eddie storage alert" <email> <<< "$used GB ($percent %) of the Eddie space is full. Yesterday, ${yesterday_usage[$x]} GB was being used."
elif [[ $week -ge 5000 ]]
mailx -s "Eddie storage alert" <email> <<< "$used GB ($percent %) of the Eddie space is full. Last week, ${sennight_usage[$x]} GB was being used."
mailx -s "Eddie storage is fine" <email> <<< "Everything is good."
sleep 21600
#$ -N storage_check
#$ -wd <path_to_working_directory>
#$ -l h_vmem=2G
#$ -l h_rt=24:00:00
#$ -e /dev/null
#$ -o /dev/null
### Comments ###
# This file takes a file with a list of directories, one per line,
# and runs `du` on them. It is intended to help diagnose which user
# might be using more disk space than they are aware.
line=`sed -n -e "${SGE_TASK_ID} p" ${parameter_file}`
line=`basename ${line}`
#exec &> ${line}.space_usage.out
#exec 2> ${line}.space_usage.error
du --total --summarize -h ${line}/* > ${line}.space_usage
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