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Last active December 3, 2019 21:18
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Lazy Permutations in Haskell
module Combinatorial (
) where
-- inserts a value in a list at every possible position
combine :: t -> [t] -> [[t]]
combine x [] = [[x]]
combine x (y:ys) = (x:y:ys) : map (y:) (combine x ys)
-- generate all permutations of a list
permutations :: [t] -> [[t]]
permutations [] = [[]]
permutations (x:xs) = permutations xs >>= combine x
-- all n*n chaotic permutations matrices with no repeated values in rows or columns
matrices :: Int -> [[[Int]]]
matrices n = let pls = possibleLines n in
pls >>= \(row, _) -> possibleArrays n row pls
-- generate an association list for all possible line permutation pairings
possibleLines :: Int -> [([Int],[[Int]])]
possibleLines n = let perms = permutations [1..n] in
perms >>= (\row -> map (\all -> (row, (filterPos row all))) [perms])
-- filter all rows which have the nth element equal to a reference row's for all n
filterPos :: Eq t => [t] -> [[t]] -> [[t]]
filterPos ref rest = aux ref rest 0 where
aux [] ys _ = ys
aux (x:xs) ys n = aux xs (filter (\y -> y !! n /= x) ys) (n+1)
-- generate all possible arrays with n lines from allowed line pairings
possibleArrays :: Int -> [Int] -> [([Int],[[Int]])] -> [[[Int]]]
possibleArrays 2 row allowed = maybe [] makeArray (lookup row allowed) where
makeArray lines = map (\line -> [row, line]) lines
possibleArrays m row allowed = maybe [] (makeArray (restrict allowed row)) (lookup row allowed) where
-- edit possible lines (pls) by filtering incompatible lines
restrict pls line = map (\(r, ps) -> (r, filterPos line ps)) pls
-- append row after recursively building array list of size m-1
makeArray pls [] = []
makeArray pls ys = ys >>= \y -> map (row:) (possibleArrays (m-1) y pls)
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