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Created November 5, 2019 01:33
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"info" : {
"version" : "1.0.5",
"title" : "CA Census 2020 SwORD Outreach Reporting API",
"description" : "CA Census 2020 SwORD Outreach Reporting API"
"host" : "",
"basePath" : "/alexaninnovation/CACensusOutreach/1",
"schemes" : [ "https" ],
"securityDefinitions" : {
"UserSecurity" : {
"type" : "basic"
"security" : [ {
"UserSecurity" : [ ]
} ],
"paths" : {
"/report" : {
"post" : {
"description" : "Lets a user post one (or more) outreach reports",
"parameters" : [ {
"name" : "outreach_report",
"in" : "body",
"description" : "creates a new outreach report",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/properties/outreach_report"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"description" : "Successfully created outreach report(s). Response contains a success message and the id of the report record.",
"schema" : {
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"result" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "The result of the request. Will show as success.",
"example" : [ "success" ]
"reportID" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "The ID of the report record that was successfully saved. You may wish to retain this for future reference."
"400" : {
"description" : "Invalid request",
"schema" : {
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"result" : {
"type" : "string",
"example" : [ "error" ],
"description" : "The result of the request. Will show as error."
"errorList" : {
"type" : "array",
"description" : "A list of validation errors encountered.",
"items" : {
"properties" : {
"property" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Location of request node that caused the error.",
"example" : [ "instance.outreach_report[0].activities[0]" ]
"message" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "The error message encountered.",
"example" : [ "requires property activity_type" ]
"definitions" : null,
"type" : "object",
"required" : [ "outreach_report" ],
"properties" : {
"outreach_report" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report",
"description" : "The report(s) of outreach activity.",
"type" : "array",
"title" : "Outreach_report",
"items" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items",
"description" : "The individual report(s) of outreach activity. Each API request can contain one or more outreach reports.",
"type" : "object",
"title" : "Outreach_reports",
"required" : [ "cbo_name", "parent_organization", "reporter_name", "activities" ],
"properties" : {
"reporter_name" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/reporter_name",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Reporter_name Schema",
"default" : null,
"description" : "The individual completing this report.",
"examples" : [ "Ben Rogers", "Jim Miller" ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"cbo_name" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/cbo_name",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Cbo_name Schema",
"description" : "The organization (e.g. CBO) responsible for completing the activity.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ "Cal CC" ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"parent_organization" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/parent_organization.",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Parent_organization Schema",
"default" : null,
"description" : "The name of the parent organization, if any, such as a County or ACBO.",
"examples" : [ "C C C" ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"activities" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities",
"type" : "array",
"title" : "Activity",
"description" : "Outreach activity details.",
"items" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items",
"type" : "object",
"title" : "Activities",
"description" : "Contains activity details such as location and number of impressions. One or more activities can be submitted as part of an outreach report.",
"required" : [ "activity_type", "date_of_activity", "primary_organizer", "activity_address", "total_number_of_impressions",
"impression_data_accuracy_confid", "total_htc_of_impressions", "htc_data_accuracy_confidence", "immigrants_refugees",
"middle_eastern_and_north_africa", "homeless_individuals_and_famili", "farmworkers", "veterans", "latinos",
"asian_americans_pacific_islande", "african_americans", "native_americans_tribal_communi", "children_ages_0_5",
"lesbian_gay_bisexual_transgende", "limited_english_proficient_indi", "people_with_disabilities", "seniorsolder_adults",
"low_broadband_subscription_rate", "htc_breakdown_data_confidence" ],
"properties" : {
"activity_type" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/activity_type",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Activity_type Schema",
"description" : "The primary type of activity.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ "event" ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$",
"enum" : [ "advertising", "alert_sign_up", "booths", "canvassing", "census_action_kiosk", "collateral", "convening",
"education_forum", "event", "flyers", "form_filling_assistance", "implementation_planning_worksho", "media_other", "meeting", "nudgealert",
"phone_banking", "pledge_cards", "qac", "speaking_engagement", "social_media", "training_delivery", "webinar", "other" ]
"activity_type_other" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/activity_type_other",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Activity_type_other Schema",
"default" : null,
"description" : "Contains more informaton if other is selected for activity type. REQUIRED if activity_type is: other",
"examples" : [ "Special meeting" ]
"date_of_activity" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/date_of_activity",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Date_of_activity Schema",
"format" : "date",
"description" : "The date this activity actually took place. If the activity spans multiple dates, this should be the start date.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ "2019-08-05" ]
"activity_end_date" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/activity_end_date",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Activity_end_date Schema",
"format" : "date",
"description" : "If the activity spans multiple dates, this should be the end date.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ "2019-08-10" ]
"total_number_of_alert_sign_ups" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/total_number_of_alert_sign_ups",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Total_number_of_alert_sign_ups Schema",
"description" : "The total number of households signed up for Census alerts or nudges. REQUIRED if activity_type is: other",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 139 ]
"total_people_spoken_to" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/total_people_spoken_to",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Total_people_spoken_to Schema",
"description" : "The total number of people spoken to. REQUIRED if activity_type is: booths.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 87 ]
"activity_lat" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/activity_lat",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Activity_lat Schema",
"default" : null,
"description" : "The exact latitude of the activity or a point that represents the center of an activity region.",
"examples" : [ "38.573483" ]
"activity_long" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/activity_long",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Activity_long Schema",
"description" : "The exact longitude of the activity or a point that represents the center of an activity region.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ "-121.505141" ]
"activity_address" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/activity_address",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Activity_address Schema",
"default" : null,
"description" : "The exact address of the activity or a location that represents the center of an activity region.",
"examples" : [ "400 R Street, Sacramento, CA, USA" ]
"description" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/description",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Description Schema",
"default" : null,
"description" : "A brief description of the activity. REQUIRED if activity_type is: advertising, alert_sign_up, collateral, flyers, nudgealert, other, pledge_cards.",
"examples" : [ "General description of the activity" ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"start_time" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/start_time",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Start_time Schema",
"description" : "The time the activity started. REQUIRED if activity_type is: education_forum, meeting, event, qac, speaking_engagement, training_delivery, webinar.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ "10:45 am" ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"end_time" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/end_time",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The End_time Schema",
"description" : "The time the activity ended. REQUIRED if activity_type is: education_forum, meeting, event, qac, speaking_engagement, training_delivery, webinar.",
"default" : "string",
"examples" : [ "05:00 pm" ]
"total_number_of_houses" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/total_number_of_houses",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Total_number_of_houses Schema",
"description" : "Total houses that were canvassed, even if there was no reply. For successful interactions, please include these as part of the total impression count. REQUIRED if activity_type is: canvassing",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 12 ]
"how_assisted" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/how_assisted",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The How_assisted Schema",
"description" : "The primary method of assistance given e.g. Phone, Paper, Online. REQUIRED if activity_type is: form_filling_assistance.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ "Phone", "Paper", "Online" ]
"total_number_assisted" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/total_number_assisted",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Total_number_assisted Schema",
"description" : "The total number of individuals assisted. REQUIRED if activity_type is: form_filling_assistance.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 20 ]
"event_name" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/event_name",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Event_name Schema",
"default" : null,
"description" : "The name of the event. REQUIRED if activity_type is: education_forum, meeting, event, speaking_engagement, training_delivery, webinar.",
"examples" : [ "Census 2020: Get Counted Sacramento!" ]
"average_number_of_miles_travell" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/average_number_of_miles_travell",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Average_number_of_miles_travell Schema",
"description" : "The approximate average number of miles that participants had to travel to attend the activity.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 10 ]
"speaker_details" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/speaker_details",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Speaker_details Schema",
"default" : null,
"description" : "The names and roles of the key speakers. REQUIRED if activity_type is: education_forum, meeting, event, speaking_engagement, training_delivery, webinar.",
"examples" : [ "John Smith, Professor of Social Sciences at UC XYZ" ]
"audience_details" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/audience_details",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Audience_details Schema",
"description" : "A summary of the type of audience. REQUIRED if activity_type is: education_forum, meeting, event, speaking_engagement, training_delivery, webinar.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ "Primarily farm workers from outside of Santa Rosa" ]
"activity_total_material_dist" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/activity_total_material_dist",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Activity_total_material_dist Schema",
"description" : "Approximately the amount of promotional material that was distributed as part of the activity. REQUIRED if activity_type is: education_forum, meeting, event, speaking_engagement, training_delivery, webinar.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 150 ]
"activity_collateral_dtls" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/activity_collateral_dtls",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Activity_collateral_dtls Schema",
"description" : "A description of any collateral (flyers, leaflets, booklets, other promotional materials etc.) that was distributed as part of the activity. REQUIRED if activity_type is: education_forum, meeting, event, speaking_engagement, training_delivery, webinar.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ "Custom leaflets and fact sheets were printed and distributed for this event." ]
"activity_social_media_chan" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/activity_social_media_chan",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Activity_social_media_chan Schema",
"description" : "List which channels were used (e.g. Twitter, Facebook) and where possible also list the accounts/pages/hashtags. Links/URLs to tweets, posts and other pages are also extremely helpful.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ "Census job recruitment posts on the County Facebook page." ]
"total_number_of_paid_staffvolun" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/total_number_of_paid_staffvolun",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Total_number_of_paid_staffvolun Schema",
"default" : null,
"description" : "Total number of paid staff and/or volunteers were involved in carrying out the activity. REQUIRED if activity_type is: education_forum, meeting, event, speaking_engagement, training_delivery, webinar.",
"examples" : [ 4 ]
"total_number_nudgedalerted" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/total_number_nudgedalerted",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Total_number_nudgedalerted Schema",
"description" : "The total number of households nudged/alerted. REQUIRED if activity_type is: nudgealert.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 800 ]
"total_number_of_calls" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/total_number_of_calls",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Total_number_of_calls Schema",
"description" : "The total number of households called. REQUIRED if activity_type is: phone_banking.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 55 ]
"total_number_of_pledge_cards" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/total_number_of_pledge_cards",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Total_number_of_pledge_cards Schema",
"description" : "The total number of Pledge Cards distributed. REQUIRED if activity_type is: pledge_cards.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 400 ]
"advertising_end_date" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/advertising_end_date",
"type" : "string",
"format" : "date",
"title" : "The Advertising_end_date Schema",
"description" : "The projected end date of the advertising activity. REQUIRED if activity_type is: advertising.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ "2019-09-23" ]
"primary_organizer" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/primary_organizer",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Primary_organizer Schema",
"description" : "The main organizer (e.g. CBO name) responsible for this activity.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ "Expert CBO Inc" ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"additional_organizers" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/additional_organizers",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Additional_organizers Schema",
"description" : "A list of additional organizers, separated by commas or spaces, that assisted with the activity.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ "Expert CBO Inc" ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"total_number_of_impressions" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/total_number_of_impressions",
"type" : "integer",
"description" : "Impression: any message received by, or impact made to an individual, that could positively influence their opinion regarding the Census that, ultimately, will make them more likely to ensure their household completes the form and to influence others in their social circle and community to do the same.",
"title" : "The Total_number_of_impressions Schema",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 150 ]
"impression_data_accuracy_confid" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/impression_data_accuracy_confid",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Impression_data_accuracy_confid Schema",
"description" : "The confidence in the accuracy of the total number of impressions gained. If attendee records or usage data were captured, then the accuracy confidence should be exact.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ "high" ],
"enum" : [ "exact", "very_high", "high", "medium", "low", "very_low" ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"total_htc_of_impressions" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/total_htc_of_impressions",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Total_htc_of_impressions Schema",
"description" : "The total PERCENTAGE of impressions that were from Hard To Count populations.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 40 ]
"htc_data_accuracy_confidence" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/htc_data_accuracy_confidence",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Htc_data_accuracy_confidence Schema",
"escription" : "The confidence in the accuracy of the total number of HTC impressions gained.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ "very_high" ],
"enum" : [ "exact", "very_high", "high", "medium", "low", "very_low" ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"immigrants_refugees" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/immigrants_refugees",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Immigrants_refugees Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this HTC metric.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 100 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"middle_eastern_and_north_africa" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/middle_eastern_and_north_africa",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Middle_eastern_and_north_africa Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this HTC metric.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 75 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"homeless_individuals_and_famili" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/homeless_individuals_and_famili",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Homeless_individuals_and_famili Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this HTC metric.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"farmworkers" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/farmworkers",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Farmworkers Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this HTC metric.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 25 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"veterans" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/veterans",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Veterans Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this HTC metric.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 24 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"latinos" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/latinos",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Latinos Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this HTC metric.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 20 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"asian_americans_pacific_islande" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/asian_americans_pacific_islande",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Asian_americans_pacific_islande Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this HTC metric.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 80 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"african_americans" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/african_americans",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The African_americans Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this HTC metric.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 90 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"native_americans_tribal_communi" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/native_americans_tribal_communi",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Native_americans_tribal_communi Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this HTC metric.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 15 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"total_adults" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/total_adults",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The total_adults Schema",
"description" : "The total number of adults.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 10 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"children_ages_0_5" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/children_ages_0_5",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Children_ages_0_5 Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this HTC metric. NOTE: is EXCLUSIVE of the 5. i.e. please send totals of children ages 0,1,2,3 and 4. NOT 5.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 10 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lesbian_gay_bisexual_transgende" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lesbian_gay_bisexual_transgende",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Lesbian_gay_bisexual_transgende Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this HTC metric.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 100 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"limited_english_proficient_indi" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/limited_english_proficient_indi",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Limited_english_proficient_indi Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this HTC metric.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 75 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"people_with_disabilities" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/people_with_disabilities",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The People_with_disabilities Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this HTC metric.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 100 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"seniorsolder_adults" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/seniorsolder_adults",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Seniorsolder_adults Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this HTC metric.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 75 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"low_broadband_subscription_rate" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/low_broadband_subscription_rate",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The Low_broadband_subscription_rate Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this HTC metric.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"htc_breakdown_data_confidence" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/htc_breakdown_data_confidence",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Htc_breakdown_data_confidence Schema",
"default" : null,
"escription" : "The confidence in the accuracy of the detailed HTC breakdown.",
"examples" : [ "medium" ],
"enum" : [ "exact", "very_high", "high", "medium", "low", "very_low" ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"htc_breakdown_methodology" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/htc_breakdown_methodology",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Htc_breakdown_methodology Schema",
"description" : "The methodology used to determine if the impressions were from Hard To Count populations.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ "Survey presented upon event registration" ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_arabic" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_arabic",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_arabic Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_armenian" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_armenian",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_armenian Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_assyrian_neo_aramaic" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_assyrian_neo_aramaic",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_assyrian_neo_aramaic Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_cantonese" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_cantonese",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_cantonese Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_chaldean_neo_aramaic" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_chaldean_neo_aramaic",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_chaldean_neo_aramaic Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_chinese" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_chinese",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_chinese Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_farsi" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_farsi",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_farsi Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_filipino" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_filipino",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_filipino Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_hindi" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_hindi",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_hindi Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_hmong" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_hmong",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_hmong Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_iu_mien" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_iu_mien",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_iu_mien Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_japanese" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_japanese",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_japanese Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_khmer" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_khmer",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_khmer Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_korean" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_korean",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_korean Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_mandarin" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_mandarin",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_mandarin Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_min_nan_chinese" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_min_nan_chinese",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_min_nan_chinese Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_portuguese" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_portuguese",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_portuguese Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_punjabi" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_punjabi",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_punjabi Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_russian" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_russian",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_russian Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_spanish" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_spanish",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_spanish Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_tagalog" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_tagalog",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_tagalog Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_telugu" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_telugu",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_telugu Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_thai" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_thai",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_thai Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_ukrainian" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_ukrainian",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_ukrainian Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_vietnamese" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_vietnamese",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The lang_vietnamese Schema",
"description" : "The total number of impressions that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_other_info" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_other_info",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The lang_other_info Schema",
"default" : null,
"escription" : "List any other languages or impressions, along with any other information regarding language you wish to include in the report..",
"examples" : [ "100 impressions in the Hawaiian language" ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"lang_breakdown_data_confidence" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/lang_breakdown_data_confidence",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The lang_breakdown_data_confidence Schema",
"default" : null,
"escription" : "The confidence in the accuracy of the detailed language breakdown.",
"examples" : [ "medium" ],
"enum" : [ "exact", "very_high", "high", "medium", "low", "very_low" ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"activity_website" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/activity_website",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Activity_website Schema",
"default" : null,
"description" : "The website of the activity e.g. Eventbrite link.",
"examples" : [ "" ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"facebook_link" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/facebook_link",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Facebook_link Schema",
"default" : null,
"description" : "The Facebook event page URL.",
"examples" : [ "" ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"youtubevideo_link" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/youtubevideo_link",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Youtubevideo_link Schema",
"description" : "A link to the promotional video or recording of the event.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ "" ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"venue_rating" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/venue_rating",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Venue_rating Schema",
"description" : "An honest rating of the venue.",
"default" : null,
"enum" : [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" ],
"examples" : [ "1" ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"participant_engagement" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/participant_engagement",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Participant_engagement Schema",
"default" : null,
"description" : "An honest rating of the engagement of participants.",
"enum" : [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" ],
"examples" : [ "3" ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"interaction_quality" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/interaction_quality",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Interaction_quality Schema",
"description" : "An honest rating of the quality of interactions with the audience.",
"default" : null,
"enum" : [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" ],
"examples" : [ "5" ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"overall_effectiveness" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/overall_effectiveness",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Overall_effectiveness Schema",
"description" : "An honest rating of the overall effectiveness of the activity.",
"default" : null,
"enum" : [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" ],
"examples" : [ "3" ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"what_went_well" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/what_went_well",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The What_went_well Schema",
"default" : null,
"description" : "A brief summary of what worked well with the activity, for example positive feedback received from the audience.",
"examples" : [ "Very well attended event with minimal advertising." ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"what_could_be_improved" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/what_could_be_improved",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The What_could_be_improved Schema",
"default" : null,
"description" : "An honest summary of what could have been improved, based on any negative feedback received. You will not be assessed on this question; rather your answers will help the entire state improve in the future.",
"examples" : [ "Collect more data upon event registration." ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"audience_questions_concerns" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/audience_questions_concerns",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Audience_questions_concerns Schema",
"default" : null,
"description" : "A list of any questions that the audience / participants asked or concerns that they raised during the activity.",
"examples" : [ "Collect more data upon event registration." ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"additional_notes" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/additional_notes",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The Additional_notes Schema",
"default" : null,
"description" : "Any additional notes about the activity.",
"examples" : [ "Some additional notes" ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"funding_state_allocated" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/funding_state_allocated",
"type" : "boolean",
"title" : "The funding_state_allocated Schema",
"description" : "If the activity was fully or partly funded from State Allocated Funds.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ false ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"funding_county_direct" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/funding_county_direct",
"type" : "boolean",
"title" : "The funding_county_direct Schema",
"description" : "If the activity was fully or partly funded from County Direct Funds.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ false ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"funding_acbo_direct" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/funding_acbo_direct",
"type" : "boolean",
"title" : "The funding_acbo_direct Schema",
"description" : "If the activity was fully or partly funded from ACBO Direct Funds.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ false ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"funding_foundation" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/funding_foundation",
"type" : "boolean",
"title" : "The funding_foundation Schema",
"description" : "If the activity was fully or partly funded from Foundation Funds.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ false ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"funding_private" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/funding_private",
"type" : "boolean",
"title" : "The funding_private Schema",
"description" : "If the activity was fully or partly funded from Private Donations/Funds.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ false ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"funding_volunteer_hours" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/funding_volunteer_hours",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The funding_volunteer_hours Schema",
"description" : "If the activity involved volunteers, please list the total approximate volunteer hours spent on the activity.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 10 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_block_group_GEOID" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_block_group_GEOID",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The survey_block_group_GEOID Schema",
"description" : "The GEOID of the Block Group that these results are for. Either Block Group or Census Tract should be provided. Otherwise, this data cannot be displayed accurately in SwORD.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ "060670021001002" ]
"survey_census_tract_GEOID" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_census_tract_GEOID",
"type" : "string",
"title" : "The survey_census_tract_GEOID Schema",
"description" : "The GEOID of the Census Tract that these results are for. Either Block Group or Census Tract should be provided. Otherwise, this data cannot be displayed accurately in SwORD.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ "06067002100" ]
"survey_total_strong_yes" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_strong_yes",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_strong_yes Schema",
"description" : "Total contacts that were strong yes to completing the Census",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 20 ]
"survey_total_lean_yes" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_lean_yes",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_lean_yes Schema",
"description" : "Total contacts that were lean yes to completing the Census",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 25 ]
"survey_total_undecided" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_undecided",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_undecided Schema",
"description" : "Total contacts that were undecided about completing the Census",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 29 ]
"survey_total_lean_no" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lean_no",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lean_no Schema",
"description" : "Total contacts that were lean no to about completing the Census",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 28 ]
"survey_total_strong_no" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_strong_no",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_strong_no Schema",
"description" : "Total contacts that were strong no to about completing the Census",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 25 ]
"survey_total_yes_reason_funding_for_schools" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_yes_reason_funding_for_schools",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_yes_reason_funding_for_schools Schema",
"description" : "Total yes reasons that were funding for schools",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_yes_reason_political_representation" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_yes_reason_political_representation",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_yes_reason_political_representation Schema",
"description" : "Total yes reasons that were political representation",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_yes_reason_love_california" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_yes_reason_love_california",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_yes_reason_love_california Schema",
"description" : "Total yes reasons that were love California",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_yes_reason_funding_for_healthcare" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_yes_reason_funding_for_healthcare",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_yes_reason_funding_for_healthcare Schema",
"description" : "Total yes reasons that were funding for healthcare",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_yes_reason_funding_for_community" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_yes_reason_funding_for_community",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_yes_reason_funding_for_community Schema",
"description" : "Total yes reasons that were funding for community",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_yes_reason_done_it_before" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_yes_reason_done_it_before",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_yes_reason_done_it_before Schema",
"description" : "Total yes reasons that were done it before",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_yes_reason_civic_duty_being_american" : {
"$id" :
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_yes_reason_civic_duty_being_american Schema",
"description" : "Total yes reasons that were civic duty/being American",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_yes_reason_its_the_law" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_yes_reason_its_the_law",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_yes_reason_its_the_law Schema",
"description" : "Total yes reasons that were its the law",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_yes_reason_its_easy" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_yes_reason_its_easy",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_yes_reason_its_easy Schema",
"description" : "Total yes reasons that were its easy",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_yes_reason_trump" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_yes_reason_trump",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_yes_reason_trump Schema",
"description" : "Total yes reasons that were Trump",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_yes_reason_other" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_yes_reason_other",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_yes_reason_other Schema",
"description" : "Total yes reasons that were other",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_yes_concerns_immigration" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_yes_concerns_immigration",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_yes_concerns_immigration Schema",
"description" : "Total concerns in the community for immigration",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_yes_concerns_privacy_security" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_yes_concerns_privacy_security",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_yes_concerns_privacy_security Schema",
"description" : "Total concerns in the community for privacy and security",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_yes_concerns_losing_gov_benefits" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_yes_concerns_losing_gov_benefits",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_yes_concerns_losing_gov_benefits Schema",
"description" : "Total concerns in the community for losing government benefits/social security",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_yes_concerns_data_passed_to_other_agencies" : {
"$id" :
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_yes_concerns_data_passed_to_other_agencies Schema",
"description" : "Total concerns in the community for data being passed to other agencies",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_yes_concerns_scams_and_fraud" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_yes_concerns_scams_and_fraud",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_yes_concerns_scams_and_fraud Schema",
"description" : "Total concerns in the community for scams and fraud",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_yes_concerns_trump" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_yes_concerns_trump",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_yes_concerns_trump Schema",
"description" : "Total concerns in the community for Trump",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_yes_concerns_other" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_yes_concerns_other",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_yes_concerns_other Schema",
"description" : "Total concerns in the community for other",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_yes_how_planned_to_take_census_online" : {
"$id" :
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_yes_how_planned_to_take_census_online Schema",
"description" : "Total planning to take the census online",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_yes_how_planned_to_take_census_paper" : {
"$id" :
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_yes_how_planned_to_take_census_paper Schema",
"description" : "Total planning to take the census on paper",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_yes_how_planned_to_take_census_phone" : {
"$id" :
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_yes_how_planned_to_take_census_phone Schema",
"description" : "Total planning to take the census on the phone",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_lang_arabic" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_arabic",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_arabic Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_armenian" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_armenian",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_armenian Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_assyrian_neo_aramaic" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_assyrian_neo_aramaic",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_assyrian_neo_aramaic Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_cantonese" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_cantonese",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_cantonese Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_chaldean_neo_aramaic" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_chaldean_neo_aramaic",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_chaldean_neo_aramaic Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_chinese" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_chinese",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_chinese Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_farsi" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_farsi",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_farsi Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_filipino" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_filipino",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_filipino Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_hindi" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_hindi",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_hindi Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_hmong" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_hmong",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_hmong Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_iu_mien" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_iu_mien",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_iu_mien Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_japanese" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_japanese",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_japanese Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_khmer" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_khmer",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_khmer Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_korean" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_korean",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_korean Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_mandarin" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_mandarin",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_mandarin Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_min_nan_chinese" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_min_nan_chinese",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_min_nan_chinese Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_portuguese" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_portuguese",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_portuguese Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_punjabi" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_punjabi",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_punjabi Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_russian" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_russian",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_russian Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_spanish" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_spanish",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_spanish Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_tagalog" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_tagalog",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_tagalog Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_telugu" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_telugu",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_telugu Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_thai" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_thai",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_thai Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_ukrainian" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_ukrainian",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_ukrainian Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_lang_vietnamese" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_lang_vietnamese",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_lang_vietnamese Schema",
"description" : "The total number of surveys that included this language.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_total_phone_numbers_provided" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_phone_numbers_provided",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_phone_numbers_provided Schema",
"description" : "The total number of phone numbers provided.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_total_emails_provided" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_emails_provided",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_emails_provided Schema",
"description" : "The total number of emails provided.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_total_alert_sign_ups" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_alert_sign_ups",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_alert_sign_ups Schema",
"description" : "The total number of people signed up for SMS/Email alerts.",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 50 ],
"pattern" : "^(.*)$"
"survey_total_no_reason_immigration" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_no_reason_immigration",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_no_reason_immigration Schema",
"description" : "Total no/undecided reasons that were immigration",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_no_reason_data_security_privacy" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_no_reason_data_security_privacy",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_no_reason_data_security_privacy Schema",
"description" : "Total no/undecided reasons that were data security/privacy concerns",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_no_reason_afraid_of_scams" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_no_reason_afraid_of_scams",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_no_reason_afraid_of_scams Schema",
"description" : "Total no/undecided reasons that were afraid of getting scammed",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_no_reason_doesnt_affect_me" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_no_reason_doesnt_affect_me",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_no_reason_doesnt_affect_me Schema",
"description" : "Total no/undecided reasons that were doesnt affect me",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_no_reason_dont_care" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_no_reason_dont_care",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_no_reason_dont_care Schema",
"description" : "Total no/undecided reasons that were dont care",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_no_reason_dont_need_to_do_it" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_no_reason_dont_need_to_do_it",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_no_reason_dont_need_to_do_it Schema",
"description" : "Total no/undecided reasons that were dont need to do it",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_no_reason_dont_want_gov_to_get_data" : {
"$id" :
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_no_reason_dont_want_gov_to_get_data Schema",
"description" : "Total no/undecided reasons that were dont want government having data",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_no_reason_dont_trust_gov" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_no_reason_dont_trust_gov",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_no_reason_dont_trust_gov Schema",
"description" : "Total no/undecided reasons that were dont trust government",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_no_reason_dont_have_time" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_no_reason_dont_have_time",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_no_reason_dont_have_time Schema",
"description" : "Total no/undecided reasons that were dont have time",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_no_reason_dont_have_computer_internet" : {
"$id" :
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_no_reason_dont_have_computer_internet Schema",
"description" : "Total no/undecided reasons that were dont have computer or internet",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_no_reason_limited_english" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_no_reason_limited_english",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_no_reason_limited_english Schema",
"description" : "Total no/undecided reasons that were limited english",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_no_reason_dont_know_understand" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_no_reason_dont_know_understand",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_no_reason_dont_know_understand Schema",
"description" : "Total no/undecided reasons that were dont know or understand",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_no_reason_trump" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_no_reason_trump",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_no_reason_trump Schema",
"description" : "Total no/undecided reasons that were Trump",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
"survey_total_no_reason_other" : {
"$id" : "#/properties/outreach_report/items/properties/activities/items/properties/survey_total_no_reason_other",
"type" : "integer",
"title" : "The survey_total_no_reason_other Schema",
"description" : "Total no/undecided reasons that were other",
"default" : null,
"examples" : [ 11 ]
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