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Last active June 15, 2016 00:24
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The media manager makes integrating media with your extension a breeze. It allows you to attach media to your entities. The following example is going to explain how to use the manager for an Employee.

Model setup

The model must use Platform\Media\Support\MediaTrait and implement Cartalyst\Support\Contracts\NamespacedEntityInterface


use Platform\Media\Support\MediaTrait;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Cartalyst\Support\Traits\NamespacedEntityTrait;
use Cartalyst\Support\Contracts\NamespacedEntityInterface;

class Employee extends Model implements NamespacedEntityInterface
    use NamespacedEntityTrait, MediaTrait;

    protected $fillable = [

    protected static $entityNamespace = 'organization/employee';



You must use the model's fillable property when using the media widget.

The $entityNamespace of your model is used by the media when uploading images.

View setup

On the view, a simple blade call is needed that requires an instance of the model in question to be passed in as first argument, an optional second argument indicates whether the widget should allow attaching a single or multiple media objects, multiple is the default.

Third argument is optional and can be a view that would override the default widget view that ships with the extension.

Allow only a single image to be attached to the model
@mediaUploader($employee, false)
Allow multiple images to be attached to the model
Use a custom view for the media widget
@mediaUploader($employee, true, 'yourvendor/yourextension::widgets.upload')
Use the media manager in a Platform Extension / Model Form

{{-- Page content --}}

<section class="panel panel-default panel-tabs">

	{{-- Form --}}
	<form id="employees-form" action="{{ request()->fullUrl() }}" role="form" method="post">

    {{-- Form fields --}}

		<div class="row">





Upload media

  1. Click on Upload
  2. Drop your files on the uploadable area
  3. Start Upload



The files are going to be attached to your entity.

Select media

You can attach media to your entity by using the Media Manager Selector.

  1. Click Select
  2. Select your files
  3. Select to attach the selected media to your entityNamespace



You can select/unselect files by clicking on the Selected Collapse or by clicking again on the selected media. Furthermore you can search your media library or narrow your library down by applying mime-type filters.


Sort media

The media manager is built with sorting in mind. Just drag the media by clicking and dragging the arrows icon.


Detach media

Detach a media by clicking on the trash Icon. The File is not going to be entirely deleted, only the relation to the entity. If you want to delete a media permanently you can use the Media Extension.

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