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Last active June 6, 2019 09:26
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An openFrameworks convex hull / defect index finder using opencv (because there is a bug in the opencv version). bug
// Copyright (c) 2017 Christopher Baker <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "ConvexHull.h"
ConvexHull::ConvexHull(const ofPolyline& contour)
void ConvexHull::setContour(const ofPolyline& contour)
_contour = contour;
std::vector<cv::Point2i> contour2i;
cv::Mat contourMat(contour2i);
// By passing std::vector<int> we get indices.
std::vector<int> hullIndices;
cv::convexHull(contourMat, hullIndices);
if (hullIndices.size() > 0 && contour.size() > 0)
std::vector<cv::Vec4i> convexityDefects;
// TODO: has a bug
// cv::convexityDefects(contourMat, hullIndices, convexityDefects);
// Our local, drop-in, inefficient (?) hack.
ConvexHull::convexityDefects(contourMat, hullIndices, convexityDefects);
for (auto defect: convexityDefects)
Defect _defect;
_defect.startIndex = defect[0];
_defect.endIndex = defect[1];
_defect.index = defect[2];
_defect.depth = defect[3] / 256.0;
for (auto index: hullIndices)
if (index > -1)
ofLogWarning("ConvexHull::setContour") << "Found negative convex hull index, skipping.";
ofPolyline ConvexHull::contour() const
return _contour;
ofPolyline ConvexHull::convexHull() const
if (_convexHullIndices.size() != 0 && _convexHull.size() != _convexHullIndices.size())
for (auto index: _convexHullIndices)
return _convexHull;
std::vector<std::size_t> ConvexHull::convexHullIndices() const
return _convexHullIndices;
std::vector<ConvexHull::Defect> ConvexHull::convexHullDefects() const
return _convexHullDefects;
void ConvexHull::convexityDefects(const cv::Mat& _contourMat,
const std::vector<int>& _hullIndices,
std::vector<cv::Vec4i>& convexityDefects)
// Make a sorted version of the hull indices.
auto hullIndices = _hullIndices;
std::sort(hullIndices.begin(), hullIndices.end());
CvMat contourMat = _contourMat;
CvMat hullMat = cvMat(1, hullIndices.size(), CV_32SC1, reinterpret_cast<void*>(&hullIndices[0]));
CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
CvSeq* defects = cvConvexityDefects(&contourMat, &hullMat, storage);
for (auto i = 0; i < defects->total; ++i)
CvConvexityDefect* cur = reinterpret_cast<CvConvexityDefect*>(cvGetSeqElem(defects, i));
// Find the two convex hull indices.
int startIndex = -1;
int endIndex = -1;
for (int hullIndex: hullIndices)
auto point =<cv::Point2i>(hullIndex);
if (startIndex < 0 || endIndex < 0)
if (startIndex < 0 &&
cur->start->x == point.x &&
cur->start->y == point.y)
startIndex = hullIndex;
if (endIndex < 0 &&
cur->end->x == point.x &&
cur->end->y == point.y)
endIndex = hullIndex;
// Find the defec index by searching between the start and end hull indices.
int defectIndex = -1;
for (int index = startIndex; index <= std::max(, std::size_t(endIndex)); ++index)
auto point =<cv::Point2i>(index);
if (cur->depth_point->x == point.x &&
cur->depth_point->y == point.y)
defectIndex = index;
if (startIndex >= 0 && endIndex >= 0 && defectIndex >= 0)
cv::Vec4i defect;
defect[0] = startIndex;
defect[1] = endIndex;
defect[2] = defectIndex;
defect[3] = cur->depth * 256.0; // Convert it, to match C++ api.
ofLogError("ConvexHull::convexityDefects") << "Invalid index.";
// Copyright (c) 2017 Christopher Baker <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include "ofxCv.h"
class ConvexHull
struct Defect
/// \brief The index of the point in the original contour.
std::size_t index = 0;
/// \brief The index of the defect start point in the original contour.
/// This point corresponds to a point in the convex hull.
std::size_t startIndex = 0;
/// \brief The index of the defect end point in the original contour.
/// This point corresponds to a point in the convex hull.
std::size_t endIndex = 0;
/// \brief The perpendicular intercept between.
/// The vector describing the perpendicular
glm::vec2 defectHullChordNormal;
/// \brief The depth of the defect
/// The normal distance from the hull to the defect.
float depth = 0;
/// \brief Create a convex hull.
/// \brief Create a cotext hull.
/// \param contour The contour to analyze.
ConvexHull(const ofPolyline& contour);
void setContour(const ofPolyline& contour);
/// \brief Get the original contour.
ofPolyline contour() const;
/// \brief Create the convex hull from the contour.
ofPolyline convexHull() const;
/// \returns the indices of the contour that represent the convex hull.
std::vector<std::size_t> convexHullIndices() const;
/// \returns the indices of the contour that represent the convex hull defects.
std::vector<Defect> convexHullDefects() const;
/// \brief The original contour.
ofPolyline _contour;
/// \brief The indices of the contour that represent the convex hull.
std::vector<std::size_t> _convexHullIndices;
/// \brief The convex hull.
mutable ofPolyline _convexHull;
/// \brief the indices of the contour that represent the convex hull defects.
std::vector<Defect> _convexHullDefects;
/// \brief Custom C++ implementation that finds indices.
static void convexityDefects(const cv::Mat& contourMat,
const std::vector<int>& hullIndices,
std::vector<cv::Vec4i>& convexityDefects);
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sweet! was a VS bug, thanks a lot for your help!

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