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Created December 9, 2014 01:04
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ofSketch ofxDelaunay Example
/// 1. Download the zip file here:
/// 2. Extract it into your data/openFrameworks/addons folder of ofSketch.
/// 3. Make sure that the folder is called ofxDelaunay, not ofxDelaunay-master or something.
/// 4. Open ofSketch and paste the following code into a new sketch.
/// 5. Using the "Addons" button (+ in a circle next to the paperclip), scroll down and make sure ofxDelaunay is checked.
/// 6. Run!
#include "ofxDelaunay.h"
ofxDelaunay triangulation;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void draw() {
ofDrawBitmapString("'r' to reset", ofPoint(10,20));
void mouseReleased(int x, int y, int button){
void keyPressed(int key) {
if(key == 'r'){
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