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Last active May 2, 2024 15:20
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#lang racket
(require (for-syntax syntax/parse
; I "needed" a distinct `none` value
(define none (string->uninterned-symbol "none"))
(define (none? x) (eq? none x))
; return a new `hash-zipper` procedure, which allows for the access and modification
; of a hash table in a flat[ter], command-by-command style.
; head × [keys '()] × [path '()] -> zipper
(define (hash-zipper
; the "focus" of the zipper.
; the `keys` which resolve to the value of `head` from the root of `path`.
[keys '()]
; the hashes which contain the `keys` leading to `head`, from the root of `path`.
[path '()])
; are we at the root of the zipper?
(define (root?) (empty? path))
; return the `head`.
; *out of focus*.
; zipper -> head
['(#:pop) head]
; return the `keys`.
; *out of focus*.
; zipper -> head
['(#:keys) keys]
; return the `path`.
; *out of focus*.
; zipper -> head
['(#:path) path]
; replace the `head` with a new value.
; *focused* on `head`.
; zipper × head -> zipper
[`(#:put ,head)
(hash-zipper head keys path)]
; update the value for the most recent key in `keys` in the most recent hash in `path`,
; depending on the value of `choice`.
; zipper × none | boolean -> error | zipper
[`(#:push ,choice)
(cond [(root?)
(error 'hash-zipper
"attempted to push `~a`\n"
"at the root of the zipper.")
(define updated
(match choice
; set the `head` as the value for the most recent key in `keys`,
; in the most recent hash in `path`.
(define pushed (hash-set (first path) (first keys) head))
; forget the current `head` and remove the most recent key in `keys`
; and its value from the most recent hash in `path`.
(define dropped (hash-remove (first path) (first keys)))
[(? none?)
; forget the current `head` and go to the most recent hash in `path`.
(define forget (first path))
; *focused* on the `updated` hash.
(hash-zipper updated (rest keys) (rest path))])]
; replace the `head` with the value in `head` for the `key`,
; and add `key` and `head` to the `keys` and `path` respectively.
; *focused* on the value for `key`.
; zipper × key -> error | zipper
[`(#:pull ,key)
(cond [(not (hash? head))
(error 'hash-zipper
"attempted to pull `~a`\n"
"from `~a`:\n"
"which is not a hash-table.")
key head)]
(define pulled (hash-ref head key none))
(hash-zipper pulled (cons key keys) (cons head path))])]))
(define-syntax (hash-zipper-send stx)
; syntax for an atomic command to the `zipper`.
(define-syntax-class mono-word
(pattern (~or* #:pop #:keys #:path)))
; syntax for a command-and-argument to the `zipper`.
(define-syntax-class dual-word
(pattern (~or* #:put #:push #:pull)))
; basic syntax for sending a command to the `zipper`,
; i.e., a keyword and possibly an argument expression.
(define-splicing-syntax-class send-word
#:attributes ([cmd 1])
(pattern {~seq word:mono-word}
#:with (cmd ...) #'('word))
(pattern {~seq word:dual-word arg:expr}
#:with (cmd ...) #'('word arg)))
; syntax for defining a "lexical" identifier for one of the `views` of the `zipper`.
(define-splicing-syntax-class view-word
#:attributes (name view)
#:datum-literals (VIEW)
(pattern {~seq VIEW [name*:id view*:mono-word]}
#:with name #'name*
#:with view #''view*))
; utility syntax for sending one of the three push command variants to the `zipper`.
(define-syntax-class push-word
#:attributes ([cmd 1])
#:datum-literals (SAVE DROP BACK)
(pattern SAVE #:with (cmd ...) #'('#:push #true))
(pattern DROP #:with (cmd ...) #'('#:push #false))
(pattern BACK #:with (cmd ...) #'('#:push none)))
; utility syntax for sending common multi-word commands to the `zipper`.
(define-splicing-syntax-class compound-word
#:attributes ([words 1])
#:datum-literals (LOAD SYNC GRAB PEEK WIPE)
; singular (compound) words?
(pattern {~seq LOAD [key val]}
#:with (words ...)
#'(#:pull key #:put val))
; plural (compound) words?
(pattern {~seq SYNC ([key val] ...)}
#:with (words ...)
#'((~@ LOAD [key val] SAVE) ...))
(pattern {~seq GRAB [key name]}
#:with (words ...)
#'(#:pull key VIEW [name #:pop]))
(pattern {~seq PEEK ([key name] ...)}
#:with (words ...)
#'((~@ GRAB [key name] BACK) ...))
(pattern {~seq WIPE [key ...]}
#:with (words ...)
#'((~@ #:pull key DROP) ...)))
; syntax for adding a `meta word` to the context of the `zipper` in-line,
; which is a "lexically" defined procedure.
; the `meta word` can be called during the execution of further commands.
(define-splicing-syntax-class meta-word
#:attributes (name proc)
#:datum-literals (DEFN)
(pattern {~seq DEFN (word:id arg ...)
[body ...+]}
#:with name #'word
#:with proc
#'(lambda (arg ...)
(lambda (zipper*)
zipper* body ...)))))
; syntax for recognizing a `cond` or `match` style `FORK`-word expression.
(define-splicing-syntax-class cond-mode
#:attributes (type uses else)
#:datum-literals (.ON)
(pattern {~seq .ON uses*:expr}
#:with type #'match
#:with uses #'(uses*)
#:with else #'_)
(pattern {~seq}
#:with type #'cond
#:with uses #'()
#:with else #'else))
; syntax for a conditional-branch expression, one branch of which
; may be executed, before continuing with the rest of the commands to the `zipper`.
(define-splicing-syntax-class cond-word
(type uses else [cond? 1] [branch 2] [ifelse 1])
#:datum-literals (FORK .IN .OR WHEN UNLESS)
(pattern {~seq FORK mode:cond-mode
{~seq {~seq .IN [cond?* branch* ...]}
{~seq .OR [else* ...]})}}
#:with type #'mode.type
#:with uses #'mode.uses
#:with else #'mode.else
#:with (cond? ...) #'(cond?* ...)
#:with ((branch ...) ...) #'((branch* ...) ...)
#:with (ifelse ...) #'(~? (else* ...) ()))
(pattern {~seq WHEN state:expr
[body* ...+]}
#:with type #'cond
#:with uses #'()
#:with else #'else
#:with (cond? ...) #'(state)
#:with ((branch ...) ...) #'((body* ...))
#:with (ifelse ...) #'())
(pattern {~seq UNLESS state:expr
[body* ...+]}
#:with type #'cond
#:with uses #'()
#:with else #'else
#:with (cond? ...) #'((not state))
#:with ((branch ...) ...) #'((body* ...))
#:with (ifelse ...) #'()))
(define-syntax-class fold-body
(pattern (~not (~literal .VALS))))
(define-splicing-syntax-class fold-head
#:attributes ([loop 1] [each 1])
#:datum-literals (FOLD .LOOP .EACH EACH)
(pattern {~seq FOLD
.LOOP (loop* ...+)
.EACH (each* ...+)}
#:with (loop ...) #'(loop* ...)
#:with (each ...) #'(each* ...))
(pattern {~seq EACH (each* ...+)}
#:with (loop ...) #'()
#:with (each ...) #'(each* ...)))
(define-splicing-syntax-class fold-word
([loop 1] [each 1] [body 1] [vals 1] [last 1])
#:datum-literals (.VALS .LAST)
(pattern {~seq head:fold-head
[body*:fold-body ...+
{~seq .VALS [vals* ...+]})]
{~seq .LAST {last* ...+}})}
#:with (loop ...) #'(head.loop ...)
#:with (each ...) #'(head.each ...)
#:with (body ...) #'(body* ...)
#:with (vals ...) #'(~? (vals* ...) ())
#:with (last ...) #'(~? (last* ...) ())))
(define-splicing-syntax-class loop-word
#:attributes (name proc [with 1])
#:datum-literals (ONCE .WITH)
(pattern {~seq ONCE (name* args ...)
[body ...+]
{~seq .WITH (with* ...)})}
#:with name #'name*
#:with proc
#'(lambda (args ...)
(lambda (zipper*)
zipper* body ...)))
#:with (with ...) #'(~? (with* ...) ())))
(define-splicing-syntax-class then-word
#:attributes ([body 1])
#:datum-literals (THEN .DO .THEN)
(pattern .THEN
#:with (body ...) #'())
(pattern {~seq THEN .DO times:nat
[body* ...+]}
#:with (body ...)
(for*/list ([_ (in-range (syntax-e #'times))]
[part (in-list (syntax->list #'(body* ...)))])
(pattern {~seq THEN .DO times:expr
[body* ...+]}
#:with (body ...)
#'(EACH ([_ (in-range times)])
[body* ...]))
(pattern {~seq THEN [body* ...+]}
#:with (body ...) #'(body* ...)))
(syntax-parse stx
#:datum-literals (CALL)
; do nothing and return the `zipper`.
; zipper -> zipper
[(_ zipper) #'zipper]
[(_ zipper
rest ...)
zipper word.body ...
rest ...)]
; replace the `zipper` with the application of `proc` to it
; and continue with the rest of the commands.
; zipper × {proc cmds ...} -> (proc zipper) × {cmds ...}
[(_ zipper
CALL proc
rest ...)
(proc zipper) rest ...)]
[(_ zipper
rest ...)
(for/fold (word.loop ...
[zipper* zipper]
zipper* word.last ...))
(word.each ...)
word.vals ...
zipper* word.body ...)))
rest ...)]
; very similar to the `meta words`, except for the "lifetime" of the closure
[(_ zipper
rest ...)
(letrec ([ word.proc])
(( word.with ...)
rest ...)]
; send an abbreviated form of common multi-word commands to the `zipper`,
; and continue with the rest of the commands.
; zipper × {comp cmds ...} -> zipper × {words ... cmds ...}
[(_ zipper
rest ...)
zipper word.words ...
rest ...)]
; define a "lexical" identifier for the current `view` of the `zipper`,
; i.e., the `head`, `keys`, or `path` of the `zipper`,
; and continue with the rest of the commands.
; zipper × {view cmds ...} -> (let (... view ...) zipper × {cmds ...})
[(_ zipper
rest ...)
#'(let ([ (zipper word.view)])
zipper rest ...))]
; send an abbreviated form of one of the three push command variants to the `zipper`,
; and continue with the rest of the commands.
; zipper × {push* cmds ...} -> zipper × {push choice cmds ...}
[(_ zipper
rest ...)
(zipper word.cmd ...)
rest ...)]
; follow one of a given number of conditional branches, depending on `cond?`,
; and possibly an optional `.ON uses`, indicating a pattern matching expression,
; and continue with the rest of the commands to the `zipper`.
; zipper × {cond cmds ...} -> zipper × {branch cmds ...}
[(_ zipper
rest ...)
(word.type (~@ . word.uses)
zipper word.branch ...)]
zipper word.ifelse ...)])
rest ...)]
; define a "lexical" `meta word` which can be called as a procedure to
; send commands to the `zipper`,
; and continue with the rest of the commands to the `zipper`.
; zipper × {meta cmds ...} -> (letrec (... meta ...) zipper × {cmds ...})
[(_ zipper
rest ...)
#'(letrec ([ word.proc])
zipper rest ...))]
; send a command to the `zipper` consisting of a quoted keyword, and the arguments,
; and continue with the rest of the commands.
; zipper × {send cmds ...} -> (zipper send) × {cmds ...}
[(_ zipper
rest ...)
(zipper word.cmd ...)
rest ...)]))
; a fresh zipper.
; void -> zipper
(define (<#>) (hash-zipper #hash()))
SYNC (['a 1] ['b 2])
DEFN (A x)
.IN [(list? x) #:put x]
.OR [#:put (list x)]
{GRAB ['x x]
CALL (A x)}
DEFN (B x)
[FORK .ON x .IN [`(,y) #:put y] .OR [#:put x] .THEN SAVE]
{GRAB ['x x] CALL (B x)}
FOLD .LOOP ([num 0])
.EACH ([key (in-list '(a b c d))])
[LOAD [key #hash()]
[(+ num 1)]]
[#:put 'e
{EACH ([_ (in-range num)])
(define lst '(x y z))
DEFN (nest n key val)
{DEFN (save* n)
[(< 0 n) SAVE CALL (save* (- n 1))]]}
{DEFN (load* n key val)
.IN [1
LOAD [key val]]
.OR [LOAD [key #hash()]
CALL (load* (- n 1) key val)]]}
{CALL (load* n key val)
CALL (save* n)}]
.LOOP ([state #false])
.EACH ([k '(x y z)]
[v '(X Y Z)])
{CALL (nest 3 k (cons v state))}
[(not state)]]}
VIEW [old #:pop]
SYNC (['old old])
EACH ([key (in-list lst)])
{#:pull key}
{VIEW [head #:pop]}
{FORK .ON head
.IN [`(,sym . #f) #:put (symbol->string sym)]
.IN [`(,sym . #t) #:put sym]}
ONCE (loop n [n* n])
.IN [10
THEN .DO (- 10 n*)
.IN [09
LOAD [n (+ n 1)]
CALL (loop (+ n 1) n*)]
.OR [LOAD [n #hash()]
CALL (loop (+ n 1) n*)]]
.WITH (0)
; let's try to capitalize each of the string keys and add 1 to the associated value,
; or turn the key into a string if it is a symbol and subtract 1 from the associated value,
; and then swap the keys and values (if one of these two cases), in a hash-table of k -> v
; string | symbol -> integer | hash
(hash-zipper #hash(("x" . 0)
("y" . 1)
("z" . 2)
( a . 5)
( b . 6)
( c . #hash(("x" . 0)
("y" . 1)
("z" . 2)
( a . #hash(("x" . #hash(("x" . 0)
("y" . 1)
("z" . 2)
( a . 5)
( b . 6)
( c . 7)))
("y" . 1)
("z" . 2)
( a . 5)
( b . 6)
( c . 7)))
( b . 6)
( c . 7)))))
ONCE (loop root?)
[VIEW [the-hash #:pop]
EACH ([(key val) (in-hash the-hash)])
.ON `(,key ,val)
.IN [`(,(? string?) ,(? number?))
WIPE [key]
SYNC ([(+ val 1)
(string-upcase key)])]
.IN [`(,(? symbol?) ,(? number?))
WIPE [key]
SYNC ([(- val 1)
(symbol->string key)])]
.IN [`(,_ ,(? hash?))
#:pull key
CALL (loop #false)]]
UNLESS root? [SAVE]]
.WITH (#true)
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Probably not a very good example, in general, but after starting to work with Git once again, the terminology seemed liked a natural fit for a "zipper" like this.

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Renamed some things, the originals were "catalytic", but I think these make more sense.

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Even more fun, now with lambdas (and what I hope to be more "idiomatic" names).

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Slightly broken now, but time for bed.

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Now, with loops!

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Redid a couple of things. I feel like there is an interesting parallel to Forth, here (see specifically Dawn).

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for/fold is really useful. Chef's kiss.

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At this point, I feel like the amount of "copying" of Racket into the macro is a good indicator that I am doing too much. I think I'll consider a parameter, next.

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