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B Toktas baki250

  • London, UK
View GitHub Profile
Read cookie
This function reads a cookie from the visitor's browser and returns the value.
Example Javascript
* Usage
* This function will return the value of the cookie name passed in as the argument.
* This script deletes duplicate images and imagerows from the database of which the images are not present in the filesystem.
* It also removes images that are exact copies of another image for the same product.
* And lastly, it looks for images that are on the filesystem but not in the database (orphaned images).
* This script can most likely be optimized but since it'll probably only be run a few times, I can't be bothered.
* Place scripts in a folder named 'scripts' (or similar) in the Magento root.
server { listen 80;
access_log /var/log/;
error_log /var/log/;
root /var/www/apps/;
charset utf-8;
location / {
rewrite ^ https://$host$request_uri? permanent;
//Allowing CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) requests from
// grunt server, put this into Gruntfile.js
connect: {
livereload: {
options: {
port: 9000,
hostname: 'localhost',
middleware: function (connect) {
return [

#Identifiers provided by the ECMAScript standard.

exports.reservedVars = {
	arguments : false,
	NaN       : false

exports.ecmaIdentifiers = {
	Array              : false,

Boolean : false,

#AngularJS Application List Here is a list of some Angular Free Application / snippets to help you out with your projects

angular git://
angular-mocks git://
angular-resource git://
angular-scenario git://
angular-cookies git://
angular-sanitize git://

angular-bootstrap git://

#CSS List normalize-css git:// bootstrap.css git:// require-css git:// animate.css git:// bootstrap-css git:// normalize-scss git:// select2-bootstrap-css git:// css_browser_selector git:// normalize.scss git://

#jQuery Application / Snippet List Here is a list of some jQuery Free Application/snippets to help you out with your projects

jquery git://
jquery-ui git://
jquery.cookie git://
jquery-placeholder git://
jquery-file-upload git://
jasmine-jquery git://

jquery.ui git://

PhoneGap Application List

angular-phonegap-ready git://
phonegap git://
angular-phonegap-accelerometer git://
angular-phonegap git://
angular-phonegap-geolocation git://
angular-phonegap-notification git://
phonegap-desktop git://

phonegap.shim git://

baki250 / gist:5590680
Last active December 13, 2019 04:12 — forked from hightemp/gist:2387916

Magento Snippets

Download extension manually using pear/mage

Pear for 1.4, mage for 1.5. File downloaded into /downloader/.cache/community/

./pear download magento-community/Shipping_Agent
./mage download community Shipping_Agent

Clear cache/reindex