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Last active August 17, 2017 19:34
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Deployment API backed by helm charts and tiller
// API for a deployment service.
// It's easier for me to express an API as protobuf/service
// definitions. grpc-gateway would be used, so HTTP/1.1 and
// json would work. A simple browser API could be provided.
// This API is meant for users - both systems and humans -
// to easily deploy images.
// The envisioned flow is that the build system would push
// images to a registry and notify this service using CreateImage.
// Another step in the pipeline would then use DeployApplication
// to actual deploy.
// The details of the chart need not be known to the user of this API
// This also allows the user to create applications easily
// by using a pre-selected froup of charts.
package alecton.api;
option go_package = "api";
// Cluster represents a single Kubernetes cluster.
message Cluster {
// Name is the user-freindly name. Deploy targets reference this.
string name = 1;
// Context is the context as defined in a kubeconfig.
string context = 2;
// Image is a single container image.
// Images are immutable.
message Image {
// Name is the user-freindly name. Multiple images with the same
// name are allowed as these would vary on version. Images with
// same name should reference the same application code.
// Applications reference this name.
string name = 1;
// Version is the verion of this image. This is usually the tag.
string version = 2;
// Image is the full registry reference to the image.
string image = 3;
// Target is a deployment target.
message Target {
// Name of the target. As targets are application specific, this
// only needs to be unique in the application.
string name = 1;
// Cluster is the target cluster. This must match a defined cluster.
string cluster = 2;
// Namespace within the cluster.
string namespace = 3;
// Values are the values to be merged for this target.
map <string,string> values = 4;
// Application is a "wrapper" for a Chart, deployment targets,
// and values.
message Application {
// Name must be unique.
string name = 1;
// Chart is the chart to use when deploying this application.
string chart = 2;
// Image is the image for this application.
// On deployment, we set .Values.Image equal to the referenced image.
// This makes the normal use case of single image apps more convenient.
// For multi-image charts, the other images should have sensible defaults
// and use a different .Values field if needed.
string image = 3;
// Deployment targets for this application.
repeated Target targets = 4;
// ListImages and optionally filter.
message ListImagesRequest {
string name = 1;
string version = 2;
message ListImagesResponse {
repeated Image images = 1;
// ListApplications and optionally filter.
message ListApplicationsRequest {
string name = 1;
string chart = 2;
string image = 3;
message ListApplicationsResponse {
repeated Application applications = 1;
// Deploy an application to a cluster.
message DeployRequest {
string application = 1;
string target = 2;
// image version
string version = 3;
message DeployResponse {
// helm release
hapi.release.Release release = 1;
// Rollback to a previous release.
message RollbackRequest {
string application = 1;
string target = 2;
int32 version = 4;
message RollbackResponse {
hapi.release.Release release = 1;
// list releases for an application/target
message ListReleasesRequest {
string application = 1;
string target = 2;
message ListReleasesResponse {
repeated hapi.release.Release releases = 1;
// DeployService provides a simple wrapper for deploying helm charts
// for applications.
service DeployService {
// CreateImage creates an image. It is not possible to overwrite an image.
rpc CreateImage(Image) returns (Image) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/images"
body: "*"
rpc ListImages(ListImagesRequest) returns (ListImagesResponse) {
// query strings are used for fields
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/images"
rpc CreateApplication(Application) returns (Application) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/applications"
body: "*"
// must pass in complete application. there is no merge performed.
rpc UpdateApplication(Application) returns (Application) {
option (google.api.http) = {
put: "/v1/applications"
body: "*"
rpc ListApplications(ListApplicationsRequest) returns (ListApplicationsResponse) {
// query strings are used for fields
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/applications"
// deploy will get the image referenced and perform the equivalent of:
// helm upgrade --install --kube-context=[cluster-context] \
// --namespace=[target-namespace] \
// --reset-values \
// --set=[target-values] \
// [application-name]-[target-name] [application-chart]
rpc DeployApplication(DeployRequest) returns (DeployResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/applications/deploy"
body: "*"
// performs the equivalent of:
// helm rollback --kube-context=[cluster-context] \
// [application-name]-[target-name] [REVISION]
rpc RollbackApplication(DeployRequest) returns (DeployResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/applications/rollback"
body: "*"
// performs the equivalent of:
// helm history --kube-context=[cluster-context] \
// [application-name]-[target-name]
rpc ListReleases(ListReleasesRequest) returns (ListReleasesResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/releases/{application}/{target"
body: "*"
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