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Last active February 26, 2024 05:38
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Demo for Path.point
const p = Path.arc(
[50, 50], // center
40, // radius
180, // angle range
time < 0.25
? {count: Math.ceil(time * 4 * 8 + 1)}
: time < 0.5
? {align: 'uniform', step:, 0.25, 0.5, 90, 12.5)}
: time < 0.75
? {align: 'start', step:, 0.5, 0.75, 120, 45)}
: {align: 'end', step:, 0.75, 1, 120, 45)}
debug(p, 'black', 0.6)
const p =[50, 50], 40)
stroke(p, 'black', 2)
const start = Path.point(p, .75)
const tan = Path.normal(p, .75)
const n = 10
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const unit = (i + time * 4) / n % 1
const end = Path.point(p, unit)
const a = Path.arcFromPointsAndTangent(start, tan, end)
stroke(a, 'black', 1)
const p = Path.line([10, 50], [90, 50])
stroke(p, 'palegreen')
const τ = Math.PI * 2
const width = 40
const amp = 20
const wave = ([x, y]) => {
const phase = (x / width + time) * τ
return [
1, Math.cos(phase) * amp / width * τ,
0, 1,
x, y + Math.sin(phase) * amp
const pd = Path.subdivide(p, 5)
debug(Path.distort(pd, wave), 'black')
const f = t => {
const a = t + 360 * time
const r = 10 + (a / 360 - time) * 15
return [
50 + scalar.cos(a) * r,
50 + scalar.sin(a) * r
const p = Path.formula(
Iter.resample(0, 360 * 5, {step: 45})
stroke(p, 'black', 10)
debug(p, 'white', .5)
const {cos, sin} = scalar
const a = cos(/*0*/time * 360/**/) * 2
const f = t => [
(1 + cos(t) * a) * cos(t),
(1 + cos(t) * a) * sin(t)
const pf = Path.formula(f, Iter.range(0, 360, 45))
const pt = Path.transform(
mat2d.trs([50, 50], 0, 15)
stroke(pt, 'lightpink', 5)
debug(pt, '', .5)
const w = 80
const f = t => {
const phase = (t / w + time / 2) * 360
return [
40 + Math.abs(scalar.sin(phase) * 20)
const p = Path.formula(
Iter.rangeWithOffset(10, 90, 20, time / 2 * -w + 10)
const p = Path.ellipse([50, 50], [40, 30])
const fl = Path.subdivide(p, /*{*/Math.round(Math.abs(scalar.cos(time*180) * 10))/*}*/)
stroke(p, 'tan', 10)
debug(fl, 'black')
let e = Path.cubicBezier(
[10, 10], [10, 95], [50, 5], [90, 60]
e = Path.lineTo(e, [90, 90])
e = Path.arcTo(e, [60, 30], 0, false, true, [20, 60])
debug(e, 'black')
const n = 10
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const t = ((time + i) / n) % 1
const pointAtTime = Path.point(e, {time: t})
dot(pointAtTime, 'palegreen', 5)
const pointAtUnit = Path.point(e, {unit: t})
dot(pointAtUnit, 'royalblue')
const p = Path.ellipse([50, 50], [40, 30])
const fl = Path.flatten(p, * 360), -1, 1, 1, 0) ** 2 * 13 + .1)
stroke(p, 'tan', 10)
debug(fl, 'black')
const polar = (intensity) =>
Distort.fromPointTransformer(p => {
const a = scalar.mix(270, -90, p[0] / 100)
const r = p[1] / 2
const polar = vec2.add([50, 50], vec2.dir(a, r))
return vec2.mix(p, polar, intensity)
const p = Path.merge([
Path.grid( [[10, 10], [90, 90]], [4, 4]), 4),[50, 50], 45)
const disorted = Path.distort(
{unarcAngle: 45}
if (time > .5)
debug(disorted, 'black', .5)
stroke(disorted, 'black', .5)
const c =[70, 70], scalar.lerp(20, 30, scalar.coswave(time)))
stroke(c, 'black', 4)
const s = .01
const xform = mat2d.pivot(
mat2d.trs(null, 0, [s, s]),
[30, 30]
const ci = Path.transform(c, xform)
stroke(ci, 'black', 4)
const n = 4
for (let i = 0; i < n ;i++) {
const t = (i / n + time / 2) % 1
const start = Path.point(ci, t)
const tan = vec2.rotate(vec2.neg(Path.normal(ci, t)),
Math.sin(time * Math.PI * 2) * 90 + 0.1121
const end = Path.point(c, t)
Path.arcFromPointsAndTangent(start, tan, end),
'black', 4)
const twirl = (center, radius, angle) =>
Distort.fromPointTransformer(p => {
const d = vec2.dist(center, p)
const a = scalar.smoothstep(radius, 0, d) * angle
return vec2.rotate(p, a, center)
const p = Path.grid([[10, 10], [90, 90]], [4, 4])
const disorted = Path.distort(
Path.subdiv(p, 10),
twirl([50, 50], 40, scalar.sin(time * 360) * 90)
if (time > .5)
debug(disorted, 'black', .5)
stroke(disorted, 'black', .5)
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